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TrainingZONE Insider #68 – What makes a great L&D leader?


TrainingZONE Insider - Issue 68
Wednesday 27 April 2005

********** THIS WEEK'S TOPICS ***** THIS WEEK'S TOPICS ******
1 Tip of the Week: Performance Targets That Motivate
2 Trainer's Diary: Role Plays and Video Tape
3 Keep the Learning Alive
4 Win Tickets for Anthony Robbins' latest event
5 Resources: Team Development Tools
********** THIS WEEK'S TOPICS ***** THIS WEEK'S TOPICS ******

Editor's note
There have been some fascinating responses to my question about
what makes a great learning and development leader. The ability
to step into the shoes of the learner, in depth knowledge of the
discipline of learning and development and a healthy dose of
political/ business acumen are some of the suggestions so far.
Find out how you measure up to members' ideals or add your own
thoughts on what makes a great L&D leader at:

It's also your last chance to take part in our draw for free
tickets to life coach Anthony Robbins latest docklands event. To
enter the draw, simply recommend a friend to TrainingZONE by
clicking on the link below:

Claire Savage
Editor, TrainingZONE

Coaching Skills with Impact!!!
The HumanTechnics Advanced Certificate in Executive Coaching is
designed to develop world-class coaches.
A highly practical course based on NLP developing skills and
techniques immediately 'impactful' for the Coach, Coachee and
business/organisation. Tutored by Sarah Frossell, this is for
consultants/organisations serious about their capabilities.
Click here for details

Trainer's Tip: Performance Targets that Motivate
"Setting performance targets can have a negative effect on the
ability of the workers to achieve them. The workforce perceives
performance targets as the management telling them what they
should be doing. Telling people what to do makes them resist
doing what they have been told, for no other reason than they
have been told what to do." Read more of Peter Hunter's advice
on how to set motivational performance targets.

Any Answers Answered
Keeping the Learning alive
Coaching, e-learning and surgeries are among the practical
suggestions on how to make sure that learning is transferred
to the workplace.

Evaluation Techniques
Innovative ideas on how to evaluate training where English is a
second language.

Coaching Qualifications
Members offer the benefit of their experience on becoming a
qualified coach.

ROLF from The Fourth Level
As an internal training manager you're responsible for providing
support to others. But who helps you to develop? And who can you
turn to when there's too much to do? The ROLF programme is
unlike any other 'train the trainer' course.
Click on the link below to learn more...

New questions posted on Any Answers include:

Kerrie Milner asks: 'We are currently trying to build a themed
induction course that will run for 3 weeks. Has anyone got any

Katie Hargreaves' company is expanding to Asia and she would
like some advice on training there.

Susan Broadhurst needs exercises to explain the importance of

Got the answer or want to pose a question of your own? Go to:

Community News
Resources: Team Development Tools
Forty-one pages of practical help and exercises, for team
managers and trainers, to support team building and team
development. Starting with an initial diagnostic activity the
manual includes 12 practical activities.

Browse all documents in the TrainingZONE Library:

Trainer's Diary: Role Plays and Video Tapes
Having exhausted all methods of counselling and gentle coercion,
Byron Kalies explains why he has resorted to a 'like it or lump
it' approach to role plays.

Jobs and Opportunities
For all the latest opportunities on TrainingZONE go to:
To view or post a tender go to:

New Members
This week TrainingZONE welcomes new members from organisations
including: IBM Global Services, Tesco, Tearfund, Bergstrom
Europe Ltd, Yahoo Inc, Tayside Police, North Herts and Stevenage
PCT, The AA, Open University, London Borough of Walham Forest,
Sportscotland, Hilton Hotels, Leger Holidays, fpa, PHS Group.

Advertise your event here contact Phil Jones on 0117 9158634 or

Have you Profiled?
In order to help us tailor the site to your requirements, please
tell us a bit more about yourself and your professional
interests. Filling in the profile form only takes a few minutes
and you will then have full access to many areas that are
available only to profiled users. Go to:

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