TrainingZONE LearningWIRE – Issue 114
14 August 2000
Yell Awards 2000 Commendation – Best e-Commerce Site (B2B)
1. Association of Colleges forms working party with UfI
2. A tale of Individual Learning Accounts: chapter one
3. Workshop special: how to become an online tutor
4. US president needs examples of e-learning
5. Refer a Friend to TrainingZONE and get a voucher for the Mall!
Editor’s Note
In a week where the main lecturers’ union in the USA has come out
in opposition to degrees which are completely web-based, we note
that on this side of the pond, the University of Liverpool is
preparing to launch what is claimed to be the first completely
online degree in Europe.
The MSc in IT is aimed at a potential student take-up of 6
million – the number of people reckoned to be working in the IT
sector world-wide – and will offer students the chance to gain an
accredited University qualification at a greatly reduced cost,
and without having to leave their own desks. Technology should
mean that the experience of sharing ideas informally on campus
can be replicated virtually, and the reduced costs involved
should tempt those who aren’t able to commit to several years of
full-time study.
The key to the success of the Liverpool qualification is likely
to be the fact that it is intended to be an industry-relevant
qualification for those who have already undergone the rigours of
higher education, and are motivated to see the course through.
Chances are that those new to higher education who want to study
a more generic subject may struggle to adapt to the new delivery
Stephanie Phillips
News Editor
Latest News
A selection of this week’s news stories
USA lecturers union opposes online degrees
The American Federation of Teachers has passed a resolution that
opposes undergraduate degrees that are earned entirely online.
At their recent convention, the union, which represents more than
one million teachers and tutors in higher education, called for
control of Web-based courses to remain with teachers and tutors.
A resolution passed unanimously by the union states that an
undergraduate degree earned entirely from a distance is not of
the same quality as a degree that was earned in a classroom.
Association of Colleges forms working party with UfI
With the full launch of LearnDirect imminent, The Association of
Colleges has teamed up with the University for Industry to form a
working group aimed at strengthening links between the UfI and
the Further Education sector.
NIACE urges adult learners to sign up now!
September will see the yearly round of enrolments taking place at
adult education establishments around the country. To encourage
adult learners to sign up and to help alert them to the vast
range of study options on offer, NIACE, the National Organisation
from Adult Learning, has launched ‘Sign Up Now’, a national
campaign to support and promote enrolment.
A tale of Individual Learning Accounts: chapter one
In the interests of curiosity, and with a view to perhaps
carrying out some formal learning of its own, TrainingZONE is now
the proud owner of an Individual Learning Account.
IT Training Awards 2001
The Institute of IT Training is again looking for best practice
examples of learning through IT to compete for one of the IT
Training Awards 2001. The awards will be made to companies or
individual trainers who have made ‘the greatest contribution to
the improvement of standards’ between October 1999 and October
1 Day Seminar: How to Promote Training Courses on the Internet
Practical ways to increase the number of visits to your site,
do’s & don’ts of Internet marketing, key phases of developing
your site, evaluating your site, what makes a winning site, key
developments in the industry. London, Sept 6, Warwick, Sept 12,
Manchester, Sept 14, Sheffield, 28 Nov, Bristol, 30 Nov, 16 places
max. 295 GBP+VAT. Ring 0870 747 9186 or
20,000 professionals receive LearningWire. To reach our
Liverpool University offers first online degree
Europe’s first degree to be delivered completely online has been
launched by the University of Liverpool, A collaboration with
Dutch education specialists K.I.T. eLearning, The Master of
Science (MSc) in Information Technology (IT), which is accredited
by the University, aims to combine flexible learning and an
industry-focused curriculum with ‘the rigorous standards and
professionalism of a British university postgraduate
US president needs examples of e-learning
More news from across the pond…if you have an ‘excellent
example of e-learning’ you could help Bill Clinton develop his
understanding of the e-learning phenomenon. Elliott Masie, one
of the founders of the Masie learning research centre, is looking
for examples to be used by a White House Committee to develop
their understanding of e-learning.
Outdoor training issues
Outdoor training seems to suffer from ‘fashion fatigue’ –
sometimes everyone’s doing it, and then a TV documentary comes
along and it seems to take a dent. (Perhaps we’re all waiting for
the next installment of Castaway 2000!) Anyway, the new online
conference area about outdoor training has been getting some hits
of late, with recent threads about qualifications, networks, and
the transfer of learning.
Refer a Friend to TrainingZONE and get a voucher for the Mall!
We want everyone to use this free newswire service, so forward or
hand a copy on to colleagues and encourage them to register too!
If you recommend us to a colleague, you’ll receive a voucher
worth 25 GBP to spend in the TrainingZONE Mall.
Refer a Friend now at
How do you check the financial status of your clients?
Nobody wants a bad payer! Up to now, it has been difficult to
check the credit worthiness of your clients and customers without
incurring large costs. Now we provide a quick and convenient way
online using reliable data. You can also use our Companies House
data to check who owns which company, how long they have been
trading, who the directors are, and their level of profit. All
this is available at
* * * * * * * * * * * SHOOTING STARS * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Educational Consultant, South-East England + travel, salary neg.
IT Business Development Managers, UK-wide, 30,000-55,000 + car + bonus
Management Trainer, South-West England, 28,000-31,000 + car
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** * * * * * * *
Not sure you’re being paid what you’re worth? CareerZONE now has
a salary guide supplied by PSD Financial Services at
Community Features
Special Feature: Members News
Members News is the place where you tell us what’s new and
happening in the training world. Here are just a few snippets of
the news you told us about this week:
Surrey Police tell how CCTV training has come of age
Robin Strange announces his website devoted to lean manufacturing
Click to Market tell us about a new survey and questionnaire tool
Jolly Serious Events Ltd begin to offer corporate events
Got some news you’d like to share with other TrainingZONE members?
Get your own stories on the site now at
Any Answers
Question of the week: find me an interviewing skills video!
I am looking to locate training videos on the subject of
interviewing skills (not job interviews). Can anyone help, lend
me one or put me in the right direction? I am looking for
something with a bit of fun involved, not a tear jerker!
Many thanks
Martin Barr
Other questions posed this week:
– Nicky Ferry asks whether excellent employers do exist
– Percy Manuel wants advice on preparing an engineering
– Steve Creighton wants to know how to receive accreditation for
his experience as a trainer
– Christian Bone is looking for examples of training plans
Thanks to Ashley Ward, Michael Sumyk and Jenny Kevan, who shared
their experiences with other TrainingZONE members this week.
For Great Products – Great Bargains – Great Suppliers, visit the
TrainingZONE Mall. Browse our range of over 600 Training and
Human Resource Products from leading suppliers. Enjoy the benefits
of TrainingZONE prices we’ve negotiated on your behalf – 10
percent off virtually all the products on sale, and don’t forget,
free delivery to UK addresses.
The TrainingZONE Mall – your first choice for books, videos,
software, training materials and even cases of quality wine.
Want to be an Online Tutor?
Online learning is growing fast, and training professionals need
to learn new skills to equip them for a new delivery medium.
Still, most professionals are adaptable and flexible, so this
should be easy – but where to start? The online workshop this
Tuesday is a practical solution. Called, quite simply, ‘Getting
Started with Online Learning’, we’ll provide some pointers to the
use of online tutoring tools and encourage both new and
intermediate online trainers to learn from each other’s ideas,
experiences and fears. For a supportive, practical hand,
completely free of charge, just come to the workshop page on
Tuesday 15 August at 13:00 BST prompt (there’s a global time
clock on the page for non-UK members)
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
+ Add real value to your web site – +
+ include our free news headlines on your +
+ page instantly updated through the day +
+ – makes your web site fresh and lively +
+ https://www.trainingzone.co.uk/news/syndicatednews.html+
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
Managing your TrainingZONE subscriptions
To subscribe, send a message with SUBSCRIBE LEARNINGWIRE in the
body of the text to mailto:subscribe@trainingzone.co.uk
Alternatively, register at https://www.trainingzone.co.uk/register
To unsubscribe, send a message with UNSUBSCRIBE LEARNINGWIRE in
the body of the text to mailto:unsubscribe@trainingzone.co.uk
(note: the e-mail address must be the same as the one you
initially subscribed from).
To update the free mailing services you receive for newswires,
alerts and job profiles, select ‘my services’ at
Copyright (c) 2000 Sift Group plc. All rights reserved.
May be reproduced in any medium for non-commercial purposes as
long as attribution is given.
TrainingZONE, 100 Victoria Street, Bristol BS1 6HZ
Tel:+44 (0)117 915 9600 Fax:+44 (0)117 915 9630
TrainingZONE LearningWIRE - Issue 114
14 August 2000
Yell Awards 2000 Commendation - Best e-Commerce Site (B2B)
1. Association of Colleges forms working party with UfI
2. A tale of Individual Learning Accounts: chapter one
3. Workshop special: how to become an online tutor
4. US president needs examples of e-learning
5. Refer a Friend to TrainingZONE and get a voucher for the Mall!
Editor's Note
In a week where the main lecturers' union in the USA has come out
in opposition to degrees which are completely web-based, we note
that on this side of the pond, the University of Liverpool is
preparing to launch what is claimed to be the first completely
online degree in Europe.
The MSc in IT is aimed at a potential student take-up of 6
million - the number of people reckoned to be working in the IT
sector world-wide - and will offer students the chance to gain an
accredited University qualification at a greatly reduced cost,
and without having to leave their own desks. Technology should
mean that the experience of sharing ideas informally on campus
can be replicated virtually, and the reduced costs involved
should tempt those who aren't able to commit to several years of
full-time study.
The key to the success of the Liverpool qualification is likely
to be the fact that it is intended to be an industry-relevant
qualification for those who have already undergone the rigours of
higher education, and are motivated to see the course through.
Chances are that those new to higher education who want to study
a more generic subject may struggle to adapt to the new delivery
Stephanie Phillips
News Editor
Latest News
A selection of this week's news stories
USA lecturers union opposes online degrees
The American Federation of Teachers has passed a resolution that
opposes undergraduate degrees that are earned entirely online.
At their recent convention, the union, which represents more than
one million teachers and tutors in higher education, called for
control of Web-based courses to remain with teachers and tutors.
A resolution passed unanimously by the union states that an
undergraduate degree earned entirely from a distance is not of
the same quality as a degree that was earned in a classroom.
Association of Colleges forms working party with UfI
With the full launch of LearnDirect imminent, The Association of
Colleges has teamed up with the University for Industry to form a
working group aimed at strengthening links between the UfI and
the Further Education sector.
NIACE urges adult learners to sign up now!
September will see the yearly round of enrolments taking place at
adult education establishments around the country. To encourage
adult learners to sign up and to help alert them to the vast
range of study options on offer, NIACE, the National Organisation
from Adult Learning, has launched 'Sign Up Now', a national
campaign to support and promote enrolment.
A tale of Individual Learning Accounts: chapter one
In the interests of curiosity, and with a view to perhaps
carrying out some formal learning of its own, TrainingZONE is now
the proud owner of an Individual Learning Account.
IT Training Awards 2001
The Institute of IT Training is again looking for best practice
examples of learning through IT to compete for one of the IT
Training Awards 2001. The awards will be made to companies or
individual trainers who have made 'the greatest contribution to
the improvement of standards' between October 1999 and October
1 Day Seminar: How to Promote Training Courses on the Internet
Practical ways to increase the number of visits to your site,
do's & don'ts of Internet marketing, key phases of developing
your site, evaluating your site, what makes a winning site, key
developments in the industry. London, Sept 6, Warwick, Sept 12,
Manchester, Sept 14, Sheffield, 28 Nov, Bristol, 30 Nov, 16 places
max. 295 GBP+VAT. Ring 0870 747 9186 or
20,000 professionals receive LearningWire. To reach our
Liverpool University offers first online degree
Europe's first degree to be delivered completely online has been
launched by the University of Liverpool, A collaboration with
Dutch education specialists K.I.T. eLearning, The Master of
Science (MSc) in Information Technology (IT), which is accredited
by the University, aims to combine flexible learning and an
industry-focused curriculum with 'the rigorous standards and
professionalism of a British university postgraduate
US president needs examples of e-learning
More news from across the pond...if you have an 'excellent
example of e-learning' you could help Bill Clinton develop his
understanding of the e-learning phenomenon. Elliott Masie, one
of the founders of the Masie learning research centre, is looking
for examples to be used by a White House Committee to develop
their understanding of e-learning.
Outdoor training issues
Outdoor training seems to suffer from 'fashion fatigue' -
sometimes everyone's doing it, and then a TV documentary comes
along and it seems to take a dent. (Perhaps we're all waiting for
the next installment of Castaway 2000!) Anyway, the new online
conference area about outdoor training has been getting some hits
of late, with recent threads about qualifications, networks, and
the transfer of learning.
Refer a Friend to TrainingZONE and get a voucher for the Mall!
We want everyone to use this free newswire service, so forward or
hand a copy on to colleagues and encourage them to register too!
If you recommend us to a colleague, you'll receive a voucher
worth 25 GBP to spend in the TrainingZONE Mall.
Refer a Friend now at
How do you check the financial status of your clients?
Nobody wants a bad payer! Up to now, it has been difficult to
check the credit worthiness of your clients and customers without
incurring large costs. Now we provide a quick and convenient way
online using reliable data. You can also use our Companies House
data to check who owns which company, how long they have been
trading, who the directors are, and their level of profit. All
this is available at
* * * * * * * * * * * SHOOTING STARS * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Educational Consultant, South-East England + travel, salary neg.
IT Business Development Managers, UK-wide, 30,000-55,000 + car + bonus
Management Trainer, South-West England, 28,000-31,000 + car
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** * * * * * * *
Not sure you're being paid what you're worth? CareerZONE now has
a salary guide supplied by PSD Financial Services at
Community Features
Special Feature: Members News
Members News is the place where you tell us what's new and
happening in the training world. Here are just a few snippets of
the news you told us about this week:
Surrey Police tell how CCTV training has come of age
Robin Strange announces his website devoted to lean manufacturing
Click to Market tell us about a new survey and questionnaire tool
Jolly Serious Events Ltd begin to offer corporate events
Got some news you'd like to share with other TrainingZONE members?
Get your own stories on the site now at
Any Answers
Question of the week: find me an interviewing skills video!
I am looking to locate training videos on the subject of
interviewing skills (not job interviews). Can anyone help, lend
me one or put me in the right direction? I am looking for
something with a bit of fun involved, not a tear jerker!
Many thanks
Martin Barr
Other questions posed this week:
- Nicky Ferry asks whether excellent employers do exist
- Percy Manuel wants advice on preparing an engineering
- Steve Creighton wants to know how to receive accreditation for
his experience as a trainer
- Christian Bone is looking for examples of training plans
Thanks to Ashley Ward, Michael Sumyk and Jenny Kevan, who shared
their experiences with other TrainingZONE members this week.
For Great Products - Great Bargains - Great Suppliers, visit the
TrainingZONE Mall. Browse our range of over 600 Training and
Human Resource Products from leading suppliers. Enjoy the benefits
of TrainingZONE prices we've negotiated on your behalf - 10
percent off virtually all the products on sale, and don't forget,
free delivery to UK addresses.
The TrainingZONE Mall - your first choice for books, videos,
software, training materials and even cases of quality wine.
Want to be an Online Tutor?
Online learning is growing fast, and training professionals need
to learn new skills to equip them for a new delivery medium.
Still, most professionals are adaptable and flexible, so this
should be easy - but where to start? The online workshop this
Tuesday is a practical solution. Called, quite simply, 'Getting
Started with Online Learning', we'll provide some pointers to the
use of online tutoring tools and encourage both new and
intermediate online trainers to learn from each other's ideas,
experiences and fears. For a supportive, practical hand,
completely free of charge, just come to the workshop page on
Tuesday 15 August at 13:00 BST prompt (there's a global time
clock on the page for non-UK members)
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
+ Add real value to your web site - +
+ include our free news headlines on your +
+ page instantly updated through the day +
+ - makes your web site fresh and lively +
+ https://www.trainingzone.co.uk/news/syndicatednews.html+
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
Managing your TrainingZONE subscriptions
To subscribe, send a message with SUBSCRIBE LEARNINGWIRE in the
body of the text to mailto:subscribe@trainingzone.co.uk
Alternatively, register at https://www.trainingzone.co.uk/register
To unsubscribe, send a message with UNSUBSCRIBE LEARNINGWIRE in
the body of the text to mailto:unsubscribe@trainingzone.co.uk
(note: the e-mail address must be the same as the one you
initially subscribed from).
To update the free mailing services you receive for newswires,
alerts and job profiles, select 'my services' at
Copyright (c) 2000 Sift Group plc. All rights reserved.
May be reproduced in any medium for non-commercial purposes as
long as attribution is given.
TrainingZONE, 100 Victoria Street, Bristol BS1 6HZ
Tel:+44 (0)117 915 9600 Fax:+44 (0)117 915 9630