I’ve noticed a creeping tendency for employers to employ staff with the proviso that – “initial training will not be paid.” Is this normal? It seems particularly prevalent in the call centre industry and is it ethical?
Have you yourself ever been involved?
Mark Starling
Have you yourself ever been involved?
Mark Starling
One Response
yes, I have seen staff not paid for induction to week 1
Sadly, I have to say that I have actually worked at one company whose policy it was to not pay anyone who left during a 3 day induction or even up to end of week 1. It wasn’t a policy that they were upfront about either as obviously they would have seen an impact on recruitment figures! A few people who were (unfortunately) subject to this policy did try and pursue payment of their wages but were bullied into submission by a company with scant regard for hr practice or concern for the individual. I’m glad to say I no longer work there. Whether this is out of the norm or not, I don’t know. It’s a fairly contentious subject, which may explain why people haven’t posted anything.