Transactional Analysis
I am looking for a ‘down to earth’ way to discuss TA.
Does anyone have simple and practical examples of ‘Parent, Adult and Child’ in action with appropriate responses?
James Lancaster
James Lancaster
I am looking for a ‘down to earth’ way to discuss TA.
Does anyone have simple and practical examples of ‘Parent, Adult and Child’ in action with appropriate responses?
James Lancaster
James Lancaster
7 Responses
TA Information site
If you haven’t already seen it, there is some really useful information on on TA, I was looking at this earlier and it has some ‘down to earth’ explanations on there.
Dave Barker’s book
Get hold of Dave Barker’s book on TA from Gower Press:
Transactional Analysis
James, a method that worked well for me was to involve the group or some of the group, it can be shared round. I had 6 large circles on the floor and got someone from the group to read a prepared dialogue. The participants, 2 or 3 at a time, then moved and stood in the circle, parent adult child etc etc where they thought was the most appropriate to the dialogue and responses. An extract from Thomas the tamk engine gives a lot of opportunity for all three areas, gives it a bit of interest, people can relate to it and it,s mildly humerous. You then ask people why they thought it was the response they had chosen and a short discussion ensues. You then continue with the dialogue. A well chosen extract will cover all aspects of TA. good luck. Barry
Simplified TA
I love TA, however it can be pretty hard going taking delegates through it without making it sound purely ‘theoretical’.
Someone recommended a book to me years ago and now I always refer to it whilst training out TA – Counselling for Toads by Robert de Board. TA in the Wind in the Willows format, enjoyable characters, fun ways of taking the information in and makes is so much more down to earth.
Hope that helps.
Down to Earth Ways to explain T.A.
T.A Today by Ian Stewart and Vann Joines (Life Space Publishing), gives an number of illustrations of transactions between the ego states in plain language.
Another accessible source on T.A. is Claude Steiner’s Warm Fuzzy Tale, originally designed to introduce children to T.A. and containing enough adult content to connect with any audience try Claude’s site on alternatively
Not sure how far you want to take it with your groups! If you get round to the Drama Triangle the Simpson’s are a great resource in particular the episode where Lisa saves Mr Burns from ruin by teaching him to recycle. Between them they show how people move round the triangle. I don’t remember the episode title or from which series it originates.
Further Information
Another possible source ‘Tactics’ transactional analysis concepts for all trainers,teachers and tutors + insight into collaborative learning strategies by Rosemary Napper & Trudi Newton. publishers TA Resources The Riverside Press, Ipswich, Suffolk. It also has the advantage that it is freely photocopiable. Would have included this in yesterdays message, at the time couldn’t recall the names of the authors or the publishing house. If you have any problems getting hold of this publication or the others please mail me as I am in contact with people who have ready access to them.Hope you find material that meets your needs. Richard.
Transactional Analysis DVD
Check this out: