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TrainingZONE LearningWire #132 – reviews of the year, UfI online interview, stocking fillers!


TrainingZONE LearningWIRE – Issue 132
18 December 2000
Yell Awards 2000 Commendation – Best e-Commerce Site (B2B)


1. A year in training
2. A year at the Department for Education and Employment
3. Online interview report: Helen Milner, UfI
4. 1,500 new training and learning resources in the Toolkit
5. National Training Awards – winners announced, how to apply!


A TrainingZONE eye view
This week, we took a look back at the year 2000 and what it has
meant for training practitioners around the UK. We’ve seen
plenty of hype around e-learning, changes to institutions (the
CIPD being the obvious one), some interesting research into what
it means to learn to learn and a heated debate over the ongoing
problems caused by skills shortages.

David Blunkett’s Department for Education and Employment has had
a busy year and looks set to have another next year, as the
Learning and Skills Council and Adult Learning Inspectorate come
on stream. We’ll continue to keep you updated on these and all
the department’s news as it reaches us.

It just remains for me to wish all TrainingZONE members a very
happy Christmas and a peaceful New Year. See you in 2001!

Stephanie Phillips

1,500 new training and learning resources in the Toolkit
Our goal of offering 10,000 instantly available training and
learning resources online takes a giant step forward this week
with the addition of 1,500 ‘bite-sized’ learning resources
provided in partnership with Echelon Learning Ltd. The Learning
Matters Resource Centre provides you with, wait for it, 600
training solutions from the libraries of Video Arts and Echelon
Learning, 400 self development solutions, 350 management articles
and case studies from MCB University Press and Thomson Learning,
50 diagnostic and audit solutions, an international encyclopedia
of business terms and previews of 50 management books from
Thomson Learning. Phew! All these resources are available now
for immediate selection in the Toolkit.

Competition winners!
If you missed it you missed out, because wines, spirits and
chocolates are currently winging their way to some lucky
TrainingZONE members as we speak. To find out who won, see

Mall hot sellers of 2000
If you want to find out what the best-informed training
practitioners have been reading this year, visit the TrainingZONE
Mall for our run down of the top ten publications this year.
Clue: our very own MD is responsible for one of them!

Latest News
A selection of this week’s news stories, updated daily at

A year in training
What made news for you this year? What were the key initiatives
and projects that affected your work in training? Read our
review to find TrainingZONE’s top topics for the year 2000.

A year at the Department for Education and Employment
The year 2000 has been a busy one for David Blunkett and his
colleagues at the Department for Education and Employment.
Scarcely a week has gone by without an announcement of a new
scheme or a major shake-up to an existing programme run by the
department. TrainingZONE looks back on the DfEE’s year and picks
out the key news and events which have come out of David
Blunkett’s department since January.

Online interview report: Helen Milner, University for Industry
In a lively online forum, Helen Milner explained the future plans
and described some of the current work of the government’s
University for Industry. Find out the full details at

Need some last-minute stocking fillers? Management Pocketbooks
make great presents – they’re reasonably priced, and easy to wrap!
Check out the full range of titles at

DfEE: new committee members for LSC and ALI
The Department for Education and Employment have today announced
more staffing details for two of the new bodies due to come into
operation next year.

E-learning content to hook up around the world
New progress is being made in developing a common way of
identifying content for e-learning, reports the US-based
technology and learning organisation Masie Center.

National Training Awards – winners announced, how to apply!
The annual National Training Awards competition was brought to a
conclusion this week with the presentation of awards to the 15
top winners this year. Find out who won and how you could be the
one receiving an award next year…

ASTD’s Learning Circuits Express – December 7, 2000
1. Predictions for the (True) Millennium
2. An Intro to Metadata Tagging
3. Providers Announce New International Alliances
4. What is XML, and What Does it Mean for WBT?
5. Product Reviews: Office 2000 E-Learning
6. A Look Back at 2000


The low-down on TrainingZONE’s hot features for HRDers this week:

————–Any Answers? Question of the Week—————–

“Does anyone have experience of successfully utilising on-job
learning techniques, where coaching, guidance and support has
been provided entirely by line managers?”, asks Peter North this
week. He’s interested in finding out how success can be
measured, how the managers’ capability to do this can be
developed and exploring any spin-off’ benefits. Can you help?
To respond to Peter and other TrainingZONE questioners, visit

—————–PressZone: news of the week———————

Focus Quality Services launch online diagnostic for companies to
assess readiness for IIP

CIPD appoints new Chief Moderators

For more news about what the top movers and shakers in the
training world are doing, visit

———–TrainingZONE CareerZone: Job of the Week————-

The top news is that there’s now a ton of jobs in CareerZone –
literally! Try these two great opportunities for size:

For a job with a difference, how about the opportunity to work
with staff in more than eleven countries throughout Europe while
based in Budapest.

For something a bit closer to home, a position as in-house
trainer for a company in Yorkshire offers an array of benefits
including company car, private medical cover, pension, and
generous share options.

See all of the CareerZone vacancies at

————–Online workshop this week————————–

Our regular IT Trainers Forum is an opportunity for anyone
engaged in IT Training to chat together, learn from each other’s
experience, and gain both ideas and support. You can use this
live online discussion to ask about sources of work, talk about
how you cope with tutor groups or pose questions of your own to
other community members. If you think you could learn from the
experience of other IT Trainers or want to share ideas, come
along on Tuesday 19 December at 13:00 GMT at onlineevents/index.html

*Did you know?* You can quickly check on the credit-worthiness
of any UK company with TrainingZONE. Check out your client’s
financial status before doing business with them by visiting

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
+ Add real value to your web site – +
+ include our free news headlines on your +
+ page instantly updated through the day +
+ – makes your web site fresh and lively +
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +

Managing your TrainingZONE subscriptions

To subscribe, send a message with SUBSCRIBE LEARNINGWIRE in the
body of the text to

Alternatively, register at

To unsubscribe, send a message with UNSUBSCRIBE LEARNINGWIRE in
the body of the text to
(note: the e-mail address must be the same as the one you
initially subscribed from).

To update the free mailing services you receive for newswires,
alerts and job profiles, select ‘my services’ at

Copyright (c) 2000 Sift Group Ltd. All rights reserved.
May be reproduced in any medium for non-commercial purposes as
long as attribution is given.

TrainingZONE, 100 Victoria Street, Bristol BS1 6HZ
Tel:+44 (0)117 915 9600 Fax:+44 (0)117 915 9630

TrainingZONE LearningWIRE - Issue 132
18 December 2000
Yell Awards 2000 Commendation - Best e-Commerce Site (B2B)


1. A year in training
2. A year at the Department for Education and Employment
3. Online interview report: Helen Milner, UfI
4. 1,500 new training and learning resources in the Toolkit
5. National Training Awards - winners announced, how to apply!


A TrainingZONE eye view
This week, we took a look back at the year 2000 and what it has
meant for training practitioners around the UK. We've seen
plenty of hype around e-learning, changes to institutions (the
CIPD being the obvious one), some interesting research into what
it means to learn to learn and a heated debate over the ongoing
problems caused by skills shortages.

David Blunkett's Department for Education and Employment has had
a busy year and looks set to have another next year, as the
Learning and Skills Council and Adult Learning Inspectorate come
on stream. We'll continue to keep you updated on these and all
the department's news as it reaches us.

It just remains for me to wish all TrainingZONE members a very
happy Christmas and a peaceful New Year. See you in 2001!

Stephanie Phillips

1,500 new training and learning resources in the Toolkit
Our goal of offering 10,000 instantly available training and
learning resources online takes a giant step forward this week
with the addition of 1,500 'bite-sized' learning resources
provided in partnership with Echelon Learning Ltd. The Learning
Matters Resource Centre provides you with, wait for it, 600
training solutions from the libraries of Video Arts and Echelon
Learning, 400 self development solutions, 350 management articles
and case studies from MCB University Press and Thomson Learning,
50 diagnostic and audit solutions, an international encyclopedia
of business terms and previews of 50 management books from
Thomson Learning. Phew! All these resources are available now
for immediate selection in the Toolkit.

Competition winners!
If you missed it you missed out, because wines, spirits and
chocolates are currently winging their way to some lucky
TrainingZONE members as we speak. To find out who won, see

Mall hot sellers of 2000
If you want to find out what the best-informed training
practitioners have been reading this year, visit the TrainingZONE
Mall for our run down of the top ten publications this year.
Clue: our very own MD is responsible for one of them!

Latest News
A selection of this week's news stories, updated daily at

A year in training
What made news for you this year? What were the key initiatives
and projects that affected your work in training? Read our
review to find TrainingZONE's top topics for the year 2000.

A year at the Department for Education and Employment
The year 2000 has been a busy one for David Blunkett and his
colleagues at the Department for Education and Employment.
Scarcely a week has gone by without an announcement of a new
scheme or a major shake-up to an existing programme run by the
department. TrainingZONE looks back on the DfEE's year and picks
out the key news and events which have come out of David
Blunkett's department since January.

Online interview report: Helen Milner, University for Industry
In a lively online forum, Helen Milner explained the future plans
and described some of the current work of the government's
University for Industry. Find out the full details at

Need some last-minute stocking fillers? Management Pocketbooks
make great presents - they're reasonably priced, and easy to wrap!
Check out the full range of titles at

DfEE: new committee members for LSC and ALI
The Department for Education and Employment have today announced
more staffing details for two of the new bodies due to come into
operation next year.

E-learning content to hook up around the world
New progress is being made in developing a common way of
identifying content for e-learning, reports the US-based
technology and learning organisation Masie Center.

National Training Awards - winners announced, how to apply!
The annual National Training Awards competition was brought to a
conclusion this week with the presentation of awards to the 15
top winners this year. Find out who won and how you could be the
one receiving an award next year...

ASTD's Learning Circuits Express - December 7, 2000
1. Predictions for the (True) Millennium
2. An Intro to Metadata Tagging
3. Providers Announce New International Alliances
4. What is XML, and What Does it Mean for WBT?
5. Product Reviews: Office 2000 E-Learning
6. A Look Back at 2000


The low-down on TrainingZONE's hot features for HRDers this week:

--------------Any Answers? Question of the Week-----------------

"Does anyone have experience of successfully utilising on-job
learning techniques, where coaching, guidance and support has
been provided entirely by line managers?", asks Peter North this
week. He's interested in finding out how success can be
measured, how the managers' capability to do this can be
developed and exploring any spin-off' benefits. Can you help?
To respond to Peter and other TrainingZONE questioners, visit

-----------------PressZone: news of the week---------------------

Focus Quality Services launch online diagnostic for companies to
assess readiness for IIP

CIPD appoints new Chief Moderators

For more news about what the top movers and shakers in the
training world are doing, visit

-----------TrainingZONE CareerZone: Job of the Week-------------

The top news is that there's now a ton of jobs in CareerZone -
literally! Try these two great opportunities for size:

For a job with a difference, how about the opportunity to work
with staff in more than eleven countries throughout Europe while
based in Budapest.

For something a bit closer to home, a position as in-house
trainer for a company in Yorkshire offers an array of benefits
including company car, private medical cover, pension, and
generous share options.

See all of the CareerZone vacancies at

--------------Online workshop this week--------------------------

Our regular IT Trainers Forum is an opportunity for anyone
engaged in IT Training to chat together, learn from each other's
experience, and gain both ideas and support. You can use this
live online discussion to ask about sources of work, talk about
how you cope with tutor groups or pose questions of your own to
other community members. If you think you could learn from the
experience of other IT Trainers or want to share ideas, come
along on Tuesday 19 December at 13:00 GMT at onlineevents/index.html

*Did you know?* You can quickly check on the credit-worthiness
of any UK company with TrainingZONE. Check out your client's
financial status before doing business with them by visiting

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
+ Add real value to your web site - +
+ include our free news headlines on your +
+ page instantly updated through the day +
+ - makes your web site fresh and lively +
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +

Managing your TrainingZONE subscriptions

To subscribe, send a message with SUBSCRIBE LEARNINGWIRE in the
body of the text to

Alternatively, register at

To unsubscribe, send a message with UNSUBSCRIBE LEARNINGWIRE in
the body of the text to
(note: the e-mail address must be the same as the one you
initially subscribed from).

To update the free mailing services you receive for newswires,
alerts and job profiles, select 'my services' at

Copyright (c) 2000 Sift Group Ltd. All rights reserved.
May be reproduced in any medium for non-commercial purposes as
long as attribution is given.

TrainingZONE, 100 Victoria Street, Bristol BS1 6HZ
Tel:+44 (0)117 915 9600 Fax:+44 (0)117 915 9630