TrainingZONE LearningWIRE – Issue 110
17 July 2000
Yell Awards 2000 Commendation – Best e-Commerce Site (B2B)
1. Lifelong learning must join pre-16 and post-16 divisions
2. News roundup from Training Solutions and the IT Training Show
3. TrainingZONE is finalist at Yell Awards
4. Knowledge Management: HRD has role to play
5. Special Community Feature: PressZONE
Editor’s Note
Yet another government intervention into the world of work-based
qualifications is set to come in the form of the foundation
degree. As a further push to expand Higher and Further Education,
universities, colleges and employers have been asked to bid to run
the new qualifications, which will operate as two-year full time
courses with an option to study for a third year to gain an
honours degree. The government expects most students to study
part-time while working, and students will be tested on their
ability to apply academic knowledge in the workplace.
The big question is, will anyone actually want one? Employers and
employees have been relatively slow to adopt NVQs – some
qualifications still lie unawarded (although more widely relevant
qualifications such as customer service and business studies have
been awarded in their thousands), and statistics show that there
has been a sharp fall in the number of applications for Higher
National Diplomas, another vocationally-orientated qualification.
It’s difficult to see how these will all sit side-by-side,
although they’re obviously intended to be complimentary. The
government is likely to have a job on its hands trying to explain
the differences to bemused employers and employees!
Stephanie Phillips
News Editor
Latest News
A selection of this week’s news stories
Lifelong learning must join pre-16 and post-16 divisions
A comment in the Guardian newspaper highlights the problem in
fulfilling the government’s dream of lifelong learning as fact
that the organisation of pre-16 and post-16 learning are
completely separate, despite the fact they are intrinsically
Vocational training rises up the European agenda
France, who have recently taken over the Presidency of the EU are
committed to extending provision for vocational training in
Europe, including greater transparency and transferability of VQs.
A major European conference has been scheduled and the issue with
feature on various on the agenda of various ministerial meetings.
HR newswire
Last week, the first edition of the new HR newswire was published,
carrying an exclusive interview with the newly-launched CIPD.
This fortnightly wire will aim to provide a round-up of all that’s
new and interesting in the HR world. You can read the first issue
You can subscribe to the HR wire by sending a message to:
In the BODY of the message type: SUBSCRIBE HRZONE-NEWSWIRE
What’s YOUR news?
Did you know that you can publish your training and HR related
news direct to the site, before an audience of 18,000
professionals? See
Invitation to participate in e-learning survey
The delivery of learning by electronic means is enjoying explosive
growth and, inevitably, some people take to it more
enthusiastically than others. Might learning style preferences
help to explain the different reactions? Might there even be as
yet undiscovered e-learning styles? Peter Honey asks for
assistance with his new survey
News roundup from Training Solutions and the IT Training Show
Last week we promised a final news roundup from the Training
Solutions show. Having waded through acres of promotional material
and chatted to several of the exhibitors themselves, TrainingZONE
brings you a summary of offerings at the show which caught our
The Training Solutions & I.T. Training Show 2000 is now available
in fully interactive virtual 3D. Start walking around the UKs
premier I.T. training event again and again. E-ttend (TM) now at
Powered by Expocentric.com
17,000 professionals receive LearningWire. To reach our
Knowledge Management: HRD has role to play
A recent report in the Times newspaper highlights the difficulty
of making the most of flavour-of-the-moment concept Knowledge
Management. The article says that millions have been spent on
attempts to improve the flow, availability and use of information
in the workplace, but that bottom-line benefits are often elusive.
Special Community Feature: PressZONE
If you want to find out about the newest software releases or
developments within professional bodies, the PressZone offers
breaking news direct from the horses mouth! Latest news from
some of the big names in the training world include:
– Team EI Diagnostic – a new tool from the Centre for Applied
Emotional Intelligence improving team performance
– THINQ launches UK’s largest online training course directory
– click2learn.com and SAIC Team to launch terrorism response
training on the Internet
– ISM recognises management training in the voluntary sector for
To find out the range of benefits available to PressZONE members,
No L plates required for computer driving licence
Most people remember passing their driving test as a stressful
experience, but the European Computer Driving Licence could be
just as useful and a lot less painful to obtain!
IT National Training Organisations merge
This month sees the merger of two National Training Organisations
working in the IT sector. The Information Technology National
Training Organisation will join forces with the e-business.nto to
become the e-Skills NTO (National Training Organisation), but one
partner was initially reluctant to create one organisation from
two competing ones.
Calling all freelancers!
In response to requests over the past few months, we’re planning
to publish a special page directed at freelancers and sole traders
– both those who are contemplating “going it alone”, and those who
have already “jumped”. The page will pull together a wide range of
information and advice covering such issues as tax, insurance,
indemnity, marketing, grants, and support. We’ll be working with
other specialists to make the service comprehensive and up-to-
date, and we’d also appreciate your assistance in pointing us to
people, organisations and resources which you’ve found really
helpful. For more information, see
Best e-Commerce Site(B2B):TrainingZONE is finalist at Yell Awards
TrainingZONE was delighted to attend the Yell Awards at the London
TV Studios on 11 July, following its nomination as a finalist in
the Best Business to Business e-Commerce Site category. These
prestigious awards, now in their fifth year, remain the only UK
awards where the nominations are made by Internet users, rather
than self-appointed panels of experts.
* * * * * * * * * * * SHOOTING STARS * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Training and Development Officer, Slough, 18,000-20,000 GBP
Sales and Tele-sales Trainers, North-West, salary negotiable
IT Trainers (Microsoft Office), Scotland, 25,000-32,000 GBP + bonus
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** * * * * * * * *
High calibre training positions like these are being added to
CareerZone every week. Make sure you don’t miss out on the one
you want by creating an alert profile at
TZ workshop: Government-sponsored training/employment programmes
New Deal, Modern Apprenticeships, Training for Work, University
for Industry ….they’ve been around for 25 years in various forms
and both major parties have introduced new ones at different times
– but just what is the training providers’ experience of them?
This is your chance to talk to other trainers and training
providers about your experience of government-funded training and
education programmes.
Join the workshop on Tuesday 18 July 2000 from 13:00-13:45 BST at
Looking for training resources?
Have you checked out the 19 specialist shops for training
professionals? Search for resources and products across all the
suppliers. If you supply this sector, why not create your own
branded shop in this Mall, with full control through your own
Our round-up of useful sightings on other websites.
Introducing learning logs into your life
Leslie Rae advised on how to set started and maintain a learning
log, with practical tips.
Free 3 month trials in online IT training
LearnFish, a new online IT learning provider, was launched by
Happy Computers at the IT Training Show. They are offering at
least 10 free 3 month trials, each for up to 30 people.
To qualify you must be TAP accredited.
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
+ Add real value to your web site – +
+ include our free news headlines on your +
+ page instantly updated through the day +
+ – makes your web site fresh and lively +
+ https://www.trainingzone.co.uk/news/syndicatednews.html+
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
Subscriber Information
We want everyone to use this free newswire service, so forward or
hand a copy on to colleagues and encourage them to register too!
You can update your TrainingZONE newswire subscriptions by
visiting the site’s Profile page and selecting the “My Services”
link. This offers a menu of newswires, alerts and job profiles to
keep you up to date with the latest professional news and
Alternatively, subscribe by sending a message to:
and in the BODY of the message type: SUBSCRIBE LEARNINGWIRE
To receive LearningWire free each week, register your name at
To remove yourself from this mailing list, visit the Profile page
or mailto:unsubscribe@trainingzone.co.uk. In the body
of the message type: UNSUBSCRIBE LEARNINGWIRE. To succeed, make sure
your email address shown in the header is the same as the one to
which LearningWire is sent.
Copyright (c) 2000 Sift Group plc. All rights reserved.
May be reproduced in any medium for non-commercial purposes as
long as attribution is given.
TrainingZONE, 100 Victoria Street, Bristol BS1 6HZ
Tel:+44 (0)117 915 9600 Fax:+44 (0)117 915 9630
TrainingZONE LearningWIRE - Issue 110
17 July 2000
Yell Awards 2000 Commendation - Best e-Commerce Site (B2B)
1. Lifelong learning must join pre-16 and post-16 divisions
2. News roundup from Training Solutions and the IT Training Show
3. TrainingZONE is finalist at Yell Awards
4. Knowledge Management: HRD has role to play
5. Special Community Feature: PressZONE
Editor's Note
Yet another government intervention into the world of work-based
qualifications is set to come in the form of the foundation
degree. As a further push to expand Higher and Further Education,
universities, colleges and employers have been asked to bid to run
the new qualifications, which will operate as two-year full time
courses with an option to study for a third year to gain an
honours degree. The government expects most students to study
part-time while working, and students will be tested on their
ability to apply academic knowledge in the workplace.
The big question is, will anyone actually want one? Employers and
employees have been relatively slow to adopt NVQs - some
qualifications still lie unawarded (although more widely relevant
qualifications such as customer service and business studies have
been awarded in their thousands), and statistics show that there
has been a sharp fall in the number of applications for Higher
National Diplomas, another vocationally-orientated qualification.
It's difficult to see how these will all sit side-by-side,
although they're obviously intended to be complimentary. The
government is likely to have a job on its hands trying to explain
the differences to bemused employers and employees!
Stephanie Phillips
News Editor
Latest News
A selection of this week's news stories
Lifelong learning must join pre-16 and post-16 divisions
A comment in the Guardian newspaper highlights the problem in
fulfilling the government's dream of lifelong learning as fact
that the organisation of pre-16 and post-16 learning are
completely separate, despite the fact they are intrinsically
Vocational training rises up the European agenda
France, who have recently taken over the Presidency of the EU are
committed to extending provision for vocational training in
Europe, including greater transparency and transferability of VQs.
A major European conference has been scheduled and the issue with
feature on various on the agenda of various ministerial meetings.
HR newswire
Last week, the first edition of the new HR newswire was published,
carrying an exclusive interview with the newly-launched CIPD.
This fortnightly wire will aim to provide a round-up of all that's
new and interesting in the HR world. You can read the first issue
You can subscribe to the HR wire by sending a message to:
In the BODY of the message type: SUBSCRIBE HRZONE-NEWSWIRE
What's YOUR news?
Did you know that you can publish your training and HR related
news direct to the site, before an audience of 18,000
professionals? See
Invitation to participate in e-learning survey
The delivery of learning by electronic means is enjoying explosive
growth and, inevitably, some people take to it more
enthusiastically than others. Might learning style preferences
help to explain the different reactions? Might there even be as
yet undiscovered e-learning styles? Peter Honey asks for
assistance with his new survey
News roundup from Training Solutions and the IT Training Show
Last week we promised a final news roundup from the Training
Solutions show. Having waded through acres of promotional material
and chatted to several of the exhibitors themselves, TrainingZONE
brings you a summary of offerings at the show which caught our
The Training Solutions & I.T. Training Show 2000 is now available
in fully interactive virtual 3D. Start walking around the UKs
premier I.T. training event again and again. E-ttend (TM) now at
Powered by Expocentric.com
17,000 professionals receive LearningWire. To reach our
Knowledge Management: HRD has role to play
A recent report in the Times newspaper highlights the difficulty
of making the most of flavour-of-the-moment concept Knowledge
Management. The article says that millions have been spent on
attempts to improve the flow, availability and use of information
in the workplace, but that bottom-line benefits are often elusive.
Special Community Feature: PressZONE
If you want to find out about the newest software releases or
developments within professional bodies, the PressZone offers
breaking news direct from the horses mouth! Latest news from
some of the big names in the training world include:
- Team EI Diagnostic - a new tool from the Centre for Applied
Emotional Intelligence improving team performance
- THINQ launches UK's largest online training course directory
- click2learn.com and SAIC Team to launch terrorism response
training on the Internet
- ISM recognises management training in the voluntary sector for
To find out the range of benefits available to PressZONE members,
No L plates required for computer driving licence
Most people remember passing their driving test as a stressful
experience, but the European Computer Driving Licence could be
just as useful and a lot less painful to obtain!
IT National Training Organisations merge
This month sees the merger of two National Training Organisations
working in the IT sector. The Information Technology National
Training Organisation will join forces with the e-business.nto to
become the e-Skills NTO (National Training Organisation), but one
partner was initially reluctant to create one organisation from
two competing ones.
Calling all freelancers!
In response to requests over the past few months, we're planning
to publish a special page directed at freelancers and sole traders
- both those who are contemplating "going it alone", and those who
have already "jumped". The page will pull together a wide range of
information and advice covering such issues as tax, insurance,
indemnity, marketing, grants, and support. We'll be working with
other specialists to make the service comprehensive and up-to-
date, and we'd also appreciate your assistance in pointing us to
people, organisations and resources which you've found really
helpful. For more information, see
Best e-Commerce Site(B2B):TrainingZONE is finalist at Yell Awards
TrainingZONE was delighted to attend the Yell Awards at the London
TV Studios on 11 July, following its nomination as a finalist in
the Best Business to Business e-Commerce Site category. These
prestigious awards, now in their fifth year, remain the only UK
awards where the nominations are made by Internet users, rather
than self-appointed panels of experts.
* * * * * * * * * * * SHOOTING STARS * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Training and Development Officer, Slough, 18,000-20,000 GBP
Sales and Tele-sales Trainers, North-West, salary negotiable
IT Trainers (Microsoft Office), Scotland, 25,000-32,000 GBP + bonus
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** * * * * * * * *
High calibre training positions like these are being added to
CareerZone every week. Make sure you don't miss out on the one
you want by creating an alert profile at
TZ workshop: Government-sponsored training/employment programmes
New Deal, Modern Apprenticeships, Training for Work, University
for Industry ....they've been around for 25 years in various forms
and both major parties have introduced new ones at different times
- but just what is the training providers' experience of them?
This is your chance to talk to other trainers and training
providers about your experience of government-funded training and
education programmes.
Join the workshop on Tuesday 18 July 2000 from 13:00-13:45 BST at
Looking for training resources?
Have you checked out the 19 specialist shops for training
professionals? Search for resources and products across all the
suppliers. If you supply this sector, why not create your own
branded shop in this Mall, with full control through your own
Our round-up of useful sightings on other websites.
Introducing learning logs into your life
Leslie Rae advised on how to set started and maintain a learning
log, with practical tips.
Free 3 month trials in online IT training
LearnFish, a new online IT learning provider, was launched by
Happy Computers at the IT Training Show. They are offering at
least 10 free 3 month trials, each for up to 30 people.
To qualify you must be TAP accredited.
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
+ Add real value to your web site - +
+ include our free news headlines on your +
+ page instantly updated through the day +
+ - makes your web site fresh and lively +
+ https://www.trainingzone.co.uk/news/syndicatednews.html+
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
Subscriber Information
We want everyone to use this free newswire service, so forward or
hand a copy on to colleagues and encourage them to register too!
You can update your TrainingZONE newswire subscriptions by
visiting the site's Profile page and selecting the "My Services"
link. This offers a menu of newswires, alerts and job profiles to
keep you up to date with the latest professional news and
Alternatively, subscribe by sending a message to:
and in the BODY of the message type: SUBSCRIBE LEARNINGWIRE
To receive LearningWire free each week, register your name at
To remove yourself from this mailing list, visit the Profile page
or mailto:unsubscribe@trainingzone.co.uk. In the body
of the message type: UNSUBSCRIBE LEARNINGWIRE. To succeed, make sure
your email address shown in the header is the same as the one to
which LearningWire is sent.
Copyright (c) 2000 Sift Group plc. All rights reserved.
May be reproduced in any medium for non-commercial purposes as
long as attribution is given.
TrainingZONE, 100 Victoria Street, Bristol BS1 6HZ
Tel:+44 (0)117 915 9600 Fax:+44 (0)117 915 9630