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TrainingZONE LearningWIRE # 103 – Talent Foundation interview, vocational degree has flaws,win a weekend for two!


TrainingZONE LearningWIRE – Issue 103
29 May 2000


1. Dr Javier Bajer from the Talent Foundation talks to TrainingZONE
2. DfEE plans for transition between old and new IIP standard
3. Are you working in a positive learning climate?
4. Government’s vocational degree has flaws, says CBI
5. Win weekend for two at luxurious conference venue!


Latest News
Send us news for inclusion at

Interview feature: Dr Javier Bajer from the Talent Foundation
The Talent Foundation was launched in March to promote the
development of talent in the world of work. Dr Bajer, a
former senior executive at Andersen Consulting, describes the
work the foundation has been doing on ‘priming to learn’ and
provides some food for thought on the government’s learning
initiatives. Read the full transcript at

Room 101 – the horrible truth!
Our feature on what trainers would consign to oblivion in Room
101 timed to coincide with our 101st issue of LearningWire has
received so much comment we thought it would be an informative
exercise to summarise the results. Before reading on, anyone
responsible for training venues should beware!

Training company accused of fraud
Underhill Training Ltd, who provide a range of NVQ training
programmes to TECs and colleges, are under investigation
following allegations that some of the claims for payment which
the company has submitted were fraudulent. The company’s clients
include Thames Valley Enterprise, Focus, Bracknell and Wokingham
College, and Uxbridge College, as well several private companies.

ACCA, the largest international accountancy body, has launched a
new on-line training service providing high-quality, enjoyable
and cost-effective CPD courses. is now offering
courses in world accounting, business strategy and management
development, each developed by acknowledged experts and designed
for both qualified accountants and other business professionals.

15,700 professionals receive LearningWire. To reach our

DfEE plans for transition between old and new IIP standard
The Department for Education and Employment (DfEE) has set out
its plans for the transition between the old and new Investors in
People (IIP) standard. As TrainingZONE reported in April, the new
standard has been launched and will replace the existing one
after a transition period of nine months. Until 31 December of
this year, organisations can continue to be assessed against the
current Standard.

Your chance to win a weekend for two!
Through a partnership with Modern Management, the journal of the
Institute of Supervision and Management, we’re able to bring you
this feature column, complete with a chance to win a luxury
weekend for two in London. You can read about ‘Scroungers’
trials and tribulations in the ‘big smoke’ at:

Government’s vocational degree has flaws, says CBI
CBI members have expressed concern about the details of the new
Foundation Degrees being proposed by the government. Results
from a survey of 253 CBI members show that although there
is strong support for making higher education more relevant to
the workplace by introducing a vocational foundation degree, CBI
members are concerned that the details of the scheme have not
been properly thought out by the government.

Facilitation and Consultancy Skills Training.
We specialise in training people in these key skills. ELEMENTS
has been running in-house programmes for 10 years. An amazing
client list is available. We offer participants lots of practice,
feedback and applied theory. We build personal and professional
skills and confidence.

TrainingZONE workshop: Releasing and Emotional Intelligence
Releasing is about letting go of emotions and links closely to
developments in emotional intelligence. Tuesday’s on-line workshop
explores one aspect of the increasingly important emotional
intelligence at work and is run by staff from The Success Group.
TrainingZONE on-line workshops are a great opportunity to submit
questions, ask for advice or share your thoughts with other
training professionals. Join us on Tuesday 30 May from 13.00-
13.45 BST at:


* * * * * * * * * * * SHOOTING STARS * * * * * * * * * * * ******
Learning Track Ltd require a trainer to advise and assess NVQ’s
in management and customer service. Based South Yorkshire,
salary negotiable.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** * * * ** * * * ** * *

The CareerZone at TrainingZONE is building steadily into a top
quality directory of high calibre training and HRD vacancies.
Check CareerZone out at:

Wanted: online training tools
As we redevelop the Toolkit library of resource materials for
immediate use by Training and HR professionals, we’re on the look
out for online ‘tools’ which we can offer for you to run straight
off the site. Tools that carry out training needs analysis,
collate feedback, structure a survey, offer 360 degree feedback,
generate forms and templates, etc. If you’ve created such tools
or know where to find them and would like to have them
published for wider use, see

Special offer 25 percent off Linguaphone language courses.
Linguaphone is a world leader in self-study language courses,
and is the essential language training solution for today’s
multilingual market place. Over 30 languages on audio, visual
and CD-Rom formats. For info or to order, call 02083334870, visit
http://www.linguaphone.comor mailto:,
quoting BU2009 for your discount.


Book and product reviews
TrainingZONE regularly reviews the latest books, resource
materials, software and equipment. Here is a selection of the
most recent reviews:

‘The Equal Opportunities Handbook’ by Phil Clements and Tony
Spinks, published by Kogan Page and now in its third edition
receives another enthusiastic review from Leslie Rae

‘Self Managed Learning in Action’ edited by Ian Cummingham and
team, and published by Gower, tackles an issue of growing
importance in a practical way. It’s reviewed by Chris Green.

‘Complete Feedback Skills Training Book’ by Sue Bishop is well
received by our reviewers as it offers a wealth of ideas for ways
in which feedback can be generated accurately and enthusiastically.

Finally, ‘58.5 Ways to Improvise in Training’ by Paul Jackson ‘does
what it says on the tin’. Actually, it’s ‘fifty-eight and a half’
but we can’t type it that way. Here are some brilliant ideas for
trainers who like to be responsive and creative on their feet.

If you’d like to read any of these reviews, or if you’d like to
have your products and publications reviewed, please check all
the details at

How to design an e-learning classroom
Advice on how to design a good e-learning classroom is available
in this month’s issue of Inside Technology Training.

Any Answers?
If there’s something you need to know, why not take advantage of
the combined knowledge of 15,000 TrainingZONE subscribers?

* Question of the Week *:
How to ensure delegates action follow-up plans after training?
We run a three stage Management Development Programme, with
approximately 18 month gaps between each stage. After each
stage, delegates agree personal action plans, which should be
reviewed with their line managers. I’m looking for suggestions
from other training departments on how they monitor and ensure
that this type of follow up actually happens.
Pamela Sneddon

A selection of other questions:
– Any ideas about training evaluation methods?
– Help with discussion on hospitality industry for Arab nationals
– Information wanted on greenbox technique to help managers to
think more creatively

To respond to the questioner, visit reply using the
Comments facility.

After our recent overhaul, which gives you the ability to choose
what you want from a menu of our services, TrainingZONE is
offering prizes for members who use the new Profile facility.
Members updating their details on the site will be entered into a
prize draw that includes a pair of plane tickets to New York,
new Compaq Palmtop/PDAs, shirts from Thomas Pink and free copies
of Harden’s Restaurant Guides. Get profiling now!

***************************************************************** leading online office supplier
for SMEs:
* Lowest prices in the UK (20-80 percent savings)
* No hassle returns
* No hidden costs and free next day delivery (min. 30 GBP)
* Instant Credit Application Online
Use registration code TRAINING for 15 percent off on 1st order.

We’ve trawled the web again to find some tasty morsels for you

LearnDirect relaunches website
Learndirect have relaunched their website with a fun, user-
friendly look. On entering the site you’re greeted by cartoon
characters, who pop up with dialogue boxes every now and then to
help you along. The homepage offers you the option of looking
for a course, finding support to undertake training or getting
some careers advice.

Are you working in a positive learning climate?
The Campaign for Learning is keen to find out how many people are
working in an environment where learning is actively supported
and encouraged. The Learning Climate Quiz, which has been
developed to highlight the importance of culture and environment
in encouraging learning. So far, 400 respondents have completed
the quiz – you can check the results at
You can find out whether your organisation has a good learning
climate at

The Marchmont Project – research for the learning age
Marchmont is a UK-wide project commissioned under the ADAPT
programme. It aims to explore best practice and sharing lessons
with regard to lifelong learning. Part of the project and the
accompanying website is a database of good practice examples.

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
+ Add real value to your web site – +
+ include our free news headlines on your +
+ page instantly updated through the day +
+ – makes your web site fresh and lively +
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +


How to add, delete or change your mailing
To receive LearningWire free each week, register your name at

To stop LearningWire, or to change your email address, go to click on My Services

Alternatively, and put
UNSUBSCRIBE LEARNINGWIRE in the body of the email. (To succeed,
make sure your e-mail address shown in the Header is the same as
the one to which LearningWire is sent.)

Copyright (c) 2000 Sift Group plc. All rights reserved.
May be reproduced in any medium for non-commercial purposes as
long as attribution is given.

TrainingZONE, 100 Victoria Street, Bristol BS1 6HZ
Tel:+44 (0)117 915 9600 Fax:+44 (0)117 915 9630

TrainingZONE LearningWIRE - Issue 103
29 May 2000


1. Dr Javier Bajer from the Talent Foundation talks to TrainingZONE
2. DfEE plans for transition between old and new IIP standard
3. Are you working in a positive learning climate?
4. Government's vocational degree has flaws, says CBI
5. Win weekend for two at luxurious conference venue!


Latest News
Send us news for inclusion at

Interview feature: Dr Javier Bajer from the Talent Foundation
The Talent Foundation was launched in March to promote the
development of talent in the world of work. Dr Bajer, a
former senior executive at Andersen Consulting, describes the
work the foundation has been doing on 'priming to learn' and
provides some food for thought on the government's learning
initiatives. Read the full transcript at

Room 101 - the horrible truth!
Our feature on what trainers would consign to oblivion in Room
101 timed to coincide with our 101st issue of LearningWire has
received so much comment we thought it would be an informative
exercise to summarise the results. Before reading on, anyone
responsible for training venues should beware!

Training company accused of fraud
Underhill Training Ltd, who provide a range of NVQ training
programmes to TECs and colleges, are under investigation
following allegations that some of the claims for payment which
the company has submitted were fraudulent. The company's clients
include Thames Valley Enterprise, Focus, Bracknell and Wokingham
College, and Uxbridge College, as well several private companies.

ACCA, the largest international accountancy body, has launched a
new on-line training service providing high-quality, enjoyable
and cost-effective CPD courses. is now offering
courses in world accounting, business strategy and management
development, each developed by acknowledged experts and designed
for both qualified accountants and other business professionals.

15,700 professionals receive LearningWire. To reach our

DfEE plans for transition between old and new IIP standard
The Department for Education and Employment (DfEE) has set out
its plans for the transition between the old and new Investors in
People (IIP) standard. As TrainingZONE reported in April, the new
standard has been launched and will replace the existing one
after a transition period of nine months. Until 31 December of
this year, organisations can continue to be assessed against the
current Standard.

Your chance to win a weekend for two!
Through a partnership with Modern Management, the journal of the
Institute of Supervision and Management, we're able to bring you
this feature column, complete with a chance to win a luxury
weekend for two in London. You can read about 'Scroungers'
trials and tribulations in the 'big smoke' at:

Government's vocational degree has flaws, says CBI
CBI members have expressed concern about the details of the new
Foundation Degrees being proposed by the government. Results
from a survey of 253 CBI members show that although there
is strong support for making higher education more relevant to
the workplace by introducing a vocational foundation degree, CBI
members are concerned that the details of the scheme have not
been properly thought out by the government.

Facilitation and Consultancy Skills Training.
We specialise in training people in these key skills. ELEMENTS
has been running in-house programmes for 10 years. An amazing
client list is available. We offer participants lots of practice,
feedback and applied theory. We build personal and professional
skills and confidence.

TrainingZONE workshop: Releasing and Emotional Intelligence
Releasing is about letting go of emotions and links closely to
developments in emotional intelligence. Tuesday's on-line workshop
explores one aspect of the increasingly important emotional
intelligence at work and is run by staff from The Success Group.
TrainingZONE on-line workshops are a great opportunity to submit
questions, ask for advice or share your thoughts with other
training professionals. Join us on Tuesday 30 May from 13.00-
13.45 BST at:


* * * * * * * * * * * SHOOTING STARS * * * * * * * * * * * ******
Learning Track Ltd require a trainer to advise and assess NVQ's
in management and customer service. Based South Yorkshire,
salary negotiable.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** * * * ** * * * ** * *

The CareerZone at TrainingZONE is building steadily into a top
quality directory of high calibre training and HRD vacancies.
Check CareerZone out at:

Wanted: online training tools
As we redevelop the Toolkit library of resource materials for
immediate use by Training and HR professionals, we're on the look
out for online 'tools' which we can offer for you to run straight
off the site. Tools that carry out training needs analysis,
collate feedback, structure a survey, offer 360 degree feedback,
generate forms and templates, etc. If you've created such tools
or know where to find them and would like to have them
published for wider use, see

Special offer 25 percent off Linguaphone language courses.
Linguaphone is a world leader in self-study language courses,
and is the essential language training solution for today's
multilingual market place. Over 30 languages on audio, visual
and CD-Rom formats. For info or to order, call 02083334870, visit
http://www.linguaphone.comor mailto:,
quoting BU2009 for your discount.


Book and product reviews
TrainingZONE regularly reviews the latest books, resource
materials, software and equipment. Here is a selection of the
most recent reviews:

'The Equal Opportunities Handbook' by Phil Clements and Tony
Spinks, published by Kogan Page and now in its third edition
receives another enthusiastic review from Leslie Rae

'Self Managed Learning in Action' edited by Ian Cummingham and
team, and published by Gower, tackles an issue of growing
importance in a practical way. It's reviewed by Chris Green.

'Complete Feedback Skills Training Book' by Sue Bishop is well
received by our reviewers as it offers a wealth of ideas for ways
in which feedback can be generated accurately and enthusiastically.

Finally, '58.5 Ways to Improvise in Training' by Paul Jackson 'does
what it says on the tin'. Actually, it's 'fifty-eight and a half'
but we can't type it that way. Here are some brilliant ideas for
trainers who like to be responsive and creative on their feet.

If you'd like to read any of these reviews, or if you'd like to
have your products and publications reviewed, please check all
the details at

How to design an e-learning classroom
Advice on how to design a good e-learning classroom is available
in this month's issue of Inside Technology Training.

Any Answers?
If there's something you need to know, why not take advantage of
the combined knowledge of 15,000 TrainingZONE subscribers?

* Question of the Week *:
How to ensure delegates action follow-up plans after training?
We run a three stage Management Development Programme, with
approximately 18 month gaps between each stage. After each
stage, delegates agree personal action plans, which should be
reviewed with their line managers. I'm looking for suggestions
from other training departments on how they monitor and ensure
that this type of follow up actually happens.
Pamela Sneddon

A selection of other questions:
- Any ideas about training evaluation methods?
- Help with discussion on hospitality industry for Arab nationals
- Information wanted on greenbox technique to help managers to
think more creatively

To respond to the questioner, visit reply using the
Comments facility.

After our recent overhaul, which gives you the ability to choose
what you want from a menu of our services, TrainingZONE is
offering prizes for members who use the new Profile facility.
Members updating their details on the site will be entered into a
prize draw that includes a pair of plane tickets to New York,
new Compaq Palmtop/PDAs, shirts from Thomas Pink and free copies
of Harden's Restaurant Guides. Get profiling now!

***************************************************************** leading online office supplier
for SMEs:
* Lowest prices in the UK (20-80 percent savings)
* No hassle returns
* No hidden costs and free next day delivery (min. 30 GBP)
* Instant Credit Application Online
Use registration code TRAINING for 15 percent off on 1st order.

We've trawled the web again to find some tasty morsels for you

LearnDirect relaunches website
Learndirect have relaunched their website with a fun, user-
friendly look. On entering the site you're greeted by cartoon
characters, who pop up with dialogue boxes every now and then to
help you along. The homepage offers you the option of looking
for a course, finding support to undertake training or getting
some careers advice.

Are you working in a positive learning climate?
The Campaign for Learning is keen to find out how many people are
working in an environment where learning is actively supported
and encouraged. The Learning Climate Quiz, which has been
developed to highlight the importance of culture and environment
in encouraging learning. So far, 400 respondents have completed
the quiz - you can check the results at
You can find out whether your organisation has a good learning
climate at

The Marchmont Project - research for the learning age
Marchmont is a UK-wide project commissioned under the ADAPT
programme. It aims to explore best practice and sharing lessons
with regard to lifelong learning. Part of the project and the
accompanying website is a database of good practice examples.

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
+ Add real value to your web site - +
+ include our free news headlines on your +
+ page instantly updated through the day +
+ - makes your web site fresh and lively +
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +


How to add, delete or change your mailing
To receive LearningWire free each week, register your name at

To stop LearningWire, or to change your email address, go to click on My Services

Alternatively, and put
UNSUBSCRIBE LEARNINGWIRE in the body of the email. (To succeed,
make sure your e-mail address shown in the Header is the same as
the one to which LearningWire is sent.)

Copyright (c) 2000 Sift Group plc. All rights reserved.
May be reproduced in any medium for non-commercial purposes as
long as attribution is given.

TrainingZONE, 100 Victoria Street, Bristol BS1 6HZ
Tel:+44 (0)117 915 9600 Fax:+44 (0)117 915 9630