Just watch how quickly this police officer gets pulled into a highly energised Controlling Parent Ego state. Rather than remaining in a more appropriate grounded state he responds in an almost Pavlovian fashion to the young boy’s sullen attitude. Initially we have a Parent>Child Parent>Child crossed transaction which after the physical intervention becomes a one way Parent Child intervention with little to no communication taking place. It’s beautiful to watch.

3 Responses
Hideous youtube film
This is a terrifying piece of film. Way past parent in TA terms. This is a film of a very sick man who should not be allowed on the streets let alone be a so called police officer. The child isn’t sullen he has just been attacked by a monster. And instead of coming to his aid some one continues to film it. Blair Peach and Ian Tomlinson tragically fell prey to maniacs like this in the UK. The police need to clean up or give up. Can you imagine what they’ll be like when we refuse to carry ID cards!!
I’d like to make a counter point to some of your observations.
From my perspective the child was sullen, this was communicated to me by his tone of voice, his belligerent attitude and his choice of words in response to the police officer, but no more so than probably the majority of 14 year olds being harassed by unbalanced policing. And I am not making this observation to excuse the officers actions, who is in my opinion a total sh*t and agree needs removing to a position more suited to his capabilities.
The individual who undertook the filming was a boy the same age as the youth at the centre of this incident and as such unlikely to be able to make any positive intervention with this police officer. In my opinion he did exactly the right thing by just continuing to carry on filming.
Here’s a second video of another incident involving this moron copper.
Just my opinion.
Thank you Gary
It still gives me the creeps but I suppose I feel a bit better now knowing something is being done about this psychopath.