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TrainingZONE LearningWire #121 – Educational Multimedia, getting technical with reviews, DfEE money for basic skills


TrainingZONE LearningWIRE – Issue 121
2 October 2000
Yell Awards 2000 Commendation – Best e-Commerce Site (B2B)


1. Educational Multimedia feature
2. Reviews area: getting technical!
3. A survival guide for classroom trainers
4. More money from DfEE for basic skills
5. Put your consultancy at the top of the list!


Editor’s Note

This week we breathed a sigh of relief, as a letter dropped onto
the doormat saying that we’d been credited with the 150 GBP
contribution from the government towards our Individual Learning
Account. Estimates suggest that only a quarter of the one
million accounts qualifying for the contribution have been set up
so far, and from our experience we’d say that any effort involved
in setting up the account and making use of it (try BlueU for an
online application form) is definitely worth it for the extra
funding being given out.

On Wednesday we’re off to WOLCE, albeit on a mobile basis. We’re
busy preparing our exhibition stand for the Harrogate CIPD show
later this month – hope to see many of you there.

Stephanie Phillips

Latest News
A selection of this week’s news stories

Educational Multimedia: aiming to provide advice at a good price!
TrainingZONE in conversation with Theo Lynn, CEO of e-learning
company on the topic of providing good quality e-learning at a
good price.

BlueU offer online form for ILAs
If you’re looking to apply for an Individual Learning Account and
can’t wait for the post, BlueU have an online form which you can

Are TECs to be re-incarnated as the LSC?
Writing in the Guardian, Nick Tester argues that by appointing so
many former Training and Enterprise Council (TEC) senior staff to
the new Learning and Skills Council, the government are simply
going to re-create the role of what he terms the ‘officially
discredited’ and ‘past their sell-by date’ TECs.

Welcome to e-mail heaven with training from Xebec McGraw-Hill
Concise, stylish and targeted e-mail needn’t be the stuff of
dreams. An organisation with clear e-mail guidance and a
workforce trained to make the most of e-mail communication, is
the most effective one. Delivered as online or CD-ROM training,
E-ffective E-mail turns these dreams into reality. Go to

Reviews area: getting technical!
This week’s batch of reviews have a distinctly technological
slant to them!

As a director of a fairly new dot com start up, Renee Raper
reviews ‘The Bucks Start Here’ by Ian McDonald Wood, which aims
to reveal the secrets of 7 e-champions (including Bezos of
Amazon, Dell, Harris of Egg) and finds that it provides food for

David Evans and Wilma Taggart both check out online book ‘Start
an Online Training Business’ by Cherry Rea, complete with useful
hyperlinks. David wonders whether his money would be better
spent on a real book, while Wilma takes a more positive view.

Finally, our very own IT Training Editor, Carrol Rowe, takes a
look at the new features of Lotus SmartSuite Millennium Edition
9.5, and asks how this new suite of applications improves upon
the last one.

Coaching and mentoring: your last chance to create a definition!
There’s one month left to add your views to the Employment
National Training Organisation’s (EmpNTO) definitions of
coaching, mentoring and tutoring.

LearnDirect initiative to go live this week
LearnDirect initiatives open their doors this week to encourage
a whole range of the population to ‘get back into learning’.

More money from DfEE for basic skills
Education and Employment Secretary David Blunkett has announced
that an extra 150 million is to be ploughed into training for
basic skills over the next three years.

E-Smart, the custom built eLearning experts and innovators,
have amalgamated with Emerge, the cutting edge organisation
change and development consultants to blue chips, with a 25 year
international track record, to form emergeSmart.

Online workshop: Increasing business success using NLP
For this week’s workshop we return to the topic of Neuro-
Linguistic Programming, “the study of both the conscious and
unconscious processes that combine to enable people to do what
they do”.

Among the topics to be covered in the workshop:
– The power of language
– Questions
– Influencing
– Motivation – getting in a state
– Business results

This week’s free-to-attend workshop is on Tuesday 3 October at
13:00 BST. Log on at

A survival guide for classroom trainers
The forecasts for the growth of e-learning are becoming more
extravagant by the month, says Clive Shepherd, writing in this
month’s IT Training magazine.

New! Advice Pages: PowerPoint and Excel
Puzzled about PowerPoint? Enraged with Excel? Look no further
than the latest additions to our Advice Pages for the solution.

now HR has a home page
Log on now!

*Did you know?* 20,000 professionals receive LearningWire. To
reach our audience,see:

Put your consultancy at the top of the list!
So far, over 3,250 training-related organisations have created
their own directory entries (for free) in the three TrainingZONE
online directories – for Trainers/Consultants, for Venues, and
for Suppliers. Now this service is being significantly enhanced.
Those with entries in any of the directories can now have a
fuller profile of themselves in the Directory, offered at a
discounted price of 150 GBP until 31 October. Any company with
an enhanced profile will come top of the directory search
results. The Directories are also being published on other
business websites, extending your marketing reach.

To update your profile and enhance your listing, go to

* * * * * * * * * * * SHOOTING STARS * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Management Development Adviser, Wales, to 30k + pension, bonus
Associate Consultants, UK or international, salary neg.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** * * * * * * *

“Delivering Successful Projects”: A NEW PUBLICATION from Scitech
Educational that explains the evolution of project management as
a discipline. The ‘soft skills’ of project management are
covered, including project start-up and scoping; roles &
responsibilities; the ‘people side’ plus effective closure
strategies. Assignments CD available. Info at

Community Features

Any Answers
*Question of the week* Training room layout
I’ve currently been tasked with setting up a computer training
room. I need to know how this will be laid out due to the limited
room size 6m by 6m. I need to find info on how many students this
room can comfortably hold so I can start pricing up equipment
etc. Any guidance on what to do or a direction for finding this
information would be much appreciated.

Mike Bond

Other questions posed this week:

– Duncan Fitzpatrick is looking for software which will enable
him to both manage trainers diaries and book meeting rooms
– Paul Chetwynd seeks a presentation skills course for chefs
– Percy J Manuel would like details of induction programmes

To answer these and any other questions from TrainingZONE
members, go to

Thanks to Alison Dixon, Nici Aldridge and Maria Bennett, who
added some useful insights to the TrainingZONE Any Answers page
this week.

Mall update: Special Offer from Gower and TrainingZONE
Buy the Award Winning Card Games for Developing Teams
from the TrainingZONE Mall at the special TrainingZONE price of
148.50 GBP. Voted one of the TOP 10 TRAINING PRODUCTS OF THE
YEAR, Human Resource Executive magazine described Card Games for
Developing Teams as “an exceptionally effective product so vital
to the human resource field.”

Here are a selection of new postings added over the last week
– find out more about these opportunities and others at

– Instructor to lead session in financial skills for insurance
– IT trainers in MS Project/Office needed for 3 days a week
until January, Birmingham area
– Health and Safety Associates required on Merseyside
– Freelance computer software trainers required, S/SW England

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
+ Add real value to your web site – +
+ include our free news headlines on your +
+ page instantly updated through the day +
+ – makes your web site fresh and lively +
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +

Managing your TrainingZONE subscriptions

To subscribe, send a message with SUBSCRIBE LEARNINGWIRE in the
body of the text to

Alternatively, register at

To unsubscribe, send a message with UNSUBSCRIBE LEARNINGWIRE in
the body of the text to
(note: the e-mail address must be the same as the one you
initially subscribed from).

To update the free mailing services you receive for newswires,
alerts and job profiles, select ‘my services’ at

Copyright (c) 2000 Sift Group Ltd. All rights reserved.
May be reproduced in any medium for non-commercial purposes as
long as attribution is given.

TrainingZONE, 100 Victoria Street, Bristol BS1 6HZ
Tel:+44 (0)117 915 9600 Fax:+44 (0)117 915 9630

TrainingZONE LearningWIRE - Issue 121
2 October 2000
Yell Awards 2000 Commendation - Best e-Commerce Site (B2B)


1. Educational Multimedia feature
2. Reviews area: getting technical!
3. A survival guide for classroom trainers
4. More money from DfEE for basic skills
5. Put your consultancy at the top of the list!


Editor's Note

This week we breathed a sigh of relief, as a letter dropped onto
the doormat saying that we'd been credited with the 150 GBP
contribution from the government towards our Individual Learning
Account. Estimates suggest that only a quarter of the one
million accounts qualifying for the contribution have been set up
so far, and from our experience we'd say that any effort involved
in setting up the account and making use of it (try BlueU for an
online application form) is definitely worth it for the extra
funding being given out.

On Wednesday we're off to WOLCE, albeit on a mobile basis. We're
busy preparing our exhibition stand for the Harrogate CIPD show
later this month - hope to see many of you there.

Stephanie Phillips

Latest News
A selection of this week's news stories

Educational Multimedia: aiming to provide advice at a good price!
TrainingZONE in conversation with Theo Lynn, CEO of e-learning
company on the topic of providing good quality e-learning at a
good price.

BlueU offer online form for ILAs
If you're looking to apply for an Individual Learning Account and
can't wait for the post, BlueU have an online form which you can

Are TECs to be re-incarnated as the LSC?
Writing in the Guardian, Nick Tester argues that by appointing so
many former Training and Enterprise Council (TEC) senior staff to
the new Learning and Skills Council, the government are simply
going to re-create the role of what he terms the 'officially
discredited' and 'past their sell-by date' TECs.

Welcome to e-mail heaven with training from Xebec McGraw-Hill
Concise, stylish and targeted e-mail needn't be the stuff of
dreams. An organisation with clear e-mail guidance and a
workforce trained to make the most of e-mail communication, is
the most effective one. Delivered as online or CD-ROM training,
E-ffective E-mail turns these dreams into reality. Go to

Reviews area: getting technical!
This week's batch of reviews have a distinctly technological
slant to them!

As a director of a fairly new dot com start up, Renee Raper
reviews 'The Bucks Start Here' by Ian McDonald Wood, which aims
to reveal the secrets of 7 e-champions (including Bezos of
Amazon, Dell, Harris of Egg) and finds that it provides food for

David Evans and Wilma Taggart both check out online book 'Start
an Online Training Business' by Cherry Rea, complete with useful
hyperlinks. David wonders whether his money would be better
spent on a real book, while Wilma takes a more positive view.

Finally, our very own IT Training Editor, Carrol Rowe, takes a
look at the new features of Lotus SmartSuite Millennium Edition
9.5, and asks how this new suite of applications improves upon
the last one.

Coaching and mentoring: your last chance to create a definition!
There's one month left to add your views to the Employment
National Training Organisation's (EmpNTO) definitions of
coaching, mentoring and tutoring.

LearnDirect initiative to go live this week
LearnDirect initiatives open their doors this week to encourage
a whole range of the population to 'get back into learning'.

More money from DfEE for basic skills
Education and Employment Secretary David Blunkett has announced
that an extra 150 million is to be ploughed into training for
basic skills over the next three years.

E-Smart, the custom built eLearning experts and innovators,
have amalgamated with Emerge, the cutting edge organisation
change and development consultants to blue chips, with a 25 year
international track record, to form emergeSmart.

Online workshop: Increasing business success using NLP
For this week's workshop we return to the topic of Neuro-
Linguistic Programming, "the study of both the conscious and
unconscious processes that combine to enable people to do what
they do".

Among the topics to be covered in the workshop:
- The power of language
- Questions
- Influencing
- Motivation - getting in a state
- Business results

This week's free-to-attend workshop is on Tuesday 3 October at
13:00 BST. Log on at

A survival guide for classroom trainers
The forecasts for the growth of e-learning are becoming more
extravagant by the month, says Clive Shepherd, writing in this
month's IT Training magazine.

New! Advice Pages: PowerPoint and Excel
Puzzled about PowerPoint? Enraged with Excel? Look no further
than the latest additions to our Advice Pages for the solution.

now HR has a home page
Log on now!

*Did you know?* 20,000 professionals receive LearningWire. To
reach our audience,see:

Put your consultancy at the top of the list!
So far, over 3,250 training-related organisations have created
their own directory entries (for free) in the three TrainingZONE
online directories - for Trainers/Consultants, for Venues, and
for Suppliers. Now this service is being significantly enhanced.
Those with entries in any of the directories can now have a
fuller profile of themselves in the Directory, offered at a
discounted price of 150 GBP until 31 October. Any company with
an enhanced profile will come top of the directory search
results. The Directories are also being published on other
business websites, extending your marketing reach.

To update your profile and enhance your listing, go to

* * * * * * * * * * * SHOOTING STARS * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Management Development Adviser, Wales, to 30k + pension, bonus
Associate Consultants, UK or international, salary neg.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** * * * * * * *

"Delivering Successful Projects": A NEW PUBLICATION from Scitech
Educational that explains the evolution of project management as
a discipline. The 'soft skills' of project management are
covered, including project start-up and scoping; roles &
responsibilities; the 'people side' plus effective closure
strategies. Assignments CD available. Info at

Community Features

Any Answers
*Question of the week* Training room layout
I've currently been tasked with setting up a computer training
room. I need to know how this will be laid out due to the limited
room size 6m by 6m. I need to find info on how many students this
room can comfortably hold so I can start pricing up equipment
etc. Any guidance on what to do or a direction for finding this
information would be much appreciated.

Mike Bond

Other questions posed this week:

- Duncan Fitzpatrick is looking for software which will enable
him to both manage trainers diaries and book meeting rooms
- Paul Chetwynd seeks a presentation skills course for chefs
- Percy J Manuel would like details of induction programmes

To answer these and any other questions from TrainingZONE
members, go to

Thanks to Alison Dixon, Nici Aldridge and Maria Bennett, who
added some useful insights to the TrainingZONE Any Answers page
this week.

Mall update: Special Offer from Gower and TrainingZONE
Buy the Award Winning Card Games for Developing Teams
from the TrainingZONE Mall at the special TrainingZONE price of
148.50 GBP. Voted one of the TOP 10 TRAINING PRODUCTS OF THE
YEAR, Human Resource Executive magazine described Card Games for
Developing Teams as "an exceptionally effective product so vital
to the human resource field."

Here are a selection of new postings added over the last week
- find out more about these opportunities and others at

- Instructor to lead session in financial skills for insurance
- IT trainers in MS Project/Office needed for 3 days a week
until January, Birmingham area
- Health and Safety Associates required on Merseyside
- Freelance computer software trainers required, S/SW England

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
+ Add real value to your web site - +
+ include our free news headlines on your +
+ page instantly updated through the day +
+ - makes your web site fresh and lively +
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +

Managing your TrainingZONE subscriptions

To subscribe, send a message with SUBSCRIBE LEARNINGWIRE in the
body of the text to

Alternatively, register at

To unsubscribe, send a message with UNSUBSCRIBE LEARNINGWIRE in
the body of the text to
(note: the e-mail address must be the same as the one you
initially subscribed from).

To update the free mailing services you receive for newswires,
alerts and job profiles, select 'my services' at

Copyright (c) 2000 Sift Group Ltd. All rights reserved.
May be reproduced in any medium for non-commercial purposes as
long as attribution is given.

TrainingZONE, 100 Victoria Street, Bristol BS1 6HZ
Tel:+44 (0)117 915 9600 Fax:+44 (0)117 915 9630