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TrainingZONE LearningWire #142 – NACETT interview, how to get a grant for your business, legal documents ‘on tap’


TrainingZONE LearningWIRE – Issue 142
5 March 2001


1. RESOURCES: Information on business grants, legal documents
2. NEWS and INFORMATION: Exclusive NACETT interview
3. WORK OPPORTUNITIES: E-learning, management development
4. COMMUNITY FEATURES: Live workshop from Training
Conference and Expo event, Atlanta, USA


Editor’s note

When Education and Employment Secretary David Blunkett announced
plans to transform post-16 learning in July 1999, it heralded the
start of some big changes, the biggest of which was the planned
phasing out of Training and Enterprise Councils and the birth of
a new Learning and Skills Council, tasked with responsibility for
provision of education and training for around 5 million learners
over the age of 16. In just under two years, the plans have
become concrete, as next month, the LSC and its local arms become
reality. The impact on those working in the sector is going to
be great, as the shake-up sees responsibilities move to the new
Council across the board. One of those organisations affected is
the National Advisory Council for Education and Training Targets
(NACETT), whose entire work programme will transfer across to the new
Council. This week, chairman Derek Wanless spoke to TrainingZONE as
NACETT prepared to close its doors for the last time, leaving behind
a legacy of progress, but plenty of work still to be done in raising
standards. As the new Council starts to make its presence felt
we’ll be reporting on the changes taking place and their
implications for learners and training providers alike.

Stephanie Phillips

HRD 2001 3-5 April, Olympia, London. Almost 2,500 delegates and
7,000 exhibition visitors will attend, making it the largest
learning/development conference and exhibition in Europe. HRD 2001
gives you the opportunity to network with HR/training
professionals, exchange ideas and best practice. HRD 2001 promises
to be liveliest yet – we look forward to seeing you there. For the
full conference programme, exhibition details online booking call
020 8263 3434 or see

A comprehensive library of practical resources is available at

How to take the hassle out of best practice process
Evaluation, appraisal, organisational benchmarking and employee
surveys – all great ideas in principle, but so often these
processes fail to work effectively due to a key stumbling block –
issuing and collating forms for those involved to complete. have come up with a solution to this – they offer
a great service which does all the sending, chasing and collation
for you – it even generates the report at the end! TrainingZONE
thought this was one service well worth having, so we secured it
for you on the site. Check it out at

Need a legal document? Download the completed version here!
Making sure your employment contracts, partnership agreements and
sales contracts are legally valid can be a real problem. Help is
at hand through our new partnership with LawRights, which offers
over 40 different legal documents online. A simple wizard helps
you complete all the necessary details and, hey presto, you just
download and print the finished version.

Get information about grants to help your business easily
Did you know there were over 2,000 sources of business grants
available to businesses in the UK? Most businesses qualify for
assistance in one shape or form, but don’t take advantage of
loans or grants because of they just don’t know what they’re
entitled to apply for. Now, you can identify sources of
financial support for your business online. Just enter your
postcode and the search process helps you to define your needs
before listing all available grants. Problem solved!

Put valuable business services onto YOUR website
Now you can really help your clients and staff by adding over 25
business services and helpful directories onto YOUR website or
company internet including Training Resources, HR Resources,
Learning Resources and Business Directories. It’s so simple –
and free! Check out how at

Your supply chain has loads of inventory but service is poor!
The Change Works Supply Chain course trains you to characterise
demand, establish run strategies, plan for volatile demand and to
get supply chain members to work together to improve performance
Next course 3rd to 5th April. For more information ring
07000 400 330 or go to

All the information you need to keep up-to-date is at

Exclusive interview: NACETT Chairman Derek Wanless
At the end of this month comes the end of an era, as the National
Advisory Council for Education and Training Targets (NACETT)
closes its doors for good. With the handover to the incoming
Council nearly complete, TrainingZONE took the opportunity to
talk to NACETT’s Chairman, Derek Wanless, about NACETT’s
achievements, legacy and hopes for the future.

Young people not exercising their right to time off for training
A report from the Department for Education and Employment finds
that employment legislation introduced to establish the right for
employees aged 16 and 17 to paid time off work for training has
had little impact on the amount of training taking place.

Government to fund NI contributions for basic skills trainees
The government is to consider paying National Insurance
contributions for employers if their employees undertake basic
skills training.

Focus Quality Services has developed a FREE Online Investors in
People diagnostic questionnaire. This is a simple, quick and
effective way of measuring how your organisation could be
assessed against the UK’s only national quality standard for
human resources. All users of the questionnaire will be entered
in to a FREE prize draw to win a Palm Pilot. Go to

OFSTED begins work in the post-16 sector
The Office for Standards in Education (OFSTED) has announced the
names of the first five Further Education colleges it will be
inspecting under the new arrangements for inspection which come
into place as part of the Learning and Skills Council.

Libraries to build stronger links with University for Industry
Libraries are set to play a bigger role in the development of the
government’s University for Industry initiative aimed at
promoting and encouraging lifelong learning, according to an
announcement this week.

ISM launches annual search for excellent team leaders
The Institute for Supervision and Management is looking for the
best examples of achievement from first line managers and team
leaders in the UK to be nominated for the 2001 Lord Oxfuirds
Awards for Excellence.


This week’s top vacancies include:

– E-Learning Research and Development Consultant, based
Ireland/USA, salary neg. + relocation + bens

– Management Training and Development Specialist, based Milton
Keynes or Staffs, salary neg.

Get the full details of these and more positions at


TrainingZONE reviews…
TrainingZONE’s intrepid team of reviewers take on a batch of the
latest books, videos, CDROMS and online materials every few
months – they try before you buy. Find out what they think of
the latest training and learning products on the market at

Free online workshops every Tuesday
Did you know? If technical reasons or time mean you can’t get to
one of our free lunchtime workshops, you can read the transcript
of the session on the site, usually later the same day. The
transcripts are also a great way of finding out what goes on at
one of these sessions, which are open for all to attend. Why not
make a date in your diary for this Tuesday’s workshop, which
comes live from the Training Conference and Expo event in
Atlanta, USA.
To read a transcript, or find out about tomorrow’s event, see

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
+ Add real value to your web site – +
+ include our free news headlines on your +
+ page instantly updated through the day +
+ – makes your web site fresh and lively +
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+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +

Managing your TrainingZONE subscriptions

To subscribe, register at

Alternatively, e-mail

To unsubscribe, e-mail
with the message UNSUBSCRIBE LEARNINGWIRE. You should
unsubscribe from the same e-mail address you subscribed from.

To update the free mailing services you receive for newswires,
alerts and job profiles, select ‘my services’ at

Copyright (c) 2001 Sift Group Ltd. All rights reserved.
May be reproduced in any medium for non-commercial purposes as
long as attribution is given.

TrainingZONE, 100 Victoria Street, Bristol BS1 6HZ
Tel:+44 (0)117 915 9600 Fax:+44 (0)117 915 9630

TrainingZONE LearningWIRE - Issue 142
5 March 2001


1. RESOURCES: Information on business grants, legal documents
2. NEWS and INFORMATION: Exclusive NACETT interview
3. WORK OPPORTUNITIES: E-learning, management development
4. COMMUNITY FEATURES: Live workshop from Training
Conference and Expo event, Atlanta, USA


Editor's note

When Education and Employment Secretary David Blunkett announced
plans to transform post-16 learning in July 1999, it heralded the
start of some big changes, the biggest of which was the planned
phasing out of Training and Enterprise Councils and the birth of
a new Learning and Skills Council, tasked with responsibility for
provision of education and training for around 5 million learners
over the age of 16. In just under two years, the plans have
become concrete, as next month, the LSC and its local arms become
reality. The impact on those working in the sector is going to
be great, as the shake-up sees responsibilities move to the new
Council across the board. One of those organisations affected is
the National Advisory Council for Education and Training Targets
(NACETT), whose entire work programme will transfer across to the new
Council. This week, chairman Derek Wanless spoke to TrainingZONE as
NACETT prepared to close its doors for the last time, leaving behind
a legacy of progress, but plenty of work still to be done in raising
standards. As the new Council starts to make its presence felt
we'll be reporting on the changes taking place and their
implications for learners and training providers alike.

Stephanie Phillips

HRD 2001 3-5 April, Olympia, London. Almost 2,500 delegates and
7,000 exhibition visitors will attend, making it the largest
learning/development conference and exhibition in Europe. HRD 2001
gives you the opportunity to network with HR/training
professionals, exchange ideas and best practice. HRD 2001 promises
to be liveliest yet - we look forward to seeing you there. For the
full conference programme, exhibition details online booking call
020 8263 3434 or see

A comprehensive library of practical resources is available at

How to take the hassle out of best practice process
Evaluation, appraisal, organisational benchmarking and employee
surveys - all great ideas in principle, but so often these
processes fail to work effectively due to a key stumbling block -
issuing and collating forms for those involved to complete. have come up with a solution to this - they offer
a great service which does all the sending, chasing and collation
for you - it even generates the report at the end! TrainingZONE
thought this was one service well worth having, so we secured it
for you on the site. Check it out at

Need a legal document? Download the completed version here!
Making sure your employment contracts, partnership agreements and
sales contracts are legally valid can be a real problem. Help is
at hand through our new partnership with LawRights, which offers
over 40 different legal documents online. A simple wizard helps
you complete all the necessary details and, hey presto, you just
download and print the finished version.

Get information about grants to help your business easily
Did you know there were over 2,000 sources of business grants
available to businesses in the UK? Most businesses qualify for
assistance in one shape or form, but don't take advantage of
loans or grants because of they just don't know what they're
entitled to apply for. Now, you can identify sources of
financial support for your business online. Just enter your
postcode and the search process helps you to define your needs
before listing all available grants. Problem solved!

Put valuable business services onto YOUR website
Now you can really help your clients and staff by adding over 25
business services and helpful directories onto YOUR website or
company internet including Training Resources, HR Resources,
Learning Resources and Business Directories. It's so simple -
and free! Check out how at

Your supply chain has loads of inventory but service is poor!
The Change Works Supply Chain course trains you to characterise
demand, establish run strategies, plan for volatile demand and to
get supply chain members to work together to improve performance
Next course 3rd to 5th April. For more information ring
07000 400 330 or go to

All the information you need to keep up-to-date is at

Exclusive interview: NACETT Chairman Derek Wanless
At the end of this month comes the end of an era, as the National
Advisory Council for Education and Training Targets (NACETT)
closes its doors for good. With the handover to the incoming
Council nearly complete, TrainingZONE took the opportunity to
talk to NACETT's Chairman, Derek Wanless, about NACETT's
achievements, legacy and hopes for the future.

Young people not exercising their right to time off for training
A report from the Department for Education and Employment finds
that employment legislation introduced to establish the right for
employees aged 16 and 17 to paid time off work for training has
had little impact on the amount of training taking place.

Government to fund NI contributions for basic skills trainees
The government is to consider paying National Insurance
contributions for employers if their employees undertake basic
skills training.

Focus Quality Services has developed a FREE Online Investors in
People diagnostic questionnaire. This is a simple, quick and
effective way of measuring how your organisation could be
assessed against the UK's only national quality standard for
human resources. All users of the questionnaire will be entered
in to a FREE prize draw to win a Palm Pilot. Go to

OFSTED begins work in the post-16 sector
The Office for Standards in Education (OFSTED) has announced the
names of the first five Further Education colleges it will be
inspecting under the new arrangements for inspection which come
into place as part of the Learning and Skills Council.

Libraries to build stronger links with University for Industry
Libraries are set to play a bigger role in the development of the
government's University for Industry initiative aimed at
promoting and encouraging lifelong learning, according to an
announcement this week.

ISM launches annual search for excellent team leaders
The Institute for Supervision and Management is looking for the
best examples of achievement from first line managers and team
leaders in the UK to be nominated for the 2001 Lord Oxfuirds
Awards for Excellence.


This week's top vacancies include:

- E-Learning Research and Development Consultant, based
Ireland/USA, salary neg. + relocation + bens

- Management Training and Development Specialist, based Milton
Keynes or Staffs, salary neg.

Get the full details of these and more positions at


TrainingZONE reviews...
TrainingZONE's intrepid team of reviewers take on a batch of the
latest books, videos, CDROMS and online materials every few
months - they try before you buy. Find out what they think of
the latest training and learning products on the market at

Free online workshops every Tuesday
Did you know? If technical reasons or time mean you can't get to
one of our free lunchtime workshops, you can read the transcript
of the session on the site, usually later the same day. The
transcripts are also a great way of finding out what goes on at
one of these sessions, which are open for all to attend. Why not
make a date in your diary for this Tuesday's workshop, which
comes live from the Training Conference and Expo event in
Atlanta, USA.
To read a transcript, or find out about tomorrow's event, see

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
+ Add real value to your web site - +
+ include our free news headlines on your +
+ page instantly updated through the day +
+ - makes your web site fresh and lively +
+ +
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +

Managing your TrainingZONE subscriptions

To subscribe, register at

Alternatively, e-mail

To unsubscribe, e-mail
with the message UNSUBSCRIBE LEARNINGWIRE. You should
unsubscribe from the same e-mail address you subscribed from.

To update the free mailing services you receive for newswires,
alerts and job profiles, select 'my services' at

Copyright (c) 2001 Sift Group Ltd. All rights reserved.
May be reproduced in any medium for non-commercial purposes as
long as attribution is given.

TrainingZONE, 100 Victoria Street, Bristol BS1 6HZ
Tel:+44 (0)117 915 9600 Fax:+44 (0)117 915 9630