TrainingZONE LearningWIRE – Issue 129
27 November 2000
Yell Awards 2000 Commendation – Best e-Commerce Site (B2B)
1. Interview of the month: Michael Wills MP
2. Blunkett: FE colleges to become centres of excellence
3. Training Trends 2001 – take part in a major study
4. PowerPoint Resource Centre
5. Paid study leave bill in Parliament
Editor’s Note
This was the week that David Blunkett set out plans for the FE
sector which could fundamentally change the way that colleges
operate in the UK. Along with additional funding comes a
requirement that colleges work with the new Learning and Skills
Council to identify areas of specialism in relation to local
economies and concentrate on delivering training in these areas.
Michael Wills MP has responsibilities which relate to learning
within the community at large, including looking at ways to
prevent young people from turning their backs on the
opportunities FE colleges and others offer. In an exclusive
interview with TrainingZONE he gives an insight into the thinking
behind some of the key government initiatives TrainingZONE has
been reporting on over the last year.
Two more reasons to visit TrainingZONE this week:
Our survey in conjunction with Training Solutions will take a
long and hard look at training practice today. Register your
opinions and you’ll be entered into a draw to win a crate of wine.
The newly-launched PowerPoint Resource Centre is a one-stop shop
for novices and those looking to inject a bit of interest into
their presentations alike. To find out more, visit
Stephanie Phillips
Latest News
A selection of this week’s news stories
Interview of the month: Michael Wills MP
TrainingZONE brings you an exclusive interview with Michael Wills
MP, Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for Learning and
Training Trends 2001 – take part in a major study
The past few years have seen many significant changes in staff
development practices – but just how far have these changes
impacted on organisational attitudes and individuals’ learning?
Training Trends 2001 is a major study being undertaken by
TrainingZONE in partnership with the Training Solutions Show to
establish the state of training and development practice today.
To take part and get the chance to win a crate of quality wine as
well as a full copy of the results in January, go to
New PowerPoint Resource Centre
In the last ten years, PowerPoint presentations have developed
from being a gimmicky form of OHP slides into a high-tech, slick,
and essential format for presenting ideas and images, and yet,
too many PowerPoint presentations fail because they ignore even
the simplest rules of layout and construction. Help is at hand in
the form of the TrainingZONE PowerPoint Resource Centre, where
you’ll find gathered together in one place information for
novices, more templates, practical tips, support and software
update pages, downloads and more. Check out the PowerPoint
Resource Centre at
Focus Quality Services has developed a FREE Online Investors in
People diagnostic questionnaire. This is a simple, quick and
effective way of measuring how your organisation could be
assessed against the UK’s only national quality standard for
human resources. All users of the questionnaire will be entered
in to a FREE prize draw to win a Palm Pilot. Go to
FE colleges need to become centres of excellence, says Blunkett
Plans to re-focus the emphasis of Further Education colleges to
boost skills levels have been announced by Education and
Employment Secretary David Blunkett.
Informal learning needs a greater emphasis, says CEDEFOP
CEDEFOP, the European Centre for the Development of Vocational
Training, has been conducting research into the role of informal
learning in Europe and has come to the conclusion that “the
current position on non-formal learning across Europe has to
ALW Awards 2001 – nominate an adult learner today!
NIACE, the National Organisation for Adult Learning has
opened the nominations for the annual awards it gives to
adult learners in England and Wales who have overcome
obstacles to return to formal learning.
MBAs may lose their title under new quality standards
MBA qualifications may fall victim to new quality controls being
imposed in a bid to rationalise qualifications routes in the UK,
the Guardian has reported.
HUMAN RESOURCE PLANNING: a NEW publication from Scitech
Educational. Human Resource Planning takes in workforce planning,
job analysis, recruitment, selection and reward systems, this
dossier is an authoritative survey of current best practice in
managing the human resource. Order advance copies at
*Did you know?* You can quickly check on the credit-worthiness
of any UK company with TrainingZONE. Check out your client’s
financial status before doing business with them by visiting
Training provider scores top marks all round
For the first time since it began in 1998, the Training Standards
Council has awarded top marks to a training provider in an
New Graduate Apprenticeship scheme mixes work and study
The National Training Organisation for Engineering Manufacture
(EMTA) has joined forces with the Department for Education and
Employment to launch the first “earn as you learn” portable
engineering degree.
Paid study leave bill in Parliament
A bill has been put to Parliament which, if successful, will
establish the entitlement to a minimum number of hours training
for anyone in paid employment.
British Skills Olympics team ‘going for gold’
Education and Employment Secretary David Blunkett will be willing
Britain on to another set of Olympic gold medals next year after
announcing the UK team for the ‘Skills Olympics’.
ASTD’s Learning Circuits Express – November 16,2000
1. Standards: The Vision and the Hype
2. Study Documents E-Learning Growth in Canada
3. Ten Tips to Optimize Your E-Learning
4. Hey You: Try It!
5. Do You “Speak” E-Learning?
6. The Whole E-Learning Enchilada
Community update
Any Answers? question of the week: Betari Box model
Does anyone out there know the origin of Betari or Betari’s box
model? It seems to have been around for years but no-one knows
where it came from.
Geoff Williams
Other questions posed this week:
– Kevin Ciantar seeks views on mandatory versus voluntary CPD
– Alex Russell seeks details of psychometric testing software
– Liz Robertson wants ideas on conducting a cost benefit
Thanks to Julie Muhs, Lynda Brown and Kieran Duignan, who
shared their knowledge with other TrainingZONE members this week.
Can you help answer any of these thorny issues troubling
TrainingZONE members this week? If so, go to
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** * * * * * * *
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** * * * * * * *
Brand-new vacancies added to TrainingZONE this week include:
Sponsorship Project Manager, UK-wide, 27-55k
Programme Manager, Edinburgh, 25-30k
Call Centre Systems Trainer, London, to 30k
For more like this, visit the CareerZone now at
Got a vacancy to fill? Contact careers man Richard Sergeant
direct by e-mailing him at mailto:rsergeant@sift.co.uk to contact
25,000 TrainingZONE members.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** * * * * * * *
Online workshop: Developing personal strengths
One of the greatest challenges for every trainer or coach is to
unlock people’s personal potential. People function most
effectively and most happily when they have the opportunity to
use, and can see the results of, their personal strengths.
Peter Gerrickens, a Dutch specialist in this area who has written
a number of publications for Gower will lead this session
exploring ways to overcome obstacles to developing personal
To join in, log in on Tuesday 28 November at 13:00 GMT at
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
+ Add real value to your web site – +
+ include our free news headlines on your +
+ page instantly updated through the day +
+ – makes your web site fresh and lively +
+ https://www.trainingzone.co.uk/news/syndicatednews.html+
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
Managing your TrainingZONE subscriptions
To subscribe, send a message with SUBSCRIBE LEARNINGWIRE in the
body of the text to mailto:subscribe@trainingzone.co.uk
Alternatively, register at https://www.trainingzone.co.uk/register
To unsubscribe, send a message with UNSUBSCRIBE LEARNINGWIRE in
the body of the text to mailto:unsubscribe@trainingzone.co.uk
(note: the e-mail address must be the same as the one you
initially subscribed from).
To update the free mailing services you receive for newswires,
alerts and job profiles, select ‘my services’ at
Copyright (c) 2000 Sift Group Ltd. All rights reserved.
May be reproduced in any medium for non-commercial purposes as
long as attribution is given.
TrainingZONE, 100 Victoria Street, Bristol BS1 6HZ
Tel:+44 (0)117 915 9600 Fax:+44 (0)117 915 9630
TrainingZONE LearningWIRE - Issue 129
27 November 2000
Yell Awards 2000 Commendation - Best e-Commerce Site (B2B)
1. Interview of the month: Michael Wills MP
2. Blunkett: FE colleges to become centres of excellence
3. Training Trends 2001 - take part in a major study
4. PowerPoint Resource Centre
5. Paid study leave bill in Parliament
Editor's Note
This was the week that David Blunkett set out plans for the FE
sector which could fundamentally change the way that colleges
operate in the UK. Along with additional funding comes a
requirement that colleges work with the new Learning and Skills
Council to identify areas of specialism in relation to local
economies and concentrate on delivering training in these areas.
Michael Wills MP has responsibilities which relate to learning
within the community at large, including looking at ways to
prevent young people from turning their backs on the
opportunities FE colleges and others offer. In an exclusive
interview with TrainingZONE he gives an insight into the thinking
behind some of the key government initiatives TrainingZONE has
been reporting on over the last year.
Two more reasons to visit TrainingZONE this week:
Our survey in conjunction with Training Solutions will take a
long and hard look at training practice today. Register your
opinions and you'll be entered into a draw to win a crate of wine.
The newly-launched PowerPoint Resource Centre is a one-stop shop
for novices and those looking to inject a bit of interest into
their presentations alike. To find out more, visit
Stephanie Phillips
Latest News
A selection of this week's news stories
Interview of the month: Michael Wills MP
TrainingZONE brings you an exclusive interview with Michael Wills
MP, Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for Learning and
Training Trends 2001 - take part in a major study
The past few years have seen many significant changes in staff
development practices - but just how far have these changes
impacted on organisational attitudes and individuals' learning?
Training Trends 2001 is a major study being undertaken by
TrainingZONE in partnership with the Training Solutions Show to
establish the state of training and development practice today.
To take part and get the chance to win a crate of quality wine as
well as a full copy of the results in January, go to
New PowerPoint Resource Centre
In the last ten years, PowerPoint presentations have developed
from being a gimmicky form of OHP slides into a high-tech, slick,
and essential format for presenting ideas and images, and yet,
too many PowerPoint presentations fail because they ignore even
the simplest rules of layout and construction. Help is at hand in
the form of the TrainingZONE PowerPoint Resource Centre, where
you'll find gathered together in one place information for
novices, more templates, practical tips, support and software
update pages, downloads and more. Check out the PowerPoint
Resource Centre at
Focus Quality Services has developed a FREE Online Investors in
People diagnostic questionnaire. This is a simple, quick and
effective way of measuring how your organisation could be
assessed against the UK's only national quality standard for
human resources. All users of the questionnaire will be entered
in to a FREE prize draw to win a Palm Pilot. Go to
FE colleges need to become centres of excellence, says Blunkett
Plans to re-focus the emphasis of Further Education colleges to
boost skills levels have been announced by Education and
Employment Secretary David Blunkett.
Informal learning needs a greater emphasis, says CEDEFOP
CEDEFOP, the European Centre for the Development of Vocational
Training, has been conducting research into the role of informal
learning in Europe and has come to the conclusion that "the
current position on non-formal learning across Europe has to
ALW Awards 2001 - nominate an adult learner today!
NIACE, the National Organisation for Adult Learning has
opened the nominations for the annual awards it gives to
adult learners in England and Wales who have overcome
obstacles to return to formal learning.
MBAs may lose their title under new quality standards
MBA qualifications may fall victim to new quality controls being
imposed in a bid to rationalise qualifications routes in the UK,
the Guardian has reported.
HUMAN RESOURCE PLANNING: a NEW publication from Scitech
Educational. Human Resource Planning takes in workforce planning,
job analysis, recruitment, selection and reward systems, this
dossier is an authoritative survey of current best practice in
managing the human resource. Order advance copies at
*Did you know?* You can quickly check on the credit-worthiness
of any UK company with TrainingZONE. Check out your client's
financial status before doing business with them by visiting
Training provider scores top marks all round
For the first time since it began in 1998, the Training Standards
Council has awarded top marks to a training provider in an
New Graduate Apprenticeship scheme mixes work and study
The National Training Organisation for Engineering Manufacture
(EMTA) has joined forces with the Department for Education and
Employment to launch the first "earn as you learn" portable
engineering degree.
Paid study leave bill in Parliament
A bill has been put to Parliament which, if successful, will
establish the entitlement to a minimum number of hours training
for anyone in paid employment.
British Skills Olympics team 'going for gold'
Education and Employment Secretary David Blunkett will be willing
Britain on to another set of Olympic gold medals next year after
announcing the UK team for the 'Skills Olympics'.
ASTD's Learning Circuits Express - November 16,2000
1. Standards: The Vision and the Hype
2. Study Documents E-Learning Growth in Canada
3. Ten Tips to Optimize Your E-Learning
4. Hey You: Try It!
5. Do You "Speak" E-Learning?
6. The Whole E-Learning Enchilada
Community update
Any Answers? question of the week: Betari Box model
Does anyone out there know the origin of Betari or Betari's box
model? It seems to have been around for years but no-one knows
where it came from.
Geoff Williams
Other questions posed this week:
- Kevin Ciantar seeks views on mandatory versus voluntary CPD
- Alex Russell seeks details of psychometric testing software
- Liz Robertson wants ideas on conducting a cost benefit
Thanks to Julie Muhs, Lynda Brown and Kieran Duignan, who
shared their knowledge with other TrainingZONE members this week.
Can you help answer any of these thorny issues troubling
TrainingZONE members this week? If so, go to
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** * * * * * * *
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** * * * * * * *
Brand-new vacancies added to TrainingZONE this week include:
Sponsorship Project Manager, UK-wide, 27-55k
Programme Manager, Edinburgh, 25-30k
Call Centre Systems Trainer, London, to 30k
For more like this, visit the CareerZone now at
Got a vacancy to fill? Contact careers man Richard Sergeant
direct by e-mailing him at mailto:rsergeant@sift.co.uk to contact
25,000 TrainingZONE members.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** * * * * * * *
Online workshop: Developing personal strengths
One of the greatest challenges for every trainer or coach is to
unlock people's personal potential. People function most
effectively and most happily when they have the opportunity to
use, and can see the results of, their personal strengths.
Peter Gerrickens, a Dutch specialist in this area who has written
a number of publications for Gower will lead this session
exploring ways to overcome obstacles to developing personal
To join in, log in on Tuesday 28 November at 13:00 GMT at
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
+ Add real value to your web site - +
+ include our free news headlines on your +
+ page instantly updated through the day +
+ - makes your web site fresh and lively +
+ https://www.trainingzone.co.uk/news/syndicatednews.html+
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
Managing your TrainingZONE subscriptions
To subscribe, send a message with SUBSCRIBE LEARNINGWIRE in the
body of the text to mailto:subscribe@trainingzone.co.uk
Alternatively, register at https://www.trainingzone.co.uk/register
To unsubscribe, send a message with UNSUBSCRIBE LEARNINGWIRE in
the body of the text to mailto:unsubscribe@trainingzone.co.uk
(note: the e-mail address must be the same as the one you
initially subscribed from).
To update the free mailing services you receive for newswires,
alerts and job profiles, select 'my services' at
Copyright (c) 2000 Sift Group Ltd. All rights reserved.
May be reproduced in any medium for non-commercial purposes as
long as attribution is given.
TrainingZONE, 100 Victoria Street, Bristol BS1 6HZ
Tel:+44 (0)117 915 9600 Fax:+44 (0)117 915 9630