I’d like to make contact with trainers who have used these techniques to discuss good & bad experiences. I have read the theory on the subject, but have yet to encounter any “evidence” of its effectiveness.
karen taylor
karen taylor
I’d like to make contact with trainers who have used these techniques to discuss good & bad experiences. I have read the theory on the subject, but have yet to encounter any “evidence” of its effectiveness.
karen taylor
Leaders need to stop the self-sacrifice cycle
Middle management’s biggest challenge
Unlocking courage
7 Responses
Accelerated learning techniques do work
A colleague and I both use accelerated learning techniques in training people to use keyboards – we can teach people to touch type in four hours!
It does sound far fetched, however I can promise you that it is true. The course incorporates the use of imagery, relaxation and activities to enhance recall. By the end of the four hours people really do know their way round the keyboard, even though they will probably only have practised actually typing for a quarter of that time. If people practise using the exercises that they take away with them, within two weeks they should be up to speeds of around 30 words per minute.
Jackie Clifford
Views of AL from the UKHRD discussion list
A posting on the UKHRD digest about AL and “The Fusion Experience”
From: “Gill Collingham”
I just wanted to add to comments about this terrific workshop. I arrived after a very long journey, definitely in need of a lift – and boy did I get one! I came away with dozens of ideas (and I didn’t even get into the workshop about adding fizz – it was all around anyway!). I went to a Wonderland session on how, when and why story telling can add power to
training (and lots of other things) and a fascinating explanation of the neurology underpinning Accelerated Learning. The most powerful lesson of all was the way that the techniques of AL were used to make the neurology session fun, memorable (I was able to explain it all to my 8 year old when I got home – and he wouldn’t go to bed ‘cos he said it was too interesting!) and exciting.
When I asked this group for help earlier this year I received loads of suggested reading material, and some words of caution about the time and effort required to set up AL sessions. The reading list was super-helpful, thanks to all who contributed. Regarding time and effort my thoughts are now:
1) I was using a number of these approaches without knowing they were labelled AL
2) Any effort put in will be well worth it for the quality of the end result
3) Whilst you can do some ‘big ideas’, there are lots and lots of ‘little ideas’ for varying the environment, pace, tone, style etc. which need not take a great deal of time to put together.
I am inspired to completely revisit some of my more popular events, and bring all my powers of creative thinking to making them ‘sizzle’. So if you see a lady on a train carrying four pilot cases and spilling out juggling balls, coloured streamers, fresh flowers, several hats, numerous brightly coloured cards and so on – it could be me…!
Gill Collingham
The People Business/
The Business Consultancy Network
we are designing accelerated learning to learn pro
Hello Karen
I work for John matchett Limited, a training provider. We think there is strong market interest in accelerated learning, and are in the process of designing an open Accelerated Learning to Learn programme, designed for trainers and mature learers. id be interested in sharing views and feedback.
I run EMEP (Empowering Managers Empowering People for middle, senior and aspiring Managers) and combine it with a PPDP (Professional and Personal Development Programme) for The Managed.
These modules are two to six days, usually non-consecutive, with ‘home-work’ between the training days. (technically ‘work-work, because participants do practice at work!)
Concepts and theory combine ‘traditional’ presentations (OHP’s, handouts, etc), with AL and NLP techniques to consolidate learning, retention and recall. More importantly people fee lempowered to APPLY techniques and principles.
Self ‘anchoring’ for positive states.
‘Future pacing’ to rehearse behaviours (e.g.assertiveness).
Music, play, juggling, ‘angel cards,’ etc. to break the patterns and expectations.
I refer often to the three H’s – Head, Heart, Hands – to highlight the relationship between thinking, feeling and doing.
With good rapport I can take ‘risks’ with the depth and focus of my ‘caring confrontations.’
AL gives added value.
Acelerated learning
I have been using AL in industry for over 25 Years and I thank SEAL for the start they gave me (They have their own web site somewhere) Apart from using it in my own training I have run a number of programmes on Advanced Training techniques for trainers. The best result I got was where one trainer, in the oil exploration business, reduced a ‘complex’ topic from half a day to 15 min AND got better results from his student.
Since getting involved I find everything of Tony Buzan of use and NLP cannot be underestimated.
In the Mind Managment System Quantum Reading course I run I could not have done it without AL and NLP. They are now both so natural I wonder How I did it without.
If you want more info from a user of long standing give me a call 01784 44 04 04.
Accelerated Learning reply 2
To add to my previous reply I would like to briefly explain what Al is.
Consider that our brain is the most powerful computer every imagined but we have not been given the user manual! We have got by through trail and error and using, as adult’s, techniques we learnt as toddlers.
Now we are starting to understand the brain and how it evolves from baby through child to adult. Three fundamental concepts produced AL.
The Three Brain Concept with how and why relaxation is important
The left and right hand brain and the role of music, imagination, and daydreaming
The seven intelligences and how we learn through all of them.
To the above add the ‘new’ ideas of NLP
The advantages of AL and NLP are that on average you can reduce classroom input time by some 20% and get a 25% improvement in results. The disadvantage is that to design a classroom input can take twice as long.
For a copy of Colin Rose’s book on Al give me a call 01784 44 04 04. This little book is still the best.
The evidence is out there…..
Hi Karen
I have been using AL methods in business for the last 8 years, and training trainers to use AL ideas to enhance their work and results for five years. Our work – with organisations including British Energy, Clerical Medical, Zeneca, British Nuclear Fuels and many others – has shown again and again that learning can be accelerated (made faster) if you want, and that learning retention can be improved. Lots of our clients are quite happy with better results in the same time – this is relatively straighforward to to once you know how. To radically shorten a course takes some time in preparation – I echo the points made by the other responders on this.
If it’s “hard” evidence you’d like, I presented a paper at the 1999 SEAL conference with Sue Parry, a training tutor from British Nuclear Fuels. Sue and her team have shortened a series of technical training courses in nuclear physics (!) – in one case from two weeks to one week (a 50% reduction), and overall by 38%. The results are as good as before, with some marked improvements in learner drop-out (eliminated) and learner motivation on subsequent programmes (increased). The SEAL paper is on my website at http://www.mckergow.com/inbizniz.htm.
We’re working on an update for the forthcoming International Alliance for Learning conference in Atlanta (Jan 14 – 16 if anyone wants to come along)- I’d be happy to send you this when it’s done. You are welcome to see my website at http://www.mckergow.com,call me on 01242 511441, or call Sue Parry at BNFL on 01454 422219 if you’d like to discuss these things further.
Good luck on your journey! Best wishes,
Mark McKergow
Mark McKergow Associates
26 Christchurch Road
GL50 2PL