googletag.cmd.push(function() { googletag.display(‘div-gpt-ad-1705321608055-0’); });

TrainingZONE LearningWire #108 – Training Solutions preview, largest training directory online, exclusive Mall offers


TrainingZONE LearningWIRE – Issue 108
3 July 2000


1. 2 million ‘not qualified for job’, says government task force
2. UK’s largest directory of training courses – now online
3. Lifelong learning will determine DfEE’s place in history
4. Exclusive offers in the TrainingZONE mall
5. Training Solutions and IT Training Show – exhibitor feature


Editor’s Note
This week is dominated by the UK’s largest independent training
exhibition – the Training Solutions and IT Training Show – being held
at the NEC, Birmingham. Admission to the main hall showcasing 250
different suppliers is free. This year, there is a major conference
running alongside the show with an exciting-looking programme. In
our experience, this is a lively, up-to-the-minute, and stimulating
event. There will be plenty of cutting-edge training and technology
on display, as well as a host of news announcements (including some
from us!). What will be harder to do is sort out the trusted trends
from the faddish fashions. There is no doubt that technology-led
learning will be high on the agenda, but it’s the companies and
products which can also blend the right level of human support and
interaction into that learning process which will win through in the

We’ll be reporting on both the exhibition and the conference daily in
the pages of TrainingZONE, and carrying our overall assessment in
LearningWire next week. There’s a special guest workshop on Action
Learning running from the show which you can join in online on
Tuesday (see below). If you’re coming to Birmingham, please do drop
by Stand E100 anytime – we’d like to meet you and gauge your views on
what’s hot – and not!

Tim Pickles
Managing Director

Latest News
Send us news for inclusion at

2 million ‘not qualified for job’, says government task force
The latest study from the government’s Skills Task Force finds that
supervisory skills are in such short supply that 2 million people
have been employed without the skills required for the job. The
study finds that supervisors and line managers are lacking the
practical and technical skills to manage properly, which has the
potential to impact heavily on the success of work projects.

IES publishes study into adult learning
The Institute for Employment Studies has published a review into
adult learning in England. The study finds that there is a clear
divide between those who benefit from education and training, and
those who do not, traces the historical reasons for this and notes
the present governments attempts to create a ‘learning society’.

IOD networking programme launched
The Institute of Directors (IOD) has launched a networking programme
for managing directors, chief executives and senior partners to help
them to keep abreast of the latest theory and solutions in business.

Lifelong learning will determine DfEE’s place in history
The success of the Department for Education and Employment will
be measured in terms of how well the current push towards lifelong
learning is implemented, according to a study published this week by
the Institute of Education. The report, entitled ‘Education and
Employment: the DfEE and its Place in History’, marks the fifth
anniversary of the DfEE and is the first study to analyse the
department in detail.

Launching and Managing a CORPORATE UNIVERSITY. Developing a model
to run Training Like a Business and deliver real results in
learning programmes. 19th – 21st September 2000, The Cafe Royal,
London. 3-day conference plus workshops, including case studies
from Motorola, Shell, Siemens, Unisys, AA, Honda, GTE, Barclays,
AstraZeneca & Unipart. More details on http://www.iqpc.comor

17,000 professionals receive LearningWire. To reach our

Special Announcements

UK’s largest directory of training courses – now online
TrainingZONE is delighted to announce that it has appointed THINQ
( to provide the largest directory of
training courses online across its site. THINQ (previously known
as TrainingNet) own the long-established and highly respected UK
National Training Index and also have an online directory of
650,000 events in the US. The service provides full details on each
course, can be searched in various ways, and events are bookable
online; you can also request proposals to match your needs.
The new service launches later this week at

TZ workshop: Action Learning – the way forward
Tuesday’s online workshop is a special guest event on ACTION
LEARNING. Richard Hale of the Action Learning Institute will be
online with other colleagues from the International Management
Centres Association, and TrainingZONE staff will be asking them about
the role of action learning, what makes it work, and how it can be
developed in the workplace. Do come – watch the debate or ask your
own questions. Tuesday, 13:00 BST at

Exclusive offers on training products in our shopping mall
Also relaunching this week is our online shopping environment
specially built for training and HR professionals. 14 retailers are
offering over 600 products, many at below normal retail price:
– Check the Gower shop – 10 percent off all books and manuals
– See the huge selection of games from Chris Elgood
– Learning4Business are offering a great selection of CDROM
learning materials
There are many other great offers available exclusively to
TrainingZONE members – we’ve negotiated 10 percent off virtually
all the products on sale, and don’t forget – free delivery to UK

HR NewsWire
On Thursday, we launch the brand new news pages and briefing
service for professionals working with personnel, employment and
human resource issues. HR Zone has its own editor and its own
newswire with an initial distribution to 10,000 professionals. The
first issue carries a special feature interview with Nick Isles, IPD
External Affairs Director, in the week when the IPD adopts its
Chartered status. What will this mean to members? How will this
affect the profession? Find out by registering for the new HR
NewsWire, whose first issue is sponsored by

Seminar: The Easy Way to Market Courses, Seminars & Consultancy.
A one-day marketing course for trainers and consultants. Learn to
use direct mail, advertising, exhibitions, faxshots, the Internet,
PR, showcases & telemarketing, how to increase responses from direct
mail & produce effective marketing material, how to write a marketing
plan & how to target and position your business. 295 GBP + VAT, 50
pound discount if booked by 30th June, 16 places only. Venues around
the country. Tel: 0870 747 9186

* * * * * * * * * * * SHOOTING STARS * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Client Manager Trainer, to 40,000 GBP, South-East England.

Training Author, to 24,000 GBP, Gloucestershire.

Training Consultant, to 35,000 GBP, London.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** * * * * * * * *
We’ve added some great new opportunities to CareerZone this last week
– 20 new jobs have been added since Thursday! Make sure you don’t
miss out on the one you want by creating an alert profile at

Training Solutions and IT Training Show
TrainingZONE comes to you live this week from the Training Solutions
and IT Show at the NEC, Birmingham. We’ll be posting news from the
event as it happens, hosting an online workshop on the first day and
will be demonstrating some exciting new additions to the site! Do
come and visit us between Tuesday 4th July and Thursday 6th July,
and if you can’t visit in person, you can always do so virtually at the beginning of August.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
* *
* You are invited to the TrainingZone RECEPTION and *
* NETWORKING event at the Training Solutions and *
* IT Training Show *
* *
* Meet other members, staff, suppliers and partners *
* *
* Wednesday 5 July, from 3.30 p.m. Stand E100, Hall 9 *
* *
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

This week, LearningWire features some of the exhibitors
attending the show.

Are you committed to TAP style training? LearnFish, the new e-
learning company launched by Happy Computers, has taken the TAP
principles onto the net. Work on the live software and learn through
questions. Free 3 month trials are on offer for between 12 and 30
people. Find LearnFish at stall J66 at the IT Training Show,, or phone 020 7375
7375. are proud to be associated with the Training Solutions
show. See us at stand S7 in the IT sponsors area and stand G66 in
the online learning area. Choose from over 400 IT and business
courses all delivered online.,THE e-learning
solutions provider.

education delivers custom design and development of dynamic Web-based
education and learning solutions for your competitive advantage
and/or a new revenue channel. Come and see us at Training Solutions,
Stand H61 or visit our website at

With advisors based across the UK, Focus Quality Services helps
companies and organisations achieve continuous improvement in
performance through human resource development. Visit us on stand
B52 at the IT Training Solutions Exhibition to discuss how we can
help your company achieve quality standards.

‘Learning Decay’ – 70 percent of training is lost!
The recent development of training on the Internet and other new
technology could help to reduce the failure of learners to retain
what they have recently been taught, says Frazer Chesterman,
Director of Training Solutions and the IT Training Show.

Team EI Diagnostic – powers up performance in virtual teams
A sharing of talents between the organisational psychologists in
the Centre for Applied Emotional Intelligence and occupational
psychologists, John Cooper Associates, has created a new measure for
team performance. This test measures the extent to which the team
exhibits that all-important human asset, Emotional Intelligence,
predictor of high performance capabilities. You can read about how
virtual teams are finding this measure particularly helpful at


Any answers
TrainingZONE readers are seeking answers to the following:

Samba for team-building or just for fun
I want to offer percussion (specifically samba) workshops to
companies / organisations as part of team-building or other training
events, or even just for staff fun. I would like to hear from anyone
who has had experience of this and who can offer guidance or

Cath Johnstone

Other questions posted to TrainingZONE this week:

– Christine Chapman wants advice on how a primary school teacher can
become a trainer
– David Fowler seeks exercise showing how telephone communication can
– Helen Marshall wants effective and energetic activities for a
leadership development programme

Thanks to Say Keng Lee, Robin T Cox and Keith Washington who replied
to questions on TrainingZONE this week.

If you can answer any of these, or have a question of your own,
just go to use the
Comments feature at the end of each question to relay your
answers direct to the questioner.
Go on, you’ll have done another TrainingZONE member a favour!

You can check out the latest hot links at helps SMEs
———————-, a West Country-based online source of information,
has been developed for the 95 percent of businesses in the UK with
less than 10 people working for them. The site includes an easy-to-
use ‘ten minute check up’ to help businesses identify their training
needs, with pages of advice on issues such as developing key people,
recognising learning styles and Investors in People. The site then
offers an opportunity to purchase relevant books, CDROMs, videos and
audio tapes or to talk to a local business support representative
(this last service is currently only available in the West of

360 degree appraisal online
A new site offers a customised service for compiling and reporting on
360 degree appraisals online.

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
+ Add real value to your web site – +
+ include our free news headlines on your +
+ page instantly updated through the day +
+ – makes your web site fresh and lively +
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +

Subscriber Information
We want everyone to use this free newswire service, so forward or
hand a copy on to colleagues and encourage them to register too!

You can update your TrainingZONE newswire subscriptions by
visiting the site’s Profile page and selecting the “My Services”
link. This offers a menu of newswires, alerts and job profiles to
keep you up to date with the latest professional news and

Alternatively, subscribe by sending a message to:
and in the BODY of the message type: SUBSCRIBE LEARNINGWIRE

To receive LearningWire free each week, register your name at

To remove yourself from this mailing list, visit the Profile page
or In the body of the
message type: UNSUBSCRIBE LEARNINGWIRE. To succeed, make sure
your email address shown in the header is the same as the one to
which LearningWire is sent.

Copyright (c) 2000 Sift Group plc. All rights reserved.
May be reproduced in any medium for non-commercial purposes as
long as attribution is given.

TrainingZONE, 100 Victoria Street, Bristol BS1 6HZ
Tel:+44 (0)117 915 9600 Fax:+44 (0)117 915 9630

TrainingZONE LearningWIRE - Issue 108
3 July 2000


1. 2 million 'not qualified for job', says government task force
2. UK's largest directory of training courses - now online
3. Lifelong learning will determine DfEE's place in history
4. Exclusive offers in the TrainingZONE mall
5. Training Solutions and IT Training Show - exhibitor feature


Editor's Note
This week is dominated by the UK's largest independent training
exhibition - the Training Solutions and IT Training Show - being held
at the NEC, Birmingham. Admission to the main hall showcasing 250
different suppliers is free. This year, there is a major conference
running alongside the show with an exciting-looking programme. In
our experience, this is a lively, up-to-the-minute, and stimulating
event. There will be plenty of cutting-edge training and technology
on display, as well as a host of news announcements (including some
from us!). What will be harder to do is sort out the trusted trends
from the faddish fashions. There is no doubt that technology-led
learning will be high on the agenda, but it's the companies and
products which can also blend the right level of human support and
interaction into that learning process which will win through in the

We'll be reporting on both the exhibition and the conference daily in
the pages of TrainingZONE, and carrying our overall assessment in
LearningWire next week. There's a special guest workshop on Action
Learning running from the show which you can join in online on
Tuesday (see below). If you're coming to Birmingham, please do drop
by Stand E100 anytime - we'd like to meet you and gauge your views on
what's hot - and not!

Tim Pickles
Managing Director

Latest News
Send us news for inclusion at

2 million 'not qualified for job', says government task force
The latest study from the government's Skills Task Force finds that
supervisory skills are in such short supply that 2 million people
have been employed without the skills required for the job. The
study finds that supervisors and line managers are lacking the
practical and technical skills to manage properly, which has the
potential to impact heavily on the success of work projects.

IES publishes study into adult learning
The Institute for Employment Studies has published a review into
adult learning in England. The study finds that there is a clear
divide between those who benefit from education and training, and
those who do not, traces the historical reasons for this and notes
the present governments attempts to create a 'learning society'.

IOD networking programme launched
The Institute of Directors (IOD) has launched a networking programme
for managing directors, chief executives and senior partners to help
them to keep abreast of the latest theory and solutions in business.

Lifelong learning will determine DfEE's place in history
The success of the Department for Education and Employment will
be measured in terms of how well the current push towards lifelong
learning is implemented, according to a study published this week by
the Institute of Education. The report, entitled 'Education and
Employment: the DfEE and its Place in History', marks the fifth
anniversary of the DfEE and is the first study to analyse the
department in detail.

Launching and Managing a CORPORATE UNIVERSITY. Developing a model
to run Training Like a Business and deliver real results in
learning programmes. 19th - 21st September 2000, The Cafe Royal,
London. 3-day conference plus workshops, including case studies
from Motorola, Shell, Siemens, Unisys, AA, Honda, GTE, Barclays,
AstraZeneca & Unipart. More details on http://www.iqpc.comor

17,000 professionals receive LearningWire. To reach our

Special Announcements

UK's largest directory of training courses - now online
TrainingZONE is delighted to announce that it has appointed THINQ
( to provide the largest directory of
training courses online across its site. THINQ (previously known
as TrainingNet) own the long-established and highly respected UK
National Training Index and also have an online directory of
650,000 events in the US. The service provides full details on each
course, can be searched in various ways, and events are bookable
online; you can also request proposals to match your needs.
The new service launches later this week at

TZ workshop: Action Learning - the way forward
Tuesday's online workshop is a special guest event on ACTION
LEARNING. Richard Hale of the Action Learning Institute will be
online with other colleagues from the International Management
Centres Association, and TrainingZONE staff will be asking them about
the role of action learning, what makes it work, and how it can be
developed in the workplace. Do come - watch the debate or ask your
own questions. Tuesday, 13:00 BST at

Exclusive offers on training products in our shopping mall
Also relaunching this week is our online shopping environment
specially built for training and HR professionals. 14 retailers are
offering over 600 products, many at below normal retail price:
- Check the Gower shop - 10 percent off all books and manuals
- See the huge selection of games from Chris Elgood
- Learning4Business are offering a great selection of CDROM
learning materials
There are many other great offers available exclusively to
TrainingZONE members - we've negotiated 10 percent off virtually
all the products on sale, and don't forget - free delivery to UK

HR NewsWire
On Thursday, we launch the brand new news pages and briefing
service for professionals working with personnel, employment and
human resource issues. HR Zone has its own editor and its own
newswire with an initial distribution to 10,000 professionals. The
first issue carries a special feature interview with Nick Isles, IPD
External Affairs Director, in the week when the IPD adopts its
Chartered status. What will this mean to members? How will this
affect the profession? Find out by registering for the new HR
NewsWire, whose first issue is sponsored by

Seminar: The Easy Way to Market Courses, Seminars & Consultancy.
A one-day marketing course for trainers and consultants. Learn to
use direct mail, advertising, exhibitions, faxshots, the Internet,
PR, showcases & telemarketing, how to increase responses from direct
mail & produce effective marketing material, how to write a marketing
plan & how to target and position your business. 295 GBP + VAT, 50
pound discount if booked by 30th June, 16 places only. Venues around
the country. Tel: 0870 747 9186

* * * * * * * * * * * SHOOTING STARS * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Client Manager Trainer, to 40,000 GBP, South-East England.

Training Author, to 24,000 GBP, Gloucestershire.

Training Consultant, to 35,000 GBP, London.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** * * * * * * * *
We've added some great new opportunities to CareerZone this last week
- 20 new jobs have been added since Thursday! Make sure you don't
miss out on the one you want by creating an alert profile at

Training Solutions and IT Training Show
TrainingZONE comes to you live this week from the Training Solutions
and IT Show at the NEC, Birmingham. We'll be posting news from the
event as it happens, hosting an online workshop on the first day and
will be demonstrating some exciting new additions to the site! Do
come and visit us between Tuesday 4th July and Thursday 6th July,
and if you can't visit in person, you can always do so virtually at the beginning of August.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
* *
* You are invited to the TrainingZone RECEPTION and *
* NETWORKING event at the Training Solutions and *
* IT Training Show *
* *
* Meet other members, staff, suppliers and partners *
* *
* Wednesday 5 July, from 3.30 p.m. Stand E100, Hall 9 *
* *
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

This week, LearningWire features some of the exhibitors
attending the show.

Are you committed to TAP style training? LearnFish, the new e-
learning company launched by Happy Computers, has taken the TAP
principles onto the net. Work on the live software and learn through
questions. Free 3 month trials are on offer for between 12 and 30
people. Find LearnFish at stall J66 at the IT Training Show,, or phone 020 7375
7375. are proud to be associated with the Training Solutions
show. See us at stand S7 in the IT sponsors area and stand G66 in
the online learning area. Choose from over 400 IT and business
courses all delivered online.,THE e-learning
solutions provider.

education delivers custom design and development of dynamic Web-based
education and learning solutions for your competitive advantage
and/or a new revenue channel. Come and see us at Training Solutions,
Stand H61 or visit our website at

With advisors based across the UK, Focus Quality Services helps
companies and organisations achieve continuous improvement in
performance through human resource development. Visit us on stand
B52 at the IT Training Solutions Exhibition to discuss how we can
help your company achieve quality standards.

'Learning Decay' - 70 percent of training is lost!
The recent development of training on the Internet and other new
technology could help to reduce the failure of learners to retain
what they have recently been taught, says Frazer Chesterman,
Director of Training Solutions and the IT Training Show.

Team EI Diagnostic - powers up performance in virtual teams
A sharing of talents between the organisational psychologists in
the Centre for Applied Emotional Intelligence and occupational
psychologists, John Cooper Associates, has created a new measure for
team performance. This test measures the extent to which the team
exhibits that all-important human asset, Emotional Intelligence,
predictor of high performance capabilities. You can read about how
virtual teams are finding this measure particularly helpful at


Any answers
TrainingZONE readers are seeking answers to the following:

Samba for team-building or just for fun
I want to offer percussion (specifically samba) workshops to
companies / organisations as part of team-building or other training
events, or even just for staff fun. I would like to hear from anyone
who has had experience of this and who can offer guidance or

Cath Johnstone

Other questions posted to TrainingZONE this week:

- Christine Chapman wants advice on how a primary school teacher can
become a trainer
- David Fowler seeks exercise showing how telephone communication can
- Helen Marshall wants effective and energetic activities for a
leadership development programme

Thanks to Say Keng Lee, Robin T Cox and Keith Washington who replied
to questions on TrainingZONE this week.

If you can answer any of these, or have a question of your own,
just go to use the
Comments feature at the end of each question to relay your
answers direct to the questioner.
Go on, you'll have done another TrainingZONE member a favour!

You can check out the latest hot links at helps SMEs
----------------------, a West Country-based online source of information,
has been developed for the 95 percent of businesses in the UK with
less than 10 people working for them. The site includes an easy-to-
use 'ten minute check up' to help businesses identify their training
needs, with pages of advice on issues such as developing key people,
recognising learning styles and Investors in People. The site then
offers an opportunity to purchase relevant books, CDROMs, videos and
audio tapes or to talk to a local business support representative
(this last service is currently only available in the West of

360 degree appraisal online
A new site offers a customised service for compiling and reporting on
360 degree appraisals online.

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
+ Add real value to your web site - +
+ include our free news headlines on your +
+ page instantly updated through the day +
+ - makes your web site fresh and lively +
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +

Subscriber Information
We want everyone to use this free newswire service, so forward or
hand a copy on to colleagues and encourage them to register too!

You can update your TrainingZONE newswire subscriptions by
visiting the site's Profile page and selecting the "My Services"
link. This offers a menu of newswires, alerts and job profiles to
keep you up to date with the latest professional news and

Alternatively, subscribe by sending a message to:
and in the BODY of the message type: SUBSCRIBE LEARNINGWIRE

To receive LearningWire free each week, register your name at

To remove yourself from this mailing list, visit the Profile page
or In the body of the
message type: UNSUBSCRIBE LEARNINGWIRE. To succeed, make sure
your email address shown in the header is the same as the one to
which LearningWire is sent.

Copyright (c) 2000 Sift Group plc. All rights reserved.
May be reproduced in any medium for non-commercial purposes as
long as attribution is given.

TrainingZONE, 100 Victoria Street, Bristol BS1 6HZ
Tel:+44 (0)117 915 9600 Fax:+44 (0)117 915 9630