One of my clients has a strong interest in coaching and has signed up as a participant on a ” Corporate Coaching Training Programme” and is putting together a case study on organisations that have used coaches (both internal and external), to what effect and how have they measured the benefits. I don’t have any direct experience but hopefully someone in this network might have.
George Davies
George Davies
George Davies
George Davies
4 Responses
A really fab person to speak to about coaching is Paul Furey from PEC (Performance Enhancement Coaching). We send all our staff to him. He published an article called “Interpersonal skills coaching for business: Evaluation of a brief training approach” in The Occupational Psychologist No 36 in December 1998. His number is 07000 234 678. Tell him Maggie Mosley said to ring.
Maggie Mosley
Coaching and mentoring
I have recently put in an international coaching programme for 500 managers in a major drinks company – developed a unique model and linked it with my doctoral research in the area and produced a practical toolkit – if of any interest call me or drop a note – more on my services at the website below
Richard Hale
Specialist in Management Development & Author
I encountered an individual who was involved with coaching. He is based in Guernsey. His email is and his name is Cato Johansen. He came across really well when I spoke to him earier this year.
Contacts for corporate coaching programmes
The Coaching & Mentoring Network website at a database of business coaches and mentors who, I’m sure, will be pleased to help. Also we offer free telephone advice for anyone seeking information about coaching and mentoring – and have a broad range of personal experience implementing coaching programmes ourselves. The Network can be reached on 0870 733 3313.
In addition, it will be worth contacting the School of Coaching at the Industrial Society who are considered the most prestigious coach training organisation in the UK. Their number is 0141 352 5019 and Head of Coaching is Peter Hill.
I’m sure Eric Parsloe at the Oxford School of Coaching & Mentoring will also be pleased to help. All contact details can be found on the