The TUC has welcomed the Health and Safety Commission’s (HSC) decision today to approve a legally binding Code of Practice on passive smoking at work. The Code now goes to Ministers for approval.
TUC General Secretary John Monks said, “Unions and health campaigners have persuaded the HSC to put choice first. Workers in pubs and clubs will now have the choice about whether to work in smoky atmospheres, and employers will have clear guidance on what they are responsible for doing.”
“This is not a ban on smoking, but a sensible compromise which will help the hospitality industry to modernise, win more customers and cut down on staff turnover and sickness absence.”
To defuse opposition from the hospitality industry, the HSC has agreed to accept compliance with the industry’s own voluntary Public Places Charter as evidence of compliance with the Code of Practice for the next two years. At present, only about a third of pubs and clubs follow the Charter, and the other two thirds will now have to accept the Charter or follow the HSC Code.
TUC General Secretary John Monks said, "Unions and health campaigners have persuaded the HSC to put choice first. Workers in pubs and clubs will now have the choice about whether to work in smoky atmospheres, and employers will have clear guidance on what they are responsible for doing."
"This is not a ban on smoking, but a sensible compromise which will help the hospitality industry to modernise, win more customers and cut down on staff turnover and sickness absence."
To defuse opposition from the hospitality industry, the HSC has agreed to accept compliance with the industry’s own voluntary Public Places Charter as evidence of compliance with the Code of Practice for the next two years. At present, only about a third of pubs and clubs follow the Charter, and the other two thirds will now have to accept the Charter or follow the HSC Code.