I’m seeking to develop training materials that use transactional analysis, drama or imaginisation (Gareth Morgan) to deliver training in communication, teamworking and in personal development . It is part of a project that aims to improve the employability of graduates. I’d like to find out what kinds of materials already exist and work! Can anyone help? Thanks.
jo dyer
jo dyer
5 Responses
Re TA and drama in training
I’ve recently estasblished a company which is dedicated to training and interaction based on proven psychological techniques as well as a significant leaning of effectual drama in training, the reason these methods are so successful in companies is based on the high standard of faCILITATOR REACHING THE CORE OF OUR BEHAVIUORS AND ALLOWING THE INDIVIDUAL TO SAVLY EXPLORE THOSE AREAS USEUALLY TO THE GREAT BENEFIT OF COMPANY AND INDIVIDUAL, ALTHOUGH MATERIAL IS AVAILABLE on the above subjects is quite an abundence it will be easier to issolate your target material by discussing your objectives in a little more detail, regarding success’s evidence can also be supplied and testified too please contact on fielddynamics@bigfoot.com I will be glad to help out. Nena
Transactional Analysis / Graduates
I am involved in running leadership seminars for undergraduates, and use TA concepts A LOT!
I combine TA with e.g. NLP, the Enneagram, ACIM, and Accelerated Learning.
I’ve created some powerful and empowering exercises.
DRIVERS – a VERY challenging exercise, can be quite ‘upsetting’ but has incredible impact on people’s self awareness and behaviour.
The DRAMA TRIANGLE – physical and fun, can also be quite profound, and is always revealing.
EGO STATES, an exercise combining a variation on the Gestalt two chair model.
OK CORRAL (I’m OK, You’re OK; You’re OK, I’m Not OK, etc.)
I have renamed it The Power Grid (We’ve both got Power; You’ve got Power, I haven’t; I’ve got, you’ve not; no one has…), can be used in any number of ways, with good use of the floor space – I like exercises that get people out of their seats!
I use these exercises on various training sessions – suitably modified as appropriate (for teams, managers, individual coaching, negotiations skills, running effective meetings, even cultural diversity or managing change.
I may not get back on line for a few days, but if you (or anyone else) would like me to go into more details, let me know.
Transactional Analysis
Nothing specifically for training but the books by Thomas Harris, “I’m OK, You’re OK” and “Staying OK” are excellent reading along with “Games People Play” by Eric Berne. I would be interested to hear more from Michael about what he does. Would he be able to contact me at nedbrab@davidbowie.co.uk ?
Using Images in training
I wrote an article in Training Journal March 99 “Every picture tells a story” which was about a method I use in training courses using pictures and images. Its quite simple innthat you just use pictures of situations eg interviews, group meetings, but don’t provide any text. Participants have to “picture themselves” in the situation and contribute their own story about what is happening. If you can’t get a copy of training journal contact me and I’ll send you the article Derek Adams
TA for Trainers
Hi Jo
Have you read TA for Trainers by Julie Hay? Good coverage of most of the areas previously mentioned by Michael M. I find workshops featuring the Drama Triangle work particularly well with a whole range of learners.