TrainingZONE LearningWIRE – Issue 130
4 December 2000
Yell Awards 2000 Commendation – Best e-Commerce Site (B2B)
1. Share your views in our survey and poll
2. Colleges concern at audit proposals
3. DfEE announces the first foundation degree providers
4. Weekly community update
5. Advice feature: Creating your own Training Resources Centre
Editor’s Note
As the days get shorter and the year draws to a close,
broadcasters and journalists are turning to their archives to
showcase the highlights and lowlights of the first year of the
new millennium (or the last year of the last century, depending
on your viewpoint!). TrainingZONE is also busy trawling the
stories that made our headlines this year to bring you a review
of a year at the Department for Education and Employment, a
review of the training world in general and a review of ‘yours
truly’, where there’s plenty to look back on and consider. In
January we had 4600 LearningWire subscribers. The figure for
December is 22,500 – a huge increase!
It’s a good opportunity therefore to ask all 22,500 of you to
tell us about the issues that have impacted upon your work this
year. You can do this by voting in the current poll, adding your
thoughts to the Training Trends 2001 survey or e-mailing me at
mailto:editor@trainingzone.co.uk. Any pertinent comments,
controversial or otherwise will be added to ours on the site in a
few weeks’ time.
Stephanie Phillips
Increase your ‘Organizational IQ’ – FREE for Two Weeks at
FTdynamo. Cherry-pick from your favourite business writers and
the most influential management thinking with expert analysis
from FTdynamo. Try it FREE for two weeks at:
Choose your top training trend of 2000!
When the BBC start to trail the Sports Personality
Award, you know that Christmas is approaching. Now there is an
opportunity to participate directly in a Review of the Year
yourself, by nominating the most significant development in the
world of learning, training and development over the past year.
As soon as you vote, you will see the aggregated results to date
and the final outcome will be announced just before Christmas.
Please take a few seconds to choose the most significant
development at
Training and learning this year – what’s new?
The Training Trends 2001 survey is now revealing major changes –
in the use of different learning methods, in evaluation and
follow-up practices, in organisational attitudes towards staff
development, and in people’s experience of e-learning. You can
already see these trends and compare them with your own practice
TrainingZONE directory of courses continues to grow
TrainingZONE’s LearningCampus is continuing to grow with the
number of courses listed topping the 3,000 mark. The latest
company to sign up to the service is Marcus Evans professional
training, who have added over 160 course dates covering subjects
as diverse as Marketing on the Web, Advanced Project Management
and Leadership for Women. They join over 70 training companies
who are already using the service to promote their training
events. The service is free to use for both providers and
learners and bookings can be made either by contacting the course
provider direct or through using TrainingZONE’s standard booking
enquiry form linked to the course information.
Focus Quality Services has developed a FREE Online Investors in
People diagnostic questionnaire. This is a simple, quick and
effective way of measuring how your organisation could be
assessed against the UK’s only national quality standard for
human resources. All users of the questionnaire will be entered
in to a FREE prize draw to win a Palm Pilot.
Go to http://www.focusquestionnaire.co.uk.
Latest News
A selection of this week’s news stories. Many more are at
Colleges concern at audit proposals
Plans to take audit arrangements for FE colleges under the wing
of the Further Education Funding Council (FEFC) are causing
widespread concern among colleges who see it as an attack on
their autonomy, says the Association of Colleges.
DfEE announces the first foundation degree providers
Further details of the government’s plans for foundation degrees
have emerged in an announcement made by Education and Employment
Secretary David Blunkett yesterday.
Key Skills in Modern Apprenticeships
An update on the changes proposed for the role of key skills in
Modern Apprenticeship programmes.
**Got a job vacancy to fill? Contact careers man Richard
Sergeant direct by e-mailing him at mailto:rsergeant@sift.co.uk
to contact 25,000 TrainingZONE members.**
FEDA becomes the Learning and Skills Development Agency
The Further Education Development Agency has changed its name and
gained some new responsibilities as a result of a government re-
think earlier this year.
Backgroundpalooza! PowerPoint Tips #2 – December 2000
Creating custom backgrounds for PowerPoint is a challenge most
users never attempt, and yet, it can make a tremendous difference
in impact of your presentation.
Learning and Training at Work 2000 – preliminary findings
Statistical results from a sample of employers reveal changing
patterns in on-the-job and off-the-job training.
The low-down on TrainingZONE’s hot features for HRDers this week:
————–Any Answers? Question of the Week—————–
Stephen Brand seeks advice on setting up a Training Department
from scratch: “I am tasked with the job of creating a new
training organisation in a company with some 5000+ employees in 4
countries. Can anyone suggest a book/CD which would give me a
kick start?”
Check out this and other questions at
———–TrainingZONE CareerZone: Job of the Week————-
Learning and Development Specialist, South Wales, 25-35k + car
For more like this, visit the CareerZone now at
————–Online workshop this week————————–
The problem with employees is….what exactly? How can HR policy
help managers who are faced with problems that may or not need
formal disciplinary proceedings? How much should be left to
managers to deal with themselves?
Interested? Log in on Tuesday 5 December at 13:00 GMT at
Advice feature: Creating your own Training Resources Centre
Training professionals are like squirrels – we gather and hoard
learning and presentational materials for future use. Or rather,
the well-organised ones do, whilst others have an assorted
collection of notes, slides, handouts, and tapes which we tell
ourselves we’ll get round to organising when we have the time!
Many trainers need to develop materials for new purposes often on
subjects with which they are less familiar. In these situations
having fast access to a wide range of materials which can be
searched, selected and used with the minimum of delay can be of
great help. New technology enables such resources to be offered
in ‘bite-sized chunks’, often with fast or immediate delivery and
at low cost.
Online services are starting to provide this kind of solution.
We’ve been impressed by the resources offered at, for example,
the Gower Activities Index, LearningMatters.com, Profiles-r-
us.com, StudyIT.net and OneClickHR.com. TrainingZONE’s own
Toolkit is also building into a useful downloadable resource
library, now re-organised and with an extended selection of links
*Did you know?* You can quickly check on the credit-worthiness
of any UK company with TrainingZONE. Check out your client’s
financial status before doing business with them by visiting
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
+ Add real value to your web site – +
+ include our free news headlines on your +
+ page instantly updated through the day +
+ – makes your web site fresh and lively +
+ https://www.trainingzone.co.uk/news/syndicatednews.html+
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
Managing your TrainingZONE subscriptions
To subscribe, send a message with SUBSCRIBE LEARNINGWIRE in the
body of the text to mailto:subscribe@trainingzone.co.uk
Alternatively, register at https://www.trainingzone.co.uk/register
To unsubscribe, send a message with UNSUBSCRIBE LEARNINGWIRE in
the body of the text to mailto:unsubscribe@trainingzone.co.uk
(note: the e-mail address must be the same as the one you
initially subscribed from).
To update the free mailing services you receive for newswires,
alerts and job profiles, select ‘my services’ at
Copyright (c) 2000 Sift Group Ltd. All rights reserved.
May be reproduced in any medium for non-commercial purposes as
long as attribution is given.
TrainingZONE, 100 Victoria Street, Bristol BS1 6HZ
Tel:+44 (0)117 915 9600 Fax:+44 (0)117 915 9630
TrainingZONE LearningWIRE - Issue 130
4 December 2000
Yell Awards 2000 Commendation - Best e-Commerce Site (B2B)
1. Share your views in our survey and poll
2. Colleges concern at audit proposals
3. DfEE announces the first foundation degree providers
4. Weekly community update
5. Advice feature: Creating your own Training Resources Centre
Editor's Note
As the days get shorter and the year draws to a close,
broadcasters and journalists are turning to their archives to
showcase the highlights and lowlights of the first year of the
new millennium (or the last year of the last century, depending
on your viewpoint!). TrainingZONE is also busy trawling the
stories that made our headlines this year to bring you a review
of a year at the Department for Education and Employment, a
review of the training world in general and a review of 'yours
truly', where there's plenty to look back on and consider. In
January we had 4600 LearningWire subscribers. The figure for
December is 22,500 - a huge increase!
It's a good opportunity therefore to ask all 22,500 of you to
tell us about the issues that have impacted upon your work this
year. You can do this by voting in the current poll, adding your
thoughts to the Training Trends 2001 survey or e-mailing me at
mailto:editor@trainingzone.co.uk. Any pertinent comments,
controversial or otherwise will be added to ours on the site in a
few weeks' time.
Stephanie Phillips
Increase your 'Organizational IQ' - FREE for Two Weeks at
FTdynamo. Cherry-pick from your favourite business writers and
the most influential management thinking with expert analysis
from FTdynamo. Try it FREE for two weeks at:
Choose your top training trend of 2000!
When the BBC start to trail the Sports Personality
Award, you know that Christmas is approaching. Now there is an
opportunity to participate directly in a Review of the Year
yourself, by nominating the most significant development in the
world of learning, training and development over the past year.
As soon as you vote, you will see the aggregated results to date
and the final outcome will be announced just before Christmas.
Please take a few seconds to choose the most significant
development at
Training and learning this year - what's new?
The Training Trends 2001 survey is now revealing major changes -
in the use of different learning methods, in evaluation and
follow-up practices, in organisational attitudes towards staff
development, and in people's experience of e-learning. You can
already see these trends and compare them with your own practice
TrainingZONE directory of courses continues to grow
TrainingZONE's LearningCampus is continuing to grow with the
number of courses listed topping the 3,000 mark. The latest
company to sign up to the service is Marcus Evans professional
training, who have added over 160 course dates covering subjects
as diverse as Marketing on the Web, Advanced Project Management
and Leadership for Women. They join over 70 training companies
who are already using the service to promote their training
events. The service is free to use for both providers and
learners and bookings can be made either by contacting the course
provider direct or through using TrainingZONE's standard booking
enquiry form linked to the course information.
Focus Quality Services has developed a FREE Online Investors in
People diagnostic questionnaire. This is a simple, quick and
effective way of measuring how your organisation could be
assessed against the UK's only national quality standard for
human resources. All users of the questionnaire will be entered
in to a FREE prize draw to win a Palm Pilot.
Go to http://www.focusquestionnaire.co.uk.
Latest News
A selection of this week's news stories. Many more are at
Colleges concern at audit proposals
Plans to take audit arrangements for FE colleges under the wing
of the Further Education Funding Council (FEFC) are causing
widespread concern among colleges who see it as an attack on
their autonomy, says the Association of Colleges.
DfEE announces the first foundation degree providers
Further details of the government's plans for foundation degrees
have emerged in an announcement made by Education and Employment
Secretary David Blunkett yesterday.
Key Skills in Modern Apprenticeships
An update on the changes proposed for the role of key skills in
Modern Apprenticeship programmes.
**Got a job vacancy to fill? Contact careers man Richard
Sergeant direct by e-mailing him at mailto:rsergeant@sift.co.uk
to contact 25,000 TrainingZONE members.**
FEDA becomes the Learning and Skills Development Agency
The Further Education Development Agency has changed its name and
gained some new responsibilities as a result of a government re-
think earlier this year.
Backgroundpalooza! PowerPoint Tips #2 - December 2000
Creating custom backgrounds for PowerPoint is a challenge most
users never attempt, and yet, it can make a tremendous difference
in impact of your presentation.
Learning and Training at Work 2000 - preliminary findings
Statistical results from a sample of employers reveal changing
patterns in on-the-job and off-the-job training.
The low-down on TrainingZONE's hot features for HRDers this week:
--------------Any Answers? Question of the Week-----------------
Stephen Brand seeks advice on setting up a Training Department
from scratch: "I am tasked with the job of creating a new
training organisation in a company with some 5000+ employees in 4
countries. Can anyone suggest a book/CD which would give me a
kick start?"
Check out this and other questions at
-----------TrainingZONE CareerZone: Job of the Week-------------
Learning and Development Specialist, South Wales, 25-35k + car
For more like this, visit the CareerZone now at
--------------Online workshop this week--------------------------
The problem with employees is....what exactly? How can HR policy
help managers who are faced with problems that may or not need
formal disciplinary proceedings? How much should be left to
managers to deal with themselves?
Interested? Log in on Tuesday 5 December at 13:00 GMT at
Advice feature: Creating your own Training Resources Centre
Training professionals are like squirrels - we gather and hoard
learning and presentational materials for future use. Or rather,
the well-organised ones do, whilst others have an assorted
collection of notes, slides, handouts, and tapes which we tell
ourselves we'll get round to organising when we have the time!
Many trainers need to develop materials for new purposes often on
subjects with which they are less familiar. In these situations
having fast access to a wide range of materials which can be
searched, selected and used with the minimum of delay can be of
great help. New technology enables such resources to be offered
in 'bite-sized chunks', often with fast or immediate delivery and
at low cost.
Online services are starting to provide this kind of solution.
We've been impressed by the resources offered at, for example,
the Gower Activities Index, LearningMatters.com, Profiles-r-
us.com, StudyIT.net and OneClickHR.com. TrainingZONE's own
Toolkit is also building into a useful downloadable resource
library, now re-organised and with an extended selection of links
*Did you know?* You can quickly check on the credit-worthiness
of any UK company with TrainingZONE. Check out your client's
financial status before doing business with them by visiting
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
+ Add real value to your web site - +
+ include our free news headlines on your +
+ page instantly updated through the day +
+ - makes your web site fresh and lively +
+ https://www.trainingzone.co.uk/news/syndicatednews.html+
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
Managing your TrainingZONE subscriptions
To subscribe, send a message with SUBSCRIBE LEARNINGWIRE in the
body of the text to mailto:subscribe@trainingzone.co.uk
Alternatively, register at https://www.trainingzone.co.uk/register
To unsubscribe, send a message with UNSUBSCRIBE LEARNINGWIRE in
the body of the text to mailto:unsubscribe@trainingzone.co.uk
(note: the e-mail address must be the same as the one you
initially subscribed from).
To update the free mailing services you receive for newswires,
alerts and job profiles, select 'my services' at
Copyright (c) 2000 Sift Group Ltd. All rights reserved.
May be reproduced in any medium for non-commercial purposes as
long as attribution is given.
TrainingZONE, 100 Victoria Street, Bristol BS1 6HZ
Tel:+44 (0)117 915 9600 Fax:+44 (0)117 915 9630