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TrainingZONE LearningWIRE # 102 – Learning at Work Day, IPD sickness report, OU support for written word


TrainingZONE LearningWIRE – Issue 102
22 May 2000


1. Learning at Work Day – what will you do?
2. European funding agreed for UK training and employment
3. Open University: written word holds firm as medium for learning
4. IPD: one-third of sickness ‘nothing to do with ill-health’
5. Webwatch: choose your favourite word and organise your diary!


Latest News
Send us news for inclusion at

Learning at Work Day – what will you do?
There’s a national focus on adult learning throughout this week,
as the Campaign for Learning is organising its regular Learning
at Work Day on Thursday 25 May. Our weekly workshop is an
opportunity to talk to staff from the Campaign
( further details).
We know that many people are asked to come up with ideas for
promoting learning in the workplace, so to make it easy
we’ve put together more than a dozen suggestions ranging in time
from 5 minutes to 2 days. You’ll never be lost for a ready
answer again.

IPPR says ILAs may not reach those who most need training
In a recent report for the Institute of Public Policy Research,
Tony Millns argues that Individual Learning Accounts (ILAs) in
their present form are not user-friendly enough for those who
really need to access funding for training.

Several possible solutions are proposed to the system due to be
rolled out, including making the accounts more `active’ by using
them to pay for futher and higher education.

European funding agreed for training and employment in the UK
The European Commission has agreed funding for a 7-year project
aimed at shaking up education, training and employment policies
and systems within the UK. CEDFOP, the European agency that
works with policy-makers across Europe on vocational training
policy, reports that the Community Support Framework to be
finalised in June will receive 6.3bn pounds from a number of
sources, including the British public sector and the European

Sprechen Sie Deutsch? Parlez Francais? If not, why not?
Did you know that there are over 6,000 languages spoken around
the world? As we reported this week, most people in the UK can
only manage to muster one language! It’s timely that next year
has been designated European Year of Languages, a celebration of
languages and language learning involving all 47 countries
associated with the Council of Europe and EU member states.


All you ever wanted to know about NLP but were too afraid to ask!
Read NLP at Work by Sue Knight and find out more on


15,500 professionals receive LearningWire. To reach our

Open University: written word holds firm as medium for learning
Print on paper is likely to remain the most powerful learning
medium, at least for university learning, says Sir John Daniel,
vice-chancellor of the Open University. In discussing the
Internet revolution, Sir John said it was prudent to consider the
consequences of other revolutions in the past – they usually
leave blood on the floor. Speaking from a university
perspective, Sir John argued that using technology for learning
doesn’t take into account the complexities of higher education

IPD: one-third of sickness `nothing to do with ill-health’
The latest IPD survey reports that just over a third of all
sickness absence, amounting to over 3 days per employee per year
at a cost of over 4bn pounds, has nothing to do with genuine ill

Learning at work workshop
A special guest workshop with practical ideas for promoting
learning at work just in time for Learning at Work Day!
Toby Greany, policy and information director for the Campaign for
Learning, will be on-line to discuss Learning at Work Day on
Tuesday at 13:00 BST.
Have your questions ready and log on entirely free of charge at


* * * * * * * * * * * SHOOTING STARS * * * * * * * * * * * ******
Learning Track Ltd require a trainer to advise and assess NVQ’s
in management and customer service. Based South Yorkshire,
salary negotiable.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** * * * ** * * * ** * *

Other TrainingZONE tips for the top this week can be found at:

JOB VACANCY: Employee Development Officer for our Social Services
(SS) training team in Bath. To co-ordinate and lead the Post
Qualifying Training across Adult and Children Services. Must
have T&D Qualifications at graduate level, experience in SS,
Health or Social Care. Want a challenge? Think you’re up to it?
Call (01225) 477995 for info pack. Salary up to 23,258 GBP.

New international study – how to retain top knowledge workers
The Internet and the new knowledge economy have created further
pressures on companies to retain top talent – but companies are
finding ways to forge new psychological contracts between
employee and employer, according to a global study.

Any Answers?
If there’s something you need to know, why not take advantage of
the combined knowledge of 13,000 TrainingZONE subscribers?

* Question of the Week *:
Looking for advice on contacts
I am thinking of moving into the freelance world and was
wondering if anyone could give me advice on companies who would
hold my details, a sort of middle man as it were. I specialise
in teambuilds, change management and middle management competency
development, both delivery and design.
Any help would be of a great use.
Alan Grantham

A selection of other questions:
– Interpersonal skills for management – course details wanted
– Exercise wanted for team leader development programme
– Looking for management training course with training module

To respond to the questioner, visit reply using the
Comments facility.

After our recent overhaul, which gives you the ability to choose
what you want from a menu of our services, TrainingZONE is
offering prizes for members who use the new Profile facility.
Members updating their details on the site will be entered into a
prize draw that includes a pair of plane tickets to New York,
new Compaq Palmtop/PDAs, shirts from Thomas Pink and free copies
of Harden’s Restaurant Guides. Get profiling now!

ACCA, the largest international accountancy body, has launched a
new on-line training service providing high-quality, enjoyable
and cost-effective CPD courses. is now offering
courses in world accounting, business strategy and management
development, each developed by acknowledged experts and designed
for both qualified accountants and other business professionals.

Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious? Antidisestablishmentarianism?
Here’s a couple of possible (but rather wordy) contenders for the
accolade of the Nation’s Favourite Word. The London Festival of
Literature’s Trustee of the Word, Bob Geldof, is keen to find out
what your favourite word in the English language is and why. You
can vote by e-mailing Mr Geldof at

We’ve trawled the web again to find some tasty morsels for you

‘The art of getting things done’
In the June edition of Fast Company magazine, USA-based adviser
and coach Larry Smith advises on ‘the art of getting things

Free Pint’s ‘Idiot’s Guide to UK Employment Law sites’
Free Pint is a website and fortnightly e-zine bringing its
subscribers a regular flow of information and ideas about making
better use of the Internet. The 11 May issue of their newswire
contains an interesting and helpful article and links on finding
UK employment law information on the Internet. evaluates on-line learning
————————————- aims to evaluate the mass of on-line training courses
out there. It’s a USA-based site, which needs to be borne in mind
(for example, costs for software are given in dollars). They’ve
reviewed courses from the likes of SkillSoft, Maxim training
ElementK and NetG.
Never again forget a birthday, or lose your diary. Diarymanager
is a free on-line diary to help you keep track of your busy
lifestyle. It can even send reminders to your mobile phone.

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
+ Add real value to your web site – +
+ include our free news headlines on your +
+ page instantly updated through the day +
+ – makes your web site fresh and lively +
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +


How to add, delete or change your mailing
To receive LearningWire free each week, register your name at

To stop LearningWire, or to change your email address, go to click on My Services

Alternatively, and put
UNSUBSCRIBE LEARNINGWIRE in the body of the email. (To succeed,
make sure your e-mail address shown in the Header is the same as
the one to which LearningWire is sent.)

Copyright (c) 2000 Sift Group plc. All rights reserved.
May be reproduced in any medium for non-commercial purposes as
long as attribution is given.

TrainingZONE, 100 Victoria Street, Bristol BS1 6HZ
Tel:+44 (0)117 915 9600 Fax:+44 (0)117 915 9630


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Home | News | Links | Databases | MicroSites | ToolKit | Discussion | PressZONE | Reviews | WebWatch | Chat | Poll | Any Answers | Tenders | HR Web | LearningWIRE | Search | Login | Logout | Register | Help
Comments or Technical Problems – email
Copyright © 2000 Sift plc. All rights reserved.

TrainingZONE LearningWIRE - Issue 102
22 May 2000


1. Learning at Work Day - what will you do?
2. European funding agreed for UK training and employment
3. Open University: written word holds firm as medium for learning
4. IPD: one-third of sickness 'nothing to do with ill-health'
5. Webwatch: choose your favourite word and organise your diary!


Latest News
Send us news for inclusion at

Learning at Work Day - what will you do?
There's a national focus on adult learning throughout this week,
as the Campaign for Learning is organising its regular Learning
at Work Day on Thursday 25 May. Our weekly workshop is an
opportunity to talk to staff from the Campaign
( further details).
We know that many people are asked to come up with ideas for
promoting learning in the workplace, so to make it easy
we've put together more than a dozen suggestions ranging in time
from 5 minutes to 2 days. You'll never be lost for a ready
answer again.

IPPR says ILAs may not reach those who most need training
In a recent report for the Institute of Public Policy Research,
Tony Millns argues that Individual Learning Accounts (ILAs) in
their present form are not user-friendly enough for those who
really need to access funding for training.

Several possible solutions are proposed to the system due to be
rolled out, including making the accounts more `active' by using
them to pay for futher and higher education.

European funding agreed for training and employment in the UK
The European Commission has agreed funding for a 7-year project
aimed at shaking up education, training and employment policies
and systems within the UK. CEDFOP, the European agency that
works with policy-makers across Europe on vocational training
policy, reports that the Community Support Framework to be
finalised in June will receive 6.3bn pounds from a number of
sources, including the British public sector and the European

Sprechen Sie Deutsch? Parlez Francais? If not, why not?
Did you know that there are over 6,000 languages spoken around
the world? As we reported this week, most people in the UK can
only manage to muster one language! It's timely that next year
has been designated European Year of Languages, a celebration of
languages and language learning involving all 47 countries
associated with the Council of Europe and EU member states.


All you ever wanted to know about NLP but were too afraid to ask!
Read NLP at Work by Sue Knight and find out more on


15,500 professionals receive LearningWire. To reach our

Open University: written word holds firm as medium for learning
Print on paper is likely to remain the most powerful learning
medium, at least for university learning, says Sir John Daniel,
vice-chancellor of the Open University. In discussing the
Internet revolution, Sir John said it was prudent to consider the
consequences of other revolutions in the past - they usually
leave blood on the floor. Speaking from a university
perspective, Sir John argued that using technology for learning
doesn't take into account the complexities of higher education

IPD: one-third of sickness `nothing to do with ill-health'
The latest IPD survey reports that just over a third of all
sickness absence, amounting to over 3 days per employee per year
at a cost of over 4bn pounds, has nothing to do with genuine ill

Learning at work workshop
A special guest workshop with practical ideas for promoting
learning at work just in time for Learning at Work Day!
Toby Greany, policy and information director for the Campaign for
Learning, will be on-line to discuss Learning at Work Day on
Tuesday at 13:00 BST.
Have your questions ready and log on entirely free of charge at


* * * * * * * * * * * SHOOTING STARS * * * * * * * * * * * ******
Learning Track Ltd require a trainer to advise and assess NVQ's
in management and customer service. Based South Yorkshire,
salary negotiable.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** * * * ** * * * ** * *

Other TrainingZONE tips for the top this week can be found at:

JOB VACANCY: Employee Development Officer for our Social Services
(SS) training team in Bath. To co-ordinate and lead the Post
Qualifying Training across Adult and Children Services. Must
have T&D Qualifications at graduate level, experience in SS,
Health or Social Care. Want a challenge? Think you're up to it?
Call (01225) 477995 for info pack. Salary up to 23,258 GBP.

New international study - how to retain top knowledge workers
The Internet and the new knowledge economy have created further
pressures on companies to retain top talent - but companies are
finding ways to forge new psychological contracts between
employee and employer, according to a global study.

Any Answers?
If there's something you need to know, why not take advantage of
the combined knowledge of 13,000 TrainingZONE subscribers?

* Question of the Week *:
Looking for advice on contacts
I am thinking of moving into the freelance world and was
wondering if anyone could give me advice on companies who would
hold my details, a sort of middle man as it were. I specialise
in teambuilds, change management and middle management competency
development, both delivery and design.
Any help would be of a great use.
Alan Grantham

A selection of other questions:
- Interpersonal skills for management - course details wanted
- Exercise wanted for team leader development programme
- Looking for management training course with training module

To respond to the questioner, visit reply using the
Comments facility.

After our recent overhaul, which gives you the ability to choose
what you want from a menu of our services, TrainingZONE is
offering prizes for members who use the new Profile facility.
Members updating their details on the site will be entered into a
prize draw that includes a pair of plane tickets to New York,
new Compaq Palmtop/PDAs, shirts from Thomas Pink and free copies
of Harden's Restaurant Guides. Get profiling now!

ACCA, the largest international accountancy body, has launched a
new on-line training service providing high-quality, enjoyable
and cost-effective CPD courses. is now offering
courses in world accounting, business strategy and management
development, each developed by acknowledged experts and designed
for both qualified accountants and other business professionals.

Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious? Antidisestablishmentarianism?
Here's a couple of possible (but rather wordy) contenders for the
accolade of the Nation's Favourite Word. The London Festival of
Literature's Trustee of the Word, Bob Geldof, is keen to find out
what your favourite word in the English language is and why. You
can vote by e-mailing Mr Geldof at

We've trawled the web again to find some tasty morsels for you

'The art of getting things done'
In the June edition of Fast Company magazine, USA-based adviser
and coach Larry Smith advises on 'the art of getting things

Free Pint's 'Idiot's Guide to UK Employment Law sites'
Free Pint is a website and fortnightly e-zine bringing its
subscribers a regular flow of information and ideas about making
better use of the Internet. The 11 May issue of their newswire
contains an interesting and helpful article and links on finding
UK employment law information on the Internet. evaluates on-line learning
------------------------------------- aims to evaluate the mass of on-line training courses
out there. It's a USA-based site, which needs to be borne in mind
(for example, costs for software are given in dollars). They've
reviewed courses from the likes of SkillSoft, Maxim training
ElementK and NetG.
Never again forget a birthday, or lose your diary. Diarymanager
is a free on-line diary to help you keep track of your busy
lifestyle. It can even send reminders to your mobile phone.

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
+ Add real value to your web site - +
+ include our free news headlines on your +
+ page instantly updated through the day +
+ - makes your web site fresh and lively +
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +


How to add, delete or change your mailing
To receive LearningWire free each week, register your name at

To stop LearningWire, or to change your email address, go to click on My Services

Alternatively, and put
UNSUBSCRIBE LEARNINGWIRE in the body of the email. (To succeed,
make sure your e-mail address shown in the Header is the same as
the one to which LearningWire is sent.)

Copyright (c) 2000 Sift Group plc. All rights reserved.
May be reproduced in any medium for non-commercial purposes as
long as attribution is given.

TrainingZONE, 100 Victoria Street, Bristol BS1 6HZ
Tel:+44 (0)117 915 9600 Fax:+44 (0)117 915 9630


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