TrainingZONE Newswire – Issue 325
20 September 2004
1. Feature: Understanding Emotional Intelligence
2. Paul Kearns: Coaching for Results
3. The Way I See It… Train to Retain
4. Training Investment up 50%
5. Training Boosts Job Prospects for 70%
Editor’s note
Leadership thinking has moved away from the old command and control
management style. In recent weeks TrainingZONE has featured the
likes of ILM chief Gary Ince and Naked Leader author David Taylor
espousing the benefits of a management style that focuses on
developing and facilitating staff. This week on TrainingZONE we
carry a case study of one housing association that put its managers
through a facilitative leadership course and felt the benefits
across the organisation. And staying with the leadership theme,
Michael Massey explains the theory behind emotional intelligence
and its part to play in leadership skills.
Elsewhere in the news this week is further evidence of expansion in
the training market, with the CBI reporting that UK businesses are
spending more on training than last year. And with unemployment at
a 20-year low, recruitment firm director Pauline Godley explains
the economic imperative that companies train to retain.
Follow the links below to read more on these stories.
Claire Savage
Editor, TrainingZONE
Video Arts
Want Jamie Oliver to help you create a winning team? With the brand
new two-part “Jamie’s Kitchen” training series from Video Arts he
can. By using “Fifteen lessons on leadership” and “Fifteen lessons
on teamwork” you’ll be able to offer some of Jamie’s inspirational
leadership and teamwork skills to your workforce. To find out more
click here:
TrainingZONE is one of the world’s leading online resources for
training professionals. For details of how to reach this
News and features
Latest news and features:
Feature: Understanding Emotional Intelligence
Michael Massey explains the theory behind emotional intelligence
and its importance to leadership skills.
Training Investment up in 50% of Firms
CBI reports shows an increase in training expenditure and the
amount of training given in the past 12 months.
Bitesize 19 – Coaching for Results
Paul Kearns explains the business partner’s case for coaching.
The Way I See It… Train to Retain
Pauline Godley argues that current skills shortages have put a new
onus on employers to train and develop staff.
Case Study: Developing Facilitative Leaders
Read how one housing association put managers through facilitative
leadership training and reaped rewards across the organisation.
Training Boosts Job Prospects for 70%
ELWa study finds that seven in ten people who undertake training to
get a better or different job achieved their goal.
Balance Learning
Imagine a new blended experience that transfers knowledge to the
workplace, and provides cost-effective, timesaving results with
business impact. Book your place at Balance Learning’s free
Senior Executive Workshop to find out more. Learn. Practice. Do.
Measurable Results.
Catch-up with the latest questions being asked by the community:
Barry Dench needs advice on bridging the gap between training and
implementing the new skills learnt.
Nik Kellingley needs advice on the average number of training days
offered by organisations.
Paul Allman is looking for a quote that shows the importance of
assessing knowledge.
Jayne Baker is looking for advice on the best courses and
experience needed to move into a HR manager role.
AC International Conference 2004
Don’t miss the largest UK-based Coaching event of the year,
“Breaking Through”, being held on Friday, 22ndof October 2004 in
London. The Association for Coaching has brought together the
absolute best in coaching.
See below link for more:
All Training Methods documents
Purchasing All Training Methods documents enables you to access,
use and revisit all TrainingZONE published training methods
materials at any time during the year from initial purchase. By
purchasing this item, you save at least a third off the price of
the individual documents on this topic. All new and updated
resources added during this period will also be accessible. The
pack includes: mentoring diagnostic activity, four-stage
evaluation, evaluation questions and the Training Needs Analysis
Trans4mation provides innovative programmes for leadership,
emotional intelligence, diversity, knowledge management,
teamworking, conflict management, and motivating and retaining
talent. We tailor individual programmes on any people-related
topic. We believe in the supreme value of investing in people,
and have the Investor in People award, as well as ISO 9000.
TrainingZONE Insider
If you don’t subscribe to the Insider you are missing out on a
shortcut to the best tips, advice and peer support you’ll find
online for training and HRD professionals. You could also be
missing out on the latest jobs, courses, events, reviews and
career advice posted on TrainingZONE. To get the inside track to
the weekly highlights from the TrainingZONE community select “my
newswires” at:
Subscription Information
TrainingZONE publishes a range of regular newswires,
– TrainingZONE Newswire
– The Insider
The TrainingZONE newswire is now available in text or html. To
change the way you receive this newswire or to subscribe or
unsubscribe to newswires, select ‘my newswires and alerts’ at:
Copyright (c) 2004 Sift Group Ltd. All rights reserved.
May be reproduced in any medium for non-commercial purposes
as long as attribution is given.
TrainingZONE, 100 Victoria Street, Bristol BS1 6HZ
Tel:+44 (0)117 915 9600 Fax:+44 (0)117 915 9630
https://www.trainingzone.co.uk ISSN 1474-2225
TrainingZONE Newswire - Issue 325
20 September 2004
1. Feature: Understanding Emotional Intelligence
2. Paul Kearns: Coaching for Results
3. The Way I See It... Train to Retain
4. Training Investment up 50%
5. Training Boosts Job Prospects for 70%
Editor's note
Leadership thinking has moved away from the old command and control
management style. In recent weeks TrainingZONE has featured the
likes of ILM chief Gary Ince and Naked Leader author David Taylor
espousing the benefits of a management style that focuses on
developing and facilitating staff. This week on TrainingZONE we
carry a case study of one housing association that put its managers
through a facilitative leadership course and felt the benefits
across the organisation. And staying with the leadership theme,
Michael Massey explains the theory behind emotional intelligence
and its part to play in leadership skills.
Elsewhere in the news this week is further evidence of expansion in
the training market, with the CBI reporting that UK businesses are
spending more on training than last year. And with unemployment at
a 20-year low, recruitment firm director Pauline Godley explains
the economic imperative that companies train to retain.
Follow the links below to read more on these stories.
Claire Savage
Editor, TrainingZONE
Video Arts
Want Jamie Oliver to help you create a winning team? With the brand
new two-part "Jamie's Kitchen" training series from Video Arts he
can. By using "Fifteen lessons on leadership" and "Fifteen lessons
on teamwork" you'll be able to offer some of Jamie's inspirational
leadership and teamwork skills to your workforce. To find out more
click here:
TrainingZONE is one of the world's leading online resources for
training professionals. For details of how to reach this
News and features
Latest news and features:
Feature: Understanding Emotional Intelligence
Michael Massey explains the theory behind emotional intelligence
and its importance to leadership skills.
Training Investment up in 50% of Firms
CBI reports shows an increase in training expenditure and the
amount of training given in the past 12 months.
Bitesize 19 - Coaching for Results
Paul Kearns explains the business partner's case for coaching.
The Way I See It... Train to Retain
Pauline Godley argues that current skills shortages have put a new
onus on employers to train and develop staff.
Case Study: Developing Facilitative Leaders
Read how one housing association put managers through facilitative
leadership training and reaped rewards across the organisation.
Training Boosts Job Prospects for 70%
ELWa study finds that seven in ten people who undertake training to
get a better or different job achieved their goal.
Balance Learning
Imagine a new blended experience that transfers knowledge to the
workplace, and provides cost-effective, timesaving results with
business impact. Book your place at Balance Learning's free
Senior Executive Workshop to find out more. Learn. Practice. Do.
Measurable Results.
Catch-up with the latest questions being asked by the community:
Barry Dench needs advice on bridging the gap between training and
implementing the new skills learnt.
Nik Kellingley needs advice on the average number of training days
offered by organisations.
Paul Allman is looking for a quote that shows the importance of
assessing knowledge.
Jayne Baker is looking for advice on the best courses and
experience needed to move into a HR manager role.
AC International Conference 2004
Don't miss the largest UK-based Coaching event of the year,
"Breaking Through", being held on Friday, 22ndof October 2004 in
London. The Association for Coaching has brought together the
absolute best in coaching.
See below link for more:
All Training Methods documents
Purchasing All Training Methods documents enables you to access,
use and revisit all TrainingZONE published training methods
materials at any time during the year from initial purchase. By
purchasing this item, you save at least a third off the price of
the individual documents on this topic. All new and updated
resources added during this period will also be accessible. The
pack includes: mentoring diagnostic activity, four-stage
evaluation, evaluation questions and the Training Needs Analysis
Trans4mation provides innovative programmes for leadership,
emotional intelligence, diversity, knowledge management,
teamworking, conflict management, and motivating and retaining
talent. We tailor individual programmes on any people-related
topic. We believe in the supreme value of investing in people,
and have the Investor in People award, as well as ISO 9000.
TrainingZONE Insider
If you don't subscribe to the Insider you are missing out on a
shortcut to the best tips, advice and peer support you'll find
online for training and HRD professionals. You could also be
missing out on the latest jobs, courses, events, reviews and
career advice posted on TrainingZONE. To get the inside track to
the weekly highlights from the TrainingZONE community select "my
newswires" at:
Subscription Information
TrainingZONE publishes a range of regular newswires,
- TrainingZONE Newswire
- The Insider
The TrainingZONE newswire is now available in text or html. To
change the way you receive this newswire or to subscribe or
unsubscribe to newswires, select 'my newswires and alerts' at:
Copyright (c) 2004 Sift Group Ltd. All rights reserved.
May be reproduced in any medium for non-commercial purposes
as long as attribution is given.
TrainingZONE, 100 Victoria Street, Bristol BS1 6HZ
Tel:+44 (0)117 915 9600 Fax:+44 (0)117 915 9630
https://www.trainingzone.co.uk ISSN 1474-2225