I am unsure of the copyright conditions that apply to published questionnaires and tests. I run an in-house course where there is no charge to attend the course and no commercial gain for trainers. Can I get participants to complete a published questionnaire without contravening copyright, provided due acknowledgement is given to the original authors?
Liz Harris
Liz Harris
One Response
copyright for in-house use…
Hi Liz
simple answer – NO
Copyright is copyright and a person may require payment for its use.
There are some questionnsires that you can copy legally and use in house – for example the Honey & Mumford LSQ – IF you own the origional manual (not many people do). The origional belbin – etc…
On the whole no you need to pay a fee for their use.
You say there is no commercial gain – but there must be a gain for someone.. if you get a salary for the job you do and that means you are being paid to deliver training – then that is a commecrial gain.
You will need to write to the authors concerned – some may say yes – no fee – others may have commercial products which they sell so there will be a fee.
Best to be on the safe side with this.