I run a 3 day in house induction programme which consists of representatives from all over the business giving powerpoint presentations. there are 40 people on this course and i would welcome any suggestions for short (10 minute) evergisers that i can do to keep people awake.
Vivienne Holmes
Vivienne Holmes
2 Responses
Try Question of Sport
I put 12 numbered envelopes on the wall. Like the number board in the programme, delegates select a number. The envelopes contain a question which can be anything, perhaps a question about a previous learning point, reasons for attending, hopes worries for the day, the list is endless! Best of luck
Does it always have to be a formal presentation?
Sometimes it pays dividends with good presenters to explore other ways to put key points across. I remember one speaker from Financial Analysis would relate how he planned to rob a bank; how it would need to be properly planned to ensure that each member of the bank-raid team gave him value for money. His analogy was then related to his dept’s work and was always the most popular part of the day! More importantly, the learning retention of the delegates was consistently higher than other more ‘formal’ presentations. Of course, you can’t do it with every speaker, but such presentations are energisers in themselves.