TrainingZONE Newswire – Issue 353
11 April 2005
1. Ignoring Diversity Costs UK Plc
2. Coaching and E-Learning Grow as Demand for Skills Rises
3. Feature: Playing to Learn
4. The Brain Bath!? team share their beauty DIY disasters
5. Resources: Team Development Tools
Editor’s note
How do you devise an E-Learning Strategy?
Sometimes controversial, sometimes combative but with a liberal
dose of common sense, Godfrey Parkin’s column this week takes a
look at how to devise an e-learning strategy. Godfrey believes
that companies who fail to have a vision which encompasses an e-
learning focus leave themselves very exposed.
So how do you find your way through the techno-hype to make
sound strategic e-learning decisions? To give your response to
Godfrey’s article, click on “add comments to this article” at
the end of the piece.
Kind regards
Dawn-Marie Dart
Community Manager, TrainingZONE
Questionmark: Free white paper
Questionmark’s 31-page white paper, “Assessments Through the
Learning Process,” explores how instructors and organisations
can use assessments to enhance the learning process. More than
2000 organisations in 50 countries use Questionmark Perception
to author, deliver and manage online assessments.
Click here for this free white paper:
TrainingZONE is one of the world’s leading online resources for
training professionals. For details of how to reach this
News and features
To keep up to date with training news visit TrainingZONE
daily. This week’s highlights:
Ignoring Diversity Costs UK Plc
Ignoring diversity issues is costing businesses, the Chartered
Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD) has said.
Coaching and E-Learning Grow as Demand for Skills Rises
Demand for skills is set to rise with coaching and e-learning
continuing to gain favour as methods of training and
development, according to a new survey by the Chartered
Institute of Personnel and Development.
Understanding the NHS Key Skills Framework
To help HR and training and development managers implement
effective appraisals and staff development practices, NHSU has
worked with the NHS to produce a PDR Toolkit.
Teambuilding through cooking!
The Gourmet Challenge Ltd provides team building programmes
through cooking, delivered in superb kitchen and training
facilities all around the UK. Cooking together in a professional
kitchen provides much opportunity for learning about team
dynamics, and how improvements in effectiveness can be made.
Tell me more…
Feature: Playing to Learn
As the technology behind simulations becomes more accessible,
Steve Dineen of Fuel envisages a time when staff will engage in
e-learning for enjoyment as well as education.
Change at the Top for Campaign for Learning
After three years of heading the Campaign for Learning, Susie
Parsons has announced that she will be standing down as chief
executive in May to return to management consultancy.
E-Learning – Still the Cinderella of Accountancy Training
Training consultant Viv Cole Speaks to our sister site
AccountingWEB and reveals some of the findings of the E-Learning
Census, which tracks e-learning usage in accountancy.
Coaching Skills with Impact!!!
-The HumanTechnics Advanced Certificate in Executive Coaching is
designed to develop world-class coaches.
A highly practical course based on NLP developing skills and
techniques immediately ‘impactful’ for the Coach, Coachee and
business/organisation. Tutored by Sarah Frossell, this is for
consultants/organisations serious about their capabilities.
Click here for details
The Brain Bath!? team share their beauty DIY disasters
Inspired by a recent survey on beauty DIY disasters. The Brain
Bath?! team would like to hear about your DIY don’ts.
Resources: Team Development Tools
Forty-one pages of practical help and exercises, for team
managers and trainers, to support team building and team
development. Starting with an initial diagnostic activity the
manual includes 12 practical activities.
Browse all documents in the TrainingZONE Library:
Any Answers
Catch-up with the latest questions being asked by the
Has anyone got any material they use when providing training for
telesales/telemarketing agents?
Are there peak and off-peak periods in the year for external
training providers?
Ann-marie needs a brief for a ‘Train the Trainer’ course
TrainingZONE Insider
If you don’t subscribe to the Insider you are missing out
on a shortcut to the best tips, advice and peer support
you’ll find online for training and HRD professionals. You
could also be missing out on the latest jobs, courses,
events, reviews and career advice posted on TrainingZONE.
To get the inside track to the weekly highlights from the
TrainingZONE community select “my newswires” at:
Subscription Information
TrainingZONE publishes a range of regular newswires,
– TrainingZONE Newswire
– The Insider
The TrainingZONE newswire is now available in text or
html. To change the way you receive this newswire or to
subscribe to newswires, select ‘my newswires and alerts’ at:
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Copyright (c) 2005 Sift Group Ltd. All rights reserved.
May be reproduced in any medium for non-commercial purposes
as long as attribution is given.
TrainingZONE, 100 Victoria Street, Bristol BS1 6HZ
Tel:+44 (0)117 915 3344 Fax:+44 (0)117 915 9630
https://www.trainingzone.co.uk ISSN 1474-2225
TrainingZONE Newswire - Issue 353
11 April 2005
1. Ignoring Diversity Costs UK Plc
2. Coaching and E-Learning Grow as Demand for Skills Rises
3. Feature: Playing to Learn
4. The Brain Bath!? team share their beauty DIY disasters
5. Resources: Team Development Tools
Editor's note
How do you devise an E-Learning Strategy?
Sometimes controversial, sometimes combative but with a liberal
dose of common sense, Godfrey Parkin's column this week takes a
look at how to devise an e-learning strategy. Godfrey believes
that companies who fail to have a vision which encompasses an e-
learning focus leave themselves very exposed.
So how do you find your way through the techno-hype to make
sound strategic e-learning decisions? To give your response to
Godfrey's article, click on "add comments to this article" at
the end of the piece.
Kind regards
Dawn-Marie Dart
Community Manager, TrainingZONE
Questionmark: Free white paper
Questionmark's 31-page white paper, "Assessments Through the
Learning Process," explores how instructors and organisations
can use assessments to enhance the learning process. More than
2000 organisations in 50 countries use Questionmark Perception
to author, deliver and manage online assessments.
Click here for this free white paper:
TrainingZONE is one of the world's leading online resources for
training professionals. For details of how to reach this
News and features
To keep up to date with training news visit TrainingZONE
daily. This week's highlights:
Ignoring Diversity Costs UK Plc
Ignoring diversity issues is costing businesses, the Chartered
Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD) has said.
Coaching and E-Learning Grow as Demand for Skills Rises
Demand for skills is set to rise with coaching and e-learning
continuing to gain favour as methods of training and
development, according to a new survey by the Chartered
Institute of Personnel and Development.
Understanding the NHS Key Skills Framework
To help HR and training and development managers implement
effective appraisals and staff development practices, NHSU has
worked with the NHS to produce a PDR Toolkit.
Teambuilding through cooking!
The Gourmet Challenge Ltd provides team building programmes
through cooking, delivered in superb kitchen and training
facilities all around the UK. Cooking together in a professional
kitchen provides much opportunity for learning about team
dynamics, and how improvements in effectiveness can be made.
Tell me more...
Feature: Playing to Learn
As the technology behind simulations becomes more accessible,
Steve Dineen of Fuel envisages a time when staff will engage in
e-learning for enjoyment as well as education.
Change at the Top for Campaign for Learning
After three years of heading the Campaign for Learning, Susie
Parsons has announced that she will be standing down as chief
executive in May to return to management consultancy.
E-Learning - Still the Cinderella of Accountancy Training
Training consultant Viv Cole Speaks to our sister site
AccountingWEB and reveals some of the findings of the E-Learning
Census, which tracks e-learning usage in accountancy.
Coaching Skills with Impact!!!
-The HumanTechnics Advanced Certificate in Executive Coaching is
designed to develop world-class coaches.
A highly practical course based on NLP developing skills and
techniques immediately 'impactful' for the Coach, Coachee and
business/organisation. Tutored by Sarah Frossell, this is for
consultants/organisations serious about their capabilities.
Click here for details
The Brain Bath!? team share their beauty DIY disasters
Inspired by a recent survey on beauty DIY disasters. The Brain
Bath?! team would like to hear about your DIY don'ts.
Resources: Team Development Tools
Forty-one pages of practical help and exercises, for team
managers and trainers, to support team building and team
development. Starting with an initial diagnostic activity the
manual includes 12 practical activities.
Browse all documents in the TrainingZONE Library:
Any Answers
Catch-up with the latest questions being asked by the
Has anyone got any material they use when providing training for
telesales/telemarketing agents?
Are there peak and off-peak periods in the year for external
training providers?
Ann-marie needs a brief for a 'Train the Trainer' course
TrainingZONE Insider
If you don't subscribe to the Insider you are missing out
on a shortcut to the best tips, advice and peer support
you'll find online for training and HRD professionals. You
could also be missing out on the latest jobs, courses,
events, reviews and career advice posted on TrainingZONE.
To get the inside track to the weekly highlights from the
TrainingZONE community select "my newswires" at:
Subscription Information
TrainingZONE publishes a range of regular newswires,
- TrainingZONE Newswire
- The Insider
The TrainingZONE newswire is now available in text or
html. To change the way you receive this newswire or to
subscribe to newswires, select 'my newswires and alerts' at:
To unsubscribe to newswires, go to:
Unsubscribing can currently take up to 14 days to process.
Copyright (c) 2005 Sift Group Ltd. All rights reserved.
May be reproduced in any medium for non-commercial purposes
as long as attribution is given.
TrainingZONE, 100 Victoria Street, Bristol BS1 6HZ
Tel:+44 (0)117 915 3344 Fax:+44 (0)117 915 9630
https://www.trainingzone.co.uk ISSN 1474-2225