A summary of the progress of the University for Industry (UfI), the government’s initiative to push for lifelong learning in the UK through the LearnDirect programme.
5 April 2001: Ann Limb, Principal and Chief Executive of Cambridge Regional College, has been appointed as the new Chief Executive of UfI. She will begin working for Ufi on 1 July, and will take up the position of Chief Executive on 1 August.
2 April 2001:The UfI and the Open University sign a joint ‘memorandum of understanding’ in recognition of their shared mission to make learning accessible to all. OU Vice-Chancellor and Ufi board member Sir John Daniel said: “By sharing our expertise, and co-operating in research and development, we can create learning pathways for adults to progress across a range of educational levels and to gain recognition for their achievements.” The practicalities of the relationship between the two are however as yet unclear.
22 February 2001:The Chief Executive’s post is advertised on the website and in the national press, closing date 9 March. View a pdf version of the advertisement (requires Adobe Acrobat).
19 February 2001: UfI Chief Executive Dr Anne Wright announces she will be leaving in the summer after three years in charge. She will remain a non-Executive Director on the board, and will become an adviser to the DfEE on post-16 e-learning.
6 February 2001: New guidance is published for UfI suppliers and potential suppliers, including an updated guide to structuring and submitting courses, and a guide to creating course material which can be tracked through the UfI systems.
26 October 2000:
International rugby stars Shane Williams and Graham Henry help to open a further nine cyswllt dysgu LearnDirect centres in Wales by signing up for some e-learning of their own.
28 September 2000:This is the week that LearnDirect finally ‘goes live’ in around 150 centres across the UK.
12 September 2000:It’s learn This Morning with Richard and Judy, as LearnDirect sponsors part of the weekday morning show until Christmas.
4 August 2000:The Association of Colleges forms a working group with the UfI aimed at strengthening links between the two organisations.
5 July 2000:The Army become the next large organisation to make LearnDirect facilities available to all its employees, following the decision by BT and Unipart to do the same.
5 July 2000:The latest briefing document from the UfI is published, which includes details of the current range of courses available and the general development of the UfI.
7 June 2000:A preview of an introductory package for those ‘returning to learning’ is unveiled at an e-learning exhibition.
2 June 2000:The UfI announce a new contract with NetG to provide multimedia courses to LearnDirect.
25 May 2000:Baroness Blackstone announces that total funding of £84 million will be made available in 2000-2001 to support the continued development of the UfI.
19 May 2000:The LearnDirect website is relaunched with a fun, user-friendly look.
27 April 2000:A new chairman and deputy are appointed at the UfI.
19 April 2000:The UfI announces that it is to use the Institute of IT Training’s quality standards for all its technology-based training materials.
17 April 2000:A new call centre is opened in Leicester to handle LearnDirect enquiries.
20 March 2000:UfI announces a programme of TV advertising designed to draw attention to LearnDirect and to stimulate demand amongst the general public.
21 February 2000:BT announces that its employees will be able to access LearnDirect materials alongside existing BT training materials in the BT Academy. BT is the first major organisation to announce it will give access to all employees at work.
21 February 2000:UfI announce that 50 learning centres will be opened in Wales over the coming year, with the first four opening in March in Cardiff, Chirk, Narbeth and Swansea.
8 February 2000:The LearnDirect helpline, which was set up in February 1998 and later taken over by the University for Industry, registers its millionth telephone call. The helpline aims to provide advice and information on work and training-related issues.
28 January 2000:The UfI opens a network of learning centres in Northern Ireland, again as part of the initial pilot project.
24 November 1999:UfI launches the first 68 learning centres in the LearnDirect network as a pilot phase. Learners using the development centres can choose from a trial range of 24 on-line courses covering information technology, and business and management skills.
18 March 1999:The University for Industry unveils plans to ‘revolutionise the way people learn’ through the concept of LearnDirect, aiming to provide information and advice on learning to 2.5 million people a year.
5 April 2001: Ann Limb, Principal and Chief Executive of Cambridge Regional College, has been appointed as the new Chief Executive of UfI. She will begin working for Ufi on 1 July, and will take up the position of Chief Executive on 1 August.
2 April 2001:The UfI and the Open University sign a joint 'memorandum of understanding' in recognition of their shared mission to make learning accessible to all. OU Vice-Chancellor and Ufi board member Sir John Daniel said: "By sharing our expertise, and co-operating in research and development, we can create learning pathways for adults to progress across a range of educational levels and to gain recognition for their achievements." The practicalities of the relationship between the two are however as yet unclear.
22 February 2001:The Chief Executive's post is advertised on the website and in the national press, closing date 9 March. View a pdf version of the advertisement (requires Adobe Acrobat).
19 February 2001: UfI Chief Executive Dr Anne Wright announces she will be leaving in the summer after three years in charge. She will remain a non-Executive Director on the board, and will become an adviser to the DfEE on post-16 e-learning.
6 February 2001: New guidance is published for UfI suppliers and potential suppliers, including an updated guide to structuring and submitting courses, and a guide to creating course material which can be tracked through the UfI systems.
26 October 2000:
International rugby stars Shane Williams and Graham Henry help to open a further nine cyswllt dysgu LearnDirect centres in Wales by signing up for some e-learning of their own.
28 September 2000:This is the week that LearnDirect finally 'goes live' in around 150 centres across the UK.
12 September 2000:It's learn This Morning with Richard and Judy, as LearnDirect sponsors part of the weekday morning show until Christmas.
4 August 2000:The Association of Colleges forms a working group with the UfI aimed at strengthening links between the two organisations.
5 July 2000:The Army become the next large organisation to make LearnDirect facilities available to all its employees, following the decision by BT and Unipart to do the same.
5 July 2000:The latest briefing document from the UfI is published, which includes details of the current range of courses available and the general development of the UfI.
7 June 2000:A preview of an introductory package for those 'returning to learning' is unveiled at an e-learning exhibition.
2 June 2000:The UfI announce a new contract with NetG to provide multimedia courses to LearnDirect.
25 May 2000:Baroness Blackstone announces that total funding of £84 million will be made available in 2000-2001 to support the continued development of the UfI.
19 May 2000:The LearnDirect website is relaunched with a fun, user-friendly look.
27 April 2000:A new chairman and deputy are appointed at the UfI.
19 April 2000:The UfI announces that it is to use the Institute of IT Training's quality standards for all its technology-based training materials.
17 April 2000:A new call centre is opened in Leicester to handle LearnDirect enquiries.
20 March 2000:UfI announces a programme of TV advertising designed to draw attention to LearnDirect and to stimulate demand amongst the general public.
21 February 2000:BT announces that its employees will be able to access LearnDirect materials alongside existing BT training materials in the BT Academy. BT is the first major organisation to announce it will give access to all employees at work.
21 February 2000:UfI announce that 50 learning centres will be opened in Wales over the coming year, with the first four opening in March in Cardiff, Chirk, Narbeth and Swansea.
8 February 2000:The LearnDirect helpline, which was set up in February 1998 and later taken over by the University for Industry, registers its millionth telephone call. The helpline aims to provide advice and information on work and training-related issues.
28 January 2000:The UfI opens a network of learning centres in Northern Ireland, again as part of the initial pilot project.
24 November 1999:UfI launches the first 68 learning centres in the LearnDirect network as a pilot phase. Learners using the development centres can choose from a trial range of 24 on-line courses covering information technology, and business and management skills.
18 March 1999:The University for Industry unveils plans to 'revolutionise the way people learn' through the concept of LearnDirect, aiming to provide information and advice on learning to 2.5 million people a year.