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UK Evaluation Society Conference


Location: LONDON
Dates: 6th, 7th & 8th DECEMBER 2000

Main Conference: 7th & 8th December
Keynote speakers will be Professor E R House of the University of Colorado, Janet Lewis of the Joseph Rowntree Foundation and Sue Duncan, Centre for Management & Policy Studies in the Cabinet Office. This year the UKES conference will include a Reception in the Houses of Parliament hosted by Malcolm Wickes MP, Under Secretary of State for Lifelong Learning.

Practitioners’ Workshops: 6th December
Three workshops will be available which will appeal to a range of interests and expertise.

Advanced Workshop: 6th December
As in previous years a workshop will be arranged for more experienced evaluators. This year the workshop will be led by Professor E R House, University of Colorado.

The theme of the sixth annual conference of the UK Evaluation Society encompasses all aspects of evaluation which impinge on social change processes. Commissioners, practitioners and users of evaluation are invited to participate and discuss issues such as:
 Eliciting ‘theories of change’
 Managing change through evaluation
 Making evaluations matter – experiences of embedding evaluation findings into organisational decision making
 Evaluation as a Government policy tool
 Squaring participation with impartiality in self evaluation
 Self evaluation as social capital

Papers will be invited on the above topics, together with any which concern innovative methods in evaluation and evaluation frameworks. Further information and the call for papers will become available on the UKES website,,andfrom:

The UKES Conference 2000 Secretariat:

In Conference Ltd
10b Broughton St Lane
Edinburgh Scotland

Tel: +44 (0)131 556 9245
Fax: +44 (0)131 556 9638

The UKES office:
PO Box 5356
CM14 4ZJ

Tel: +44 (0)1277 233278
Fax: +44 (0)1277 229095

Location: LONDON
Dates: 6th, 7th & 8th DECEMBER 2000

Main Conference: 7th & 8th December
Keynote speakers will be Professor E R House of the University of Colorado, Janet Lewis of the Joseph Rowntree Foundation and Sue Duncan, Centre for Management & Policy Studies in the Cabinet Office. This year the UKES conference will include a Reception in the Houses of Parliament hosted by Malcolm Wickes MP, Under Secretary of State for Lifelong Learning.

Practitioners’ Workshops: 6th December
Three workshops will be available which will appeal to a range of interests and expertise.

Advanced Workshop: 6th December
As in previous years a workshop will be arranged for more experienced evaluators. This year the workshop will be led by Professor E R House, University of Colorado.

The theme of the sixth annual conference of the UK Evaluation Society encompasses all aspects of evaluation which impinge on social change processes. Commissioners, practitioners and users of evaluation are invited to participate and discuss issues such as:
 Eliciting 'theories of change'
 Managing change through evaluation
 Making evaluations matter - experiences of embedding evaluation findings into organisational decision making
 Evaluation as a Government policy tool
 Squaring participation with impartiality in self evaluation
 Self evaluation as social capital

Papers will be invited on the above topics, together with any which concern innovative methods in evaluation and evaluation frameworks. Further information and the call for papers will become available on the UKES website,,andfrom:

The UKES Conference 2000 Secretariat:

In Conference Ltd
10b Broughton St Lane
Edinburgh Scotland

Tel: +44 (0)131 556 9245
Fax: +44 (0)131 556 9638

The UKES office:
PO Box 5356
CM14 4ZJ

Tel: +44 (0)1277 233278
Fax: +44 (0)1277 229095