TrainingZONE Insider – Issue 65
Wednesday 6 April 2005
********** THIS WEEK’S TOPICS ***** THIS WEEK’S TOPICS *********
1 Tip of the Week: Course Take Up
2 Coaches Diary: Speaking Their Language
3 How Did I Get Here? Anna Corrie, Ramada Jarvis Hotels
4 Review: Managing Change Across Corporate Cultures
5 Resources: 21 Ways to Improve Appraisals
********** THIS WEEK’S TOPICS ***** THIS WEEK’S TOPICS *********
Editor’s note
Now here’s a thought – compulsory training for all managers. The
suggestion comes from Pearl Whiten this week in response to the
latest Investors in People research, which found that two-thirds
of staff do not see their managers as rolemodels. Bear in mind
an earlier IiP study that found 56% of UK bosses think
substandard management skills are a major contributory factor in
the UK’s productivity gap and Pearl’s suggestion could make good
business sense. As Emma Shelley states: “Companies are unlikely
to employ a totally inexperienced person to manage their
finances, so why do so when managing staff?” Have your say on
the management training debate:
Claire Savage
Editor, TrainingZONE
Want top-class coaching skills?
The HumanTechnics Advanced Certificate in Executive Coaching is
designed to develop world-class coaches.
Trainer’s Tip: Course Take Up
“Is the training good enough? Has it been bought off the shelf,
is there a chance that it’s not fully relevant, inspiring etc?
Is your organisation selling the benefits of the training enough
– to enhance their customer interactions, continuing
professional development, their future etc? If we want buy-in,
then it needs to be sold.” Read more of Tome Greenan’s checklist
for boosting the take up of training courses.
Any Answers Answered
Training on Inbound Sales
Members offer their tried and tested methods of boosting the
motivation levels of sales people.
Team Building Exercises
Hula hoops, minefields and Myers Briggs – if you’ve got a team
building event coming up, don’t miss these suggestions.
Transaction Analysis
Find out how Thomas the Tank Engine can help clarify the
Transactional Analysis roles of parent, adult and child.
The Learning and Skills Council (LSC)launches new website
The Employers’ Guide to Training Providers is a comprehensive
online tool that helps London employers identify and locate
quality, publicly-funded training in their local area.
It is available at:
New questions posted on Any Answers include:
Linda Hunt needs some ideas on what development opportunities to
offer to supervisors.
Dean Wearmouth is writing an e-learning strategy for a financial
services company and would be interested to hear how others have
approached it.
Michelle Roberts needs advice on models to help young
supervisors to identify skill and attitude gaps in their teams.
Got the answer or want to pose a question of your own? Go to:
Choosing a medium for the message, e.learning age, 21 April 2005
What form of delivery is best for your learning message?
Including case studies, expert panel discussions and
presentations from leading e-learning professionals. Register
for this conference at:
Community News
Resources: 21 Ways to Improve Appraisals
Appraisal systems are like cocktail parties: created with the
best of intentions and, when they go well and the people are
sufficiently skilled, they can be hugely successful. But all too
often they fall flat and are seen as an embarrassing bore by the
participants. With this resource, Dick Barton has brought
together a series of useful, practical suggestions on how to
help make the appraisal process as effective as possible.
Browse all of TrainingZONE’s resources at:
Coaches Diary: Speaking Their Language
Coach Olivia Stefanino is confronted with a client who is
failing to communicate with colleagues, but not for want of
Jobs and Opportunities
For all the latest opportunities on TrainingZONE go to:
To view or post a tender go to:
How Did I Get Here? Anna Corrie, Ramada Jarvis Hotels
From Personnel Manager at a stand-alone facility to Learning and
Development Manager for a group of hotels – Anna Corrie charts
her career to date.
Teambuilding through cooking!
The Gourmet Challenge Ltd provides teambuilding programmes
through cooking, delivered in superb kitchen and training
facilities all around the UK. Cooking together in a professional
kitchen provides much opportunity for learning about team
dynamics, and how improvements in effectiveness can be made.
Tell me more…
Review: Managing Change Across Corporate Cultures
Reviewer Sharon Cooper Says: “For students of business, the
subject builds well. For those of us who are veterans of change
culture, it helps explain the theory of the practice we have
New Members
This week TrainingZONE welcomes new members from organisations
including: Office for National Statistics, First Response
Finance, Civil Service Training and Development Institute,
Cancer Research UK, AstraZeneca, Global Home Loans, EDS,
Hampshire County Council, Dixons, BT, Vodaphone, Barclays and
Advertise your event here contact Phil Jones on 0117 9158634 or
email pjones@sift.co.uk
Have you Profiled?
In order to help us tailor the site to your requirements, please
tell us a bit more about yourself and your professional
interests. Filling in the profile form only takes a few minutes
and you will then have full access to many areas that are
available only to profiled users. Go to:
Subscription Information
TrainingZONE publishes a range of regular newswires,
– TrainingZONE Newswire
– The Insider
The TrainingZONE Insider is now available in text or
html. To change the way you receive this newswire or to
subscribe to newswires, select ‘my newswires and alerts’ at:
To unsubscribe to newswires, go to:
Unsubscribing can currently take up to 14 days to process
Copyright (c) 2005 Sift Group Ltd. All rights reserved.
May be reproduced in any medium for non-commercial purposes
as long as attribution is given.
TrainingZONE, 100 Victoria Street, Bristol BS1 6HZ
Tel:+44 (0)117 915 3344 Fax:+44 (0)117 915 9630
https://www.trainingzone.co.uk ISSN 1474-2225
TrainingZONE Insider - Issue 65
Wednesday 6 April 2005
********** THIS WEEK'S TOPICS ***** THIS WEEK'S TOPICS *********
1 Tip of the Week: Course Take Up
2 Coaches Diary: Speaking Their Language
3 How Did I Get Here? Anna Corrie, Ramada Jarvis Hotels
4 Review: Managing Change Across Corporate Cultures
5 Resources: 21 Ways to Improve Appraisals
********** THIS WEEK'S TOPICS ***** THIS WEEK'S TOPICS *********
Editor's note
Now here's a thought - compulsory training for all managers. The
suggestion comes from Pearl Whiten this week in response to the
latest Investors in People research, which found that two-thirds
of staff do not see their managers as rolemodels. Bear in mind
an earlier IiP study that found 56% of UK bosses think
substandard management skills are a major contributory factor in
the UK's productivity gap and Pearl's suggestion could make good
business sense. As Emma Shelley states: "Companies are unlikely
to employ a totally inexperienced person to manage their
finances, so why do so when managing staff?" Have your say on
the management training debate:
Claire Savage
Editor, TrainingZONE
Want top-class coaching skills?
The HumanTechnics Advanced Certificate in Executive Coaching is
designed to develop world-class coaches.
Trainer's Tip: Course Take Up
"Is the training good enough? Has it been bought off the shelf,
is there a chance that it's not fully relevant, inspiring etc?
Is your organisation selling the benefits of the training enough
- to enhance their customer interactions, continuing
professional development, their future etc? If we want buy-in,
then it needs to be sold." Read more of Tome Greenan's checklist
for boosting the take up of training courses.
Any Answers Answered
Training on Inbound Sales
Members offer their tried and tested methods of boosting the
motivation levels of sales people.
Team Building Exercises
Hula hoops, minefields and Myers Briggs - if you've got a team
building event coming up, don't miss these suggestions.
Transaction Analysis
Find out how Thomas the Tank Engine can help clarify the
Transactional Analysis roles of parent, adult and child.
The Learning and Skills Council (LSC)launches new website
The Employers' Guide to Training Providers is a comprehensive
online tool that helps London employers identify and locate
quality, publicly-funded training in their local area.
It is available at:
New questions posted on Any Answers include:
Linda Hunt needs some ideas on what development opportunities to
offer to supervisors.
Dean Wearmouth is writing an e-learning strategy for a financial
services company and would be interested to hear how others have
approached it.
Michelle Roberts needs advice on models to help young
supervisors to identify skill and attitude gaps in their teams.
Got the answer or want to pose a question of your own? Go to:
Choosing a medium for the message, e.learning age, 21 April 2005
What form of delivery is best for your learning message?
Including case studies, expert panel discussions and
presentations from leading e-learning professionals. Register
for this conference at:
Community News
Resources: 21 Ways to Improve Appraisals
Appraisal systems are like cocktail parties: created with the
best of intentions and, when they go well and the people are
sufficiently skilled, they can be hugely successful. But all too
often they fall flat and are seen as an embarrassing bore by the
participants. With this resource, Dick Barton has brought
together a series of useful, practical suggestions on how to
help make the appraisal process as effective as possible.
Browse all of TrainingZONE's resources at:
Coaches Diary: Speaking Their Language
Coach Olivia Stefanino is confronted with a client who is
failing to communicate with colleagues, but not for want of
Jobs and Opportunities
For all the latest opportunities on TrainingZONE go to:
To view or post a tender go to:
How Did I Get Here? Anna Corrie, Ramada Jarvis Hotels
From Personnel Manager at a stand-alone facility to Learning and
Development Manager for a group of hotels - Anna Corrie charts
her career to date.
Teambuilding through cooking!
The Gourmet Challenge Ltd provides teambuilding programmes
through cooking, delivered in superb kitchen and training
facilities all around the UK. Cooking together in a professional
kitchen provides much opportunity for learning about team
dynamics, and how improvements in effectiveness can be made.
Tell me more...
Review: Managing Change Across Corporate Cultures
Reviewer Sharon Cooper Says: "For students of business, the
subject builds well. For those of us who are veterans of change
culture, it helps explain the theory of the practice we have
New Members
This week TrainingZONE welcomes new members from organisations
including: Office for National Statistics, First Response
Finance, Civil Service Training and Development Institute,
Cancer Research UK, AstraZeneca, Global Home Loans, EDS,
Hampshire County Council, Dixons, BT, Vodaphone, Barclays and
Advertise your event here contact Phil Jones on 0117 9158634 or
email pjones@sift.co.uk
Have you Profiled?
In order to help us tailor the site to your requirements, please
tell us a bit more about yourself and your professional
interests. Filling in the profile form only takes a few minutes
and you will then have full access to many areas that are
available only to profiled users. Go to:
Subscription Information
TrainingZONE publishes a range of regular newswires,
- TrainingZONE Newswire
- The Insider
The TrainingZONE Insider is now available in text or
html. To change the way you receive this newswire or to
subscribe to newswires, select 'my newswires and alerts' at:
To unsubscribe to newswires, go to:
Unsubscribing can currently take up to 14 days to process
Copyright (c) 2005 Sift Group Ltd. All rights reserved.
May be reproduced in any medium for non-commercial purposes
as long as attribution is given.
TrainingZONE, 100 Victoria Street, Bristol BS1 6HZ
Tel:+44 (0)117 915 3344 Fax:+44 (0)117 915 9630
https://www.trainingzone.co.uk ISSN 1474-2225