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TrainingZONE Newswire #348 – What’s the future for e-learning?


TrainingZONE Newswire – Issue 348
7 March 2005

1. Feature: How to Make the Business Case for IT Training
2. Parkin Space: Is E-Learning Missing the Point?
3. The Way I See It… Investing in Inclusion
4. 1000 Great Quotations – Value
5. Case Study: Taking the Strain out of Administration

Editor’s note
The optimistic early days of e-learning at the height of the dot
com bubble were revisited in Westminster this week as the
Education and Skills Committee delivered its verdict on the
failure of UKeU. The 50m pound project was found to be light on
market focus, believing that once the technology was in place,
the students follow in droves. E-learning generally has
sharpened up its act since those early days, but have all the
changes been for the better? Godfrey Parkin makes the case this
week that somewhere along the way e-learning lost its USP.
Read more on both these stories by clicking the links below.

Kind regards

Claire Savage
Editor, TrainingZONE

TrainingZONE is one of the world’s leading online resources for
training professionals. For details of how to reach this

Free demo CD
Questionmark assessment software enables educators and trainers
to write, administer and report on assessments via PCs, local
area networks, the Internet, and intranets. The Perception Demo
CD includes complete evaluation software, case studies, product
details, sample quizzes, and 10 presentations to help use
assessment effectively. Click here for your free CD.

News and features
To keep up to date with training news visit TrainingZONE
daily. This week’s highlights:

Feature: How to Make the Business Case for IT Training
Trying to loosen the board’s purse strings? Take a look at Ram
Dhaliwal’s tips on how to make the business case for training.

Parkin Space: Is E-Learning Missing the Point?
“Pretentious”, “claustrophobic” and in a “cul-de-sac”, find out
why Godfrey Parkin is so worried about e-learning.

The Way I See It… Investing in Inclusion
Tony Burnett argues that without understanding the difference
between diversity and inclusion, the problems of the next 10
years resulting from an ageing and shrinking UK population will
not be solved.

1000 Great Quotations – Value
“If you undervalue yourself, no-one’s going to come along and
raise your price.” Valuable quotes from GNP.

Case Study: Taking the Strain out of Administration
Faced with an organisational mish-mash of paper records and 20
databases, Thomas Telford Training opted for an electronic
system to help it plan strategically for the future.

Blue Chips List Key Learning Trends
Find out what the likes of IBM and Tata Interactive Systems see
as the key trends for training.

Lessons to be Learned from UKeU Failure
Read the Education Committee’s verdict on why the UK e-
University (UKeU) failed, having attracted only 900 students at
a cost of 50m pounds.

Police Training Under Spotlight
As four police trainers face written warnings following
revelations in a BBC documentary, the Independent Police
Complaints Commission makes recommendations for recruitment and
development of officers.

Resources: Organisational Development
TrainingZONE has 20 organisational development toolkits and
documents. These can be accessed separately or as one folder –
saving at least a third off the price of the individual
documents. The folder includes: Organisations and the New
Science; The Learning Bank Professional development and
innovation Competence Culture and Skills Benchmarking.
Browse all 1500 documents in the TrainingZONE Library:

Any Answers
Catch-up with the latest questions being asked by the

Sarae Pratt needs some tips on how to put together a performance
management course.

Frank McGoldrick wants some help to compare the costs of
traditional and open learning.

Michelle Roberts need some tips on how to put together a session
on dealing with aggressive customers.

TrainingZONE Insider
If you don’t subscribe to the Insider you are missing out
on a shortcut to the best tips, advice and peer support
you’ll find online for training and HRD professionals. You
could also be missing out on the latest jobs, courses,
events, reviews and career advice posted on TrainingZONE.
To get the inside track to the weekly highlights from the
TrainingZONE community select “my newswires” at:

Subscription Information
TrainingZONE publishes a range of regular newswires,
– TrainingZONE Newswire
– The Insider

The TrainingZONE newswire is now available in text or
html. To change the way you receive this newswire or to
subscribe to newswires, select ‘my newswires and alerts’ at:
To unsubscribe to newswires, go to:
Unsubscribing can currently take up to 14 days to process.
Copyright (c) 2005 Sift Group Ltd. All rights reserved.
May be reproduced in any medium for non-commercial purposes
as long as attribution is given.

TrainingZONE, 100 Victoria Street, Bristol BS1 6HZ
Tel:+44 (0)117 915 3344 Fax:+44 (0)117 915 9630 ISSN 1474-2225

TrainingZONE Newswire - Issue 348
7 March 2005

1. Feature: How to Make the Business Case for IT Training
2. Parkin Space: Is E-Learning Missing the Point?
3. The Way I See It... Investing in Inclusion
4. 1000 Great Quotations - Value
5. Case Study: Taking the Strain out of Administration

Editor's note
The optimistic early days of e-learning at the height of the dot
com bubble were revisited in Westminster this week as the
Education and Skills Committee delivered its verdict on the
failure of UKeU. The 50m pound project was found to be light on
market focus, believing that once the technology was in place,
the students follow in droves. E-learning generally has
sharpened up its act since those early days, but have all the
changes been for the better? Godfrey Parkin makes the case this
week that somewhere along the way e-learning lost its USP.
Read more on both these stories by clicking the links below.

Kind regards

Claire Savage
Editor, TrainingZONE

TrainingZONE is one of the world's leading online resources for
training professionals. For details of how to reach this

Free demo CD
Questionmark assessment software enables educators and trainers
to write, administer and report on assessments via PCs, local
area networks, the Internet, and intranets. The Perception Demo
CD includes complete evaluation software, case studies, product
details, sample quizzes, and 10 presentations to help use
assessment effectively. Click here for your free CD.

News and features
To keep up to date with training news visit TrainingZONE
daily. This week's highlights:

Feature: How to Make the Business Case for IT Training
Trying to loosen the board's purse strings? Take a look at Ram
Dhaliwal's tips on how to make the business case for training.

Parkin Space: Is E-Learning Missing the Point?
"Pretentious", "claustrophobic" and in a "cul-de-sac", find out
why Godfrey Parkin is so worried about e-learning.

The Way I See It... Investing in Inclusion
Tony Burnett argues that without understanding the difference
between diversity and inclusion, the problems of the next 10
years resulting from an ageing and shrinking UK population will
not be solved.

1000 Great Quotations - Value
"If you undervalue yourself, no-one's going to come along and
raise your price." Valuable quotes from GNP.

Case Study: Taking the Strain out of Administration
Faced with an organisational mish-mash of paper records and 20
databases, Thomas Telford Training opted for an electronic
system to help it plan strategically for the future.

Blue Chips List Key Learning Trends
Find out what the likes of IBM and Tata Interactive Systems see
as the key trends for training.

Lessons to be Learned from UKeU Failure
Read the Education Committee's verdict on why the UK e-
University (UKeU) failed, having attracted only 900 students at
a cost of 50m pounds.

Police Training Under Spotlight
As four police trainers face written warnings following
revelations in a BBC documentary, the Independent Police
Complaints Commission makes recommendations for recruitment and
development of officers.

Resources: Organisational Development
TrainingZONE has 20 organisational development toolkits and
documents. These can be accessed separately or as one folder -
saving at least a third off the price of the individual
documents. The folder includes: Organisations and the New
Science; The Learning Bank Professional development and
innovation Competence Culture and Skills Benchmarking.
Browse all 1500 documents in the TrainingZONE Library:

Any Answers
Catch-up with the latest questions being asked by the

Sarae Pratt needs some tips on how to put together a performance
management course.

Frank McGoldrick wants some help to compare the costs of
traditional and open learning.

Michelle Roberts need some tips on how to put together a session
on dealing with aggressive customers.

TrainingZONE Insider
If you don't subscribe to the Insider you are missing out
on a shortcut to the best tips, advice and peer support
you'll find online for training and HRD professionals. You
could also be missing out on the latest jobs, courses,
events, reviews and career advice posted on TrainingZONE.
To get the inside track to the weekly highlights from the
TrainingZONE community select "my newswires" at:

Subscription Information
TrainingZONE publishes a range of regular newswires,
- TrainingZONE Newswire
- The Insider

The TrainingZONE newswire is now available in text or
html. To change the way you receive this newswire or to
subscribe to newswires, select 'my newswires and alerts' at:
To unsubscribe to newswires, go to:
Unsubscribing can currently take up to 14 days to process.
Copyright (c) 2005 Sift Group Ltd. All rights reserved.
May be reproduced in any medium for non-commercial purposes
as long as attribution is given.

TrainingZONE, 100 Victoria Street, Bristol BS1 6HZ
Tel:+44 (0)117 915 3344 Fax:+44 (0)117 915 9630 ISSN 1474-2225