TrainingZONE LearningWire – Issue 97
17 April 2000
1. New standard for Investors in People
2 TrainingNet buys UK Training Index
3. What inhibits distance learning?
4. Jobs, Jobs, Jobs
5. How do I change the ‘them and us’ feeling?
Latest News
Send us news for inclusion at https://www.trainingzone.co.uk/news
New standard for Investors in People
The IIP scheme has been relaunched with a new, simpler and more friendly set of indicators. The process of IIP accreditation has also been streamlined, with a greater focus on outcomes rather than processes, simpler paperwork, and greater flexibility to accommodate the circumstances of each company. Full details of the new Standard are available online.
DfEE staff access online learning
Are they trying to lead by example? All 4,500 staff at the DfEE can now access a comprehensive range of learning resources from any desktop PC or through one of four new Learning Zones.
TrainingNet buys UK Training Index
As trailed in last week’s issue, the long established UK Training Index, cataloguer of course information for corporate buyers on subscription has been bought by TrainingNet as part of its expansion into Europe with directory services. TrainingNet has also acquired Trainers Village, a networking site for 1,500 IT contractors. At the present time, this makes TrainingNet probably the largest online provider of course information.
First interactive virtual training exhibition
With HRD 2000 behind us, attention now moves on to the Training Solutions and IT Training Show at the NEC in July. Show organisers, Hemming Group, are this year launching a virtual exhibition showcasing many of the stands in an interactive way – so you can browse without visiting!
Discussion forum on e-learning
One of the major US training forums has established a new discussion area around the evaluation of e-learning and the contribution which is, or might, make to staff development and individual learning.
360 degree online workshop
This week’s online workshop focuses on 360 degree feedback and its use in personal development. Running on Tuesday at 13:00 BST, our regular opportunity for CPD at your desk is led by Andie Hemming who has previously run a number of successful workshops on TrainingZone. Do come and join us:
Are you working in a positive learning climate?
Only a month away, and the Campaign for Learning is firing up the publicity. If you’re not sure what to do, have a look at some of these suggestions for promoting learning in your workplace.
The Campaign have also created a self-assessment instrument online to help you decide just how learning-friendly your work environment really is.
Learning and Skills Councils and the Voluntary Sector
A discussion paper looks at how organisations in the public and voluntary sectors might respond to the new challenges and opportunities created by the arrival of new Learning and Skills Councils next year.
What inhibits distance learning?
Staff from two US universities have conducted a survey with 2504 valid surveys into the perceived barriers to the increased use of distance education. The top 5 barriers were increased time commitment; lack of implementation money; organizational resistance to change; lack of shared vision; lack of support staff to help course development.
The new Jobs area of TrainingZONE is filling up with vacancies. In the last few days, the following posts have been offered by other users:
– Quantum Reading trainers
– Freelance primary school support staff trainers
– Financial Trainer / Programme Co-ordinator
– Freelance Trainer Assessors
– Project Manager, Learning Resources
Have you set up your alert to be notified of your dream job? Vacancy listing is still free this month.
Web-based personal development planning tool
Knowledge Associates have developed an interesting tool for capturing personal development planning and CPD, and linking it to specific competencies in a sector. Originally designed for use in the engineering sector, it undoubtedly has wider application.
SEMINAR: The Easy Way to Market Courses, Seminars & Consultancy
A 1-day marketing course for trainers and consultants: How to use
direct mail, advertising, exhibitions, faxshots, the Internet, PR,
showcases & telemarketing; How to source the best lists, increase
responses from direct mail & produce effective marketing material;
How top consultants win business; Free marketing plan template.
Cost: 295 UKP + VAT with 50 UKP discount if you book by 7th April.
Tel: 01386 550106 mailto:sfroggatt@audiobriefings.com
Dates: Coventry: 10th May; London – 17th or 18th May.
Our advertising is now audited by ABC. To reach our audience, see:
The following invitations to tender are amongst those added last week to the Tenders page at
** Training Associate to deliver wide range of management courses wanted
** Root Cause Analysis Training
** Trainer for advanced JAVA Progarmming skills including CORBA
Struggle to answer the question “What have you got that’s DIFFERENT?”
Interested in a proven resource that can be used at ANY level, in ANY
industry? LIBERATION is all of this and more. And it’s absolutely
FREE to evaluate – http://www.sandstone.co.uk/LiberationOffer.html
Read the independent TrainingZone review at:
Any Answers?
This area of the site is taking off quite dramatically with a host of new questions and answers posted every week. It’s a great place to seek inspiration and get help.
* Question of the Week *:
How do I change the ‘them and us’ feeling?
For too long now my organisation has suffered with bouts of a ‘them and us’ feelings. Some staff do not feel they have a worthwhile contribution to make to the business, and yet without them the image of the organisation would suffer – so they are an integral part of the organisation, yet when asked, they always feel ‘different’ to every one else. How do I overcome this cultural problem? I am a senior teacher within a large HE College.
Helen Roberts
A selection of other questions:
– What is the Sedona Method?
– Course outline wanted for a 1 day facilitation skills course
– Looking for information on Individual Problem Solving and Critical Thinking.
– Looking for ideas for Internal Auditor Training – ISO 9000
Can you answer any questions at
Use the Comments facility to send your response to the questioner.
*** **** *** **** *** **** *** **** *** **** *** **** *** *** ***
Are you affected by IR35?
With so much uncertainty surrounding the effects of IR35 and
personal service companies, you need to be right up to date with
the latest guidance. TaxZone is offering members a discount on an
interactive IR35 expert system produced by Parkes tax consultants
– available for only 25 pounds + VAT, half the normal retail
price. Take advantage of this amazing offer:
*** **** *** **** *** **** *** **** *** **** *** **** *** *** ***
Our scan of hundreds of relevant websites every week is reported at
The Linkage website identifies best practice in leadership development, coaching and mentoring.
More information on Individual Learning Accounts
An article on the Lifelong Learning website provides an easy introduction to the framework and operating procedures for ILA, introduced this year.
Domain names the easy way
If you haven’t registered your own domain name yet, you may be disappointed. It seems like all the good Internet domain names are already taken and that may well include most variations on your own business name. However, the free NameBoy.com service can mix and match keywords and concepts to see which combinations have already been applied to registered domain names and which are still available.
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
+ Add real value to your web site – +
+ include our free news headlines on your +
+ page instantly updated through the day +
+ – makes your website fresh and lively +
+ https://www.trainingzone.co.uk/news/syndicatednews.html+
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
How to add, delete or change your mailing
To receive LearningWire free each week, register your name at
To stop LearningWire, or to change your email address, go to
Alternatively, mailto:unsubscribe@trainingzone.co.uk and put ‘unsubscribe learningwire’ in the body of the email. (To succeed, make sure your email address shown in the Header is the same as the one to which LearningWire is sent.)
Copyright (c) 2000 Sift plc. All rights reserved.
May be reproduced in any medium for non-commercial purposes as long as attribution is given.
TrainingZone, 100 Victoria Street, Bristol BS1 6HZ
Tel:+44 (0)117 915 9600 Fax:+44 (0)117 915 9630
TrainingZONE LearningWire - Issue 97
17 April 2000
1. New standard for Investors in People
2 TrainingNet buys UK Training Index
3. What inhibits distance learning?
4. Jobs, Jobs, Jobs
5. How do I change the 'them and us' feeling?
Latest News
Send us news for inclusion at https://www.trainingzone.co.uk/news
New standard for Investors in People
The IIP scheme has been relaunched with a new, simpler and more friendly set of indicators. The process of IIP accreditation has also been streamlined, with a greater focus on outcomes rather than processes, simpler paperwork, and greater flexibility to accommodate the circumstances of each company. Full details of the new Standard are available online.
DfEE staff access online learning
Are they trying to lead by example? All 4,500 staff at the DfEE can now access a comprehensive range of learning resources from any desktop PC or through one of four new Learning Zones.
TrainingNet buys UK Training Index
As trailed in last week's issue, the long established UK Training Index, cataloguer of course information for corporate buyers on subscription has been bought by TrainingNet as part of its expansion into Europe with directory services. TrainingNet has also acquired Trainers Village, a networking site for 1,500 IT contractors. At the present time, this makes TrainingNet probably the largest online provider of course information.
First interactive virtual training exhibition
With HRD 2000 behind us, attention now moves on to the Training Solutions and IT Training Show at the NEC in July. Show organisers, Hemming Group, are this year launching a virtual exhibition showcasing many of the stands in an interactive way - so you can browse without visiting!
Discussion forum on e-learning
One of the major US training forums has established a new discussion area around the evaluation of e-learning and the contribution which is, or might, make to staff development and individual learning.
360 degree online workshop
This week's online workshop focuses on 360 degree feedback and its use in personal development. Running on Tuesday at 13:00 BST, our regular opportunity for CPD at your desk is led by Andie Hemming who has previously run a number of successful workshops on TrainingZone. Do come and join us:
Are you working in a positive learning climate?
Only a month away, and the Campaign for Learning is firing up the publicity. If you're not sure what to do, have a look at some of these suggestions for promoting learning in your workplace.
The Campaign have also created a self-assessment instrument online to help you decide just how learning-friendly your work environment really is.
Learning and Skills Councils and the Voluntary Sector
A discussion paper looks at how organisations in the public and voluntary sectors might respond to the new challenges and opportunities created by the arrival of new Learning and Skills Councils next year.
What inhibits distance learning?
Staff from two US universities have conducted a survey with 2504 valid surveys into the perceived barriers to the increased use of distance education. The top 5 barriers were increased time commitment; lack of implementation money; organizational resistance to change; lack of shared vision; lack of support staff to help course development.
The new Jobs area of TrainingZONE is filling up with vacancies. In the last few days, the following posts have been offered by other users:
- Quantum Reading trainers
- Freelance primary school support staff trainers
- Financial Trainer / Programme Co-ordinator
- Freelance Trainer Assessors
- Project Manager, Learning Resources
Have you set up your alert to be notified of your dream job? Vacancy listing is still free this month.
Web-based personal development planning tool
Knowledge Associates have developed an interesting tool for capturing personal development planning and CPD, and linking it to specific competencies in a sector. Originally designed for use in the engineering sector, it undoubtedly has wider application.
SEMINAR: The Easy Way to Market Courses, Seminars & Consultancy
A 1-day marketing course for trainers and consultants: How to use
direct mail, advertising, exhibitions, faxshots, the Internet, PR,
showcases & telemarketing; How to source the best lists, increase
responses from direct mail & produce effective marketing material;
How top consultants win business; Free marketing plan template.
Cost: 295 UKP + VAT with 50 UKP discount if you book by 7th April.
Tel: 01386 550106 mailto:sfroggatt@audiobriefings.com
Dates: Coventry: 10th May; London - 17th or 18th May.
Our advertising is now audited by ABC. To reach our audience, see:
The following invitations to tender are amongst those added last week to the Tenders page at
** Training Associate to deliver wide range of management courses wanted
** Root Cause Analysis Training
** Trainer for advanced JAVA Progarmming skills including CORBA
Struggle to answer the question "What have you got that's DIFFERENT?"
Interested in a proven resource that can be used at ANY level, in ANY
industry? LIBERATION is all of this and more. And it's absolutely
FREE to evaluate - http://www.sandstone.co.uk/LiberationOffer.html
Read the independent TrainingZone review at:
Any Answers?
This area of the site is taking off quite dramatically with a host of new questions and answers posted every week. It's a great place to seek inspiration and get help.
* Question of the Week *:
How do I change the 'them and us' feeling?
For too long now my organisation has suffered with bouts of a 'them and us' feelings. Some staff do not feel they have a worthwhile contribution to make to the business, and yet without them the image of the organisation would suffer - so they are an integral part of the organisation, yet when asked, they always feel 'different' to every one else. How do I overcome this cultural problem? I am a senior teacher within a large HE College.
Helen Roberts
A selection of other questions:
- What is the Sedona Method?
- Course outline wanted for a 1 day facilitation skills course
- Looking for information on Individual Problem Solving and Critical Thinking.
- Looking for ideas for Internal Auditor Training - ISO 9000
Can you answer any questions at
Use the Comments facility to send your response to the questioner.
*** **** *** **** *** **** *** **** *** **** *** **** *** *** ***
Are you affected by IR35?
With so much uncertainty surrounding the effects of IR35 and
personal service companies, you need to be right up to date with
the latest guidance. TaxZone is offering members a discount on an
interactive IR35 expert system produced by Parkes tax consultants
- available for only 25 pounds + VAT, half the normal retail
price. Take advantage of this amazing offer:
*** **** *** **** *** **** *** **** *** **** *** **** *** *** ***
Our scan of hundreds of relevant websites every week is reported at
The Linkage website identifies best practice in leadership development, coaching and mentoring.
More information on Individual Learning Accounts
An article on the Lifelong Learning website provides an easy introduction to the framework and operating procedures for ILA, introduced this year.
Domain names the easy way
If you haven't registered your own domain name yet, you may be disappointed. It seems like all the good Internet domain names are already taken and that may well include most variations on your own business name. However, the free NameBoy.com service can mix and match keywords and concepts to see which combinations have already been applied to registered domain names and which are still available.
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
+ Add real value to your web site - +
+ include our free news headlines on your +
+ page instantly updated through the day +
+ - makes your website fresh and lively +
+ https://www.trainingzone.co.uk/news/syndicatednews.html+
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
How to add, delete or change your mailing
To receive LearningWire free each week, register your name at
To stop LearningWire, or to change your email address, go to
Alternatively, mailto:unsubscribe@trainingzone.co.uk and put 'unsubscribe learningwire' in the body of the email. (To succeed, make sure your email address shown in the Header is the same as the one to which LearningWire is sent.)
Copyright (c) 2000 Sift plc. All rights reserved.
May be reproduced in any medium for non-commercial purposes as long as attribution is given.
TrainingZone, 100 Victoria Street, Bristol BS1 6HZ
Tel:+44 (0)117 915 9600 Fax:+44 (0)117 915 9630