So tomorrow is the big day – it’s TrainingZone Live time. So, I’d like to welcome back for one day only, last year’s interim editor Martin Couzins for his thoughts on tomorrow’s event. Take it away Martin…
This time tomorrow I’ll be at TrainingZone Live 2012. If last year’s event was anything to go by, it will be a very interesting and fun day.
Last year I was just taking over the editor reins while Jon Kennard travelled the world for a few months. TrainingZone Live 2011 was my chance to meet the team and meet the wider community.
I was struck by the range of speakers and the topics covered. I was also delighted to be able to interview some of the speakers – more of that here. Denise Hudson-Lawson, then head of ICT training and coaching at the Houses of Parliament, kicked off the day with some insights into what it was like to work with MPs and how to deliver effective training. A big take-away from that session was that L&D teams need to focus on marketing themselves internally so that colleagues understand what they do and how they can support the business.
I also enjoyed sessions on the impact of social media on the business, the changing nature of L&D and a very funny session by Peter Honey in which he sang a dirge for L&D.
Fast forward to tomorrow and I’m looking forward to hearing Michele Owens, head of HR and organisation effectiveness at the Olympic Delivery Authority deliver her keynote.
With the Olympics so close this session will hopefully lift the lid on how one of the biggest construction projects in the world has been successfully completed.
There hasn’t been a lot of coverage about the successes of the London 2012 ‘operating system’ and how this huge project has been delivered on time. This should be an illuminating keynote.
Following on with the Olympic theme there will also be a session from multiple gold medal winning Olympian Steve Backley. A full timetable of sessions will cover: engagement, technology, evaluation, performance, personal development and leadership.
Hopefully see you there. If not, follow events on the hashtag – #tzl12
So tomorrow is the big day - it's TrainingZone Live time. So, I'd like to welcome back for one day only, last year's interim editor Martin Couzins for his thoughts on tomorrow's event. Take it away Martin...
This time tomorrow I’ll be at TrainingZone Live 2012. If last year's event was anything to go by, it will be a very interesting and fun day.
Last year I was just taking over the editor reins while Jon Kennard travelled the world for a few months. TrainingZone Live 2011 was my chance to meet the team and meet the wider community.
I was struck by the range of speakers and the topics covered. I was also delighted to be able to interview some of the speakers – more of that here. Denise Hudson-Lawson, then head of ICT training and coaching at the Houses of Parliament, kicked off the day with some insights into what it was like to work with MPs and how to deliver effective training. A big take-away from that session was that L&D teams need to focus on marketing themselves internally so that colleagues understand what they do and how they can support the business.
I also enjoyed sessions on the impact of social media on the business, the changing nature of L&D and a very funny session by Peter Honey in which he sang a dirge for L&D.
Fast forward to tomorrow and I'm looking forward to hearing Michele Owens, head of HR and organisation effectiveness at the Olympic Delivery Authority deliver her keynote.
With the Olympics so close this session will hopefully lift the lid on how one of the biggest construction projects in the world has been successfully completed.
There hasn't been a lot of coverage about the successes of the London 2012 'operating system' and how this huge project has been delivered on time. This should be an illuminating keynote.
Following on with the Olympic theme there will also be a session from multiple gold medal winning Olympian Steve Backley. A full timetable of sessions will cover: engagement, technology, evaluation, performance, personal development and leadership.
Hopefully see you there. If not, follow events on the hashtag - #tzl12