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TrainingZONE LearningWire #111 – TSC report ‘disappointing’, talkback on government training initiatives, EMNTO asks for feedbac


TrainingZONE LearningWIRE - Issue 111
24 July 2000
Yell Awards 2000 Commendation - Best e-Commerce Site (B2B)


1. Government training initiatives: 'talkback'
2. Training Standards Council: providers 'could do better'
3. Employment NTO wants your views on new occupational standards
4. Learning and Skills Council - weekly briefing available
5. Three great special offers for TrainingZONE Community members


Editor's Note
The Training Standards Council published its second annual report
this week, with some disappointing findings. Tales of NVQs being
assessed by inexperienced assessors, scant external verification
and lack of supporting paperwork for internal verification,
together with a shortage of work-based assessment make for
worrying reading.

With TECs often using long chains of subcontractors, the Council
says that responsibility for achieving a good result for trainees
is often obscured. The Council is concerned that some training
providers seem to be missing the point of the qualification -
employee retention may not be considered, and some very poor
providers are apparently offering trainees to employers as extra
pairs of hands, rather than putting the learning needs of the
trainee first.

Next year, the Council will join with part of the Inspectorate of
the Further Education Funding Council to form the Adult Learning
Inspectorate to cover all post-19 learning. Lifelong Learning
Minister Malcolm Wicks says that this will help to overcome a
catalogue of 'underachievement' which the government says it has
inherited from those previously in power.

The government says it will take the 'bull by the horns' and get
tough on any training that isn't up to scratch. How long before
they resort to 'naming and shaming' and sending in task forces to
deal with 'failing providers'?

Stephanie Phillips
News Editor

Latest News
A selection of this week's news stories

Government training initiatives:a TrainingZONE member talks back!
TrainingZONE member Malcolm Harper comments on the perennial
debate about what constitutes an 'educated individual' and says
that we may be ignoring two things: human nature and reality.

TSC: inspection of work-based training has powerful influence
Inspection of training is a vital tool in maintaining and
improving standards in work-based learning, according to the
second annual report of the Chief Inspector of the Training
Standards Council, the government-funded Inspectorate for work-
based training in England.

EMNTO launches the Learning Network
On 3 July the Employment National Training Organisation launched
the Learning Network, a network for NVQ assessors and verifiers
to work towards consistency and developing best practice. The
network has developed out of a project as part of a UFI/Adapt
sponsored programme.

Chief Executive appointed for Learning and Skills Council
Education and Employment Secretary David Blunkett has appointed
the current chief executive of Oxfordshire County Council as the
new chief executive of the Learning and Skills Council (LSC).

The Training Solutions & I.T. Training Show 2000 is now available
in fully interactive virtual 3D. Start walking around the UKs
premier I.T. training event again and again. E-ttend (TM) now at Powered by

17,000 professionals receive LearningWire. To reach our

Work-Life Forum and Industrial Society join forces
The National Work-Life Forum, which campaigns for work-life
balance, is to come under the banner of the Industrial Society as
the Industrial Society Work Life Forum. The aim of the merger is
to use the support of the Industrial Society's influence and
existing work in this area.

Employment NTO wants your views on new occupational standards
Last year, the Employment NTO started a review of its
occupational standards, which form the basis of NVQ
qualifications in Health and Safety, Personnel and Training and
Development and for Trade Union Officers. They are now asking for
your views on the new standards.

Free offer to TrainingZONE members - ISM book
The Institute for Supervision and Management (ISM) have about 300
copies of the Cassell - ISM title "Total Quality Management"
(Gordon F Gatiss 1996) book to dispose of.

Any Answers
Question of the week:
Information on creating an appraisal scheme for shopfloor workers

We are currently trying to create an appraisal scheme for use at
production operative level, and I would be grateful for any
information from anyone who has operated one in the past, even if
it has gone badly wrong! All ideas will be gratefully received.

Paul Chetwynd

Other questions posed this week:

- Ann-Marie Webber is looking for Human Rights Act training
- Ray Jackson wants information on executive coaching and
- Mike Taylor is looking for a personal development programme

Thanks to Clive O'Donnell, Derek Smith and Terri Williams, who
gave TrainingZONE members the benefit of their knowledge this
week. Visit give
some of your own!

Learning Lab hopes to boil up recipe for improving CBT
An enthusiastic vote of support for technology-based training
comes from a consortium of major companies and the University of
Wolverhampton. The Learning Lab aims provide advice and
guidance to any organisation wishing to use ICT in the education
and training sectors, and has been funded by a number of major
IT, telecommunication, publishing, training and service

**Three Great Special Offers for TrainingZONE Community members**
Card Games for Developing Teams - Buy this versatile tool,
consisting of a series of 30 games designed around 52 'Developing
Teams' cards and receive a copy of Building a Better Team, by
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Compendium of Checklists and Inventories - Buy this Compendium of
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leadership to recruitment and receive a FREE copy of 40
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Business Applications of NLP Buy this collection of activities
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Online workshop: Introducing culture change into an organisation
A key factor in the success of establishing new HRD initiatives
in an organisation is the willingness of the organisation to
accept them, but organisational change can be a 'holy grail' for
Human Resource professionals. How is it possible to establish an
open, accepting and trusting culture, where there is no precedent
for this type of behaviour? If you have been responsible for
helping to guide organisational change or have come up against a
difficult organisational culture which fought against change, do
come along and share your thoughts.

All our online workshops are free to join. Just visit
from 13:00-13:45 BST on Tuesday 25 July 2000.

Those with NVQs lose out on earnings boost due to employer bias
TrainingZONE member George Edwards responds to the Guardian's
piece about the relative boost to earnings of different
qualifications, and explains why this difference should not come
as a suprise to the government.

Worth a look: AMED journal
The May edition of The Association for Management Education and
Development Organisations and People journal has a number of
interesting, accessible and readable articles, including a useful
article online about running a creativity workshop.

New Management Assignments CD for levels 4/5 S/NVQs. A bank of
management assignments in both HTML & PDF formats for networks &
adaptation for 150 GBP+VAT. Accreditation references and assignment
tasks for Level 4/5 S/NVQs and NEBS Management Diploma in
Management, plus lots more material including personal
development planning toolkit etc. Go to for more details.

Our round-up of useful sightings on other websites.

Simple web-based training for improving basic skills
Two sites to look out for providing simple training solutions on
the web are http://www.textrain.comand sites are straightforward to use
and have clear, easy- to-understand visuals and text. is applicable for anyone struggling with numeracy,
literacy and those needing to improve their communication skills.
Designed in a similar way but aimed specifically at interpersonal
skills, has a programme of study available covers
areas such as self-motivation, assertiveness, body language,
communication skills and teamwork.
Both sites are currently available to access free of charge.

Webcast on 'HR strategies for the 21st century'
"HR Strategies for the 21st Century", the third webcast in the
IDC Live! series produced by IDC and, will take place
on Monday, July 24th. This free webcast will feature IDC analyst
Michael Boyd, and can be accessed on Monday, July 24th at 1:00
p.m. EDT.

Learning and Skills Council - weekly briefing available
The Training and Employment Network and the National Training
Federation have started to produce a weekly briefing on
activities in the run up to the launch of the new Learning and
Skills Council. The first edition, published last week provides
information on LSE Executive and local appointments and a
consultation update, together with a round-up of other relevant
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