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We all love a bit of legislation….


Hi All,

I have been given the task of providing a list of legislations that are applicable to Learning & Development.....

I have searched the internet to not much avail....

Is anyone able to throw a few suggestions in my direction?

I appreciate all replies!!

Kindest Regards


5 Responses

  1. my three ha’pence worth…..

    Hi Ryan

    It does of course depend on the market position of the L&D professional; in house manager, in house deliverer, external provider, sub-contract associate etc. And it depends on whether we are talking legislation that may affect content and egislation that may affect the delivery, but generically I’d guess you could start with:~

    ~Professional negligence/contracts in the event that the training provides "wrong" information or advice

    ~Health and Safety especially for outdoor training

    ~All manner of Consumer law especially in customer service (eg Sale of Goods Act 1979, Consumer Protection Act 1982, Unfair Contract Terms Act 1977, Unfair Consumer Contracts Regulations 1999, Consumer Credit Act 1974) 

    ~Employment law and Equality and Diversity Law for management training and recruitment training (Disability Discrimination Act 1995 and Amendment 2005, Sex Discrimination Act 1975, Gender Reassignment Regs 1999 and Gender Recognition Act 2004, Race Relations Act 1976 (Amended 2000 and 2003), Equal Pay Act 1970 Amendments 2003, Human Rights Act 1998, Empoyment Equality (Sexual Orientation Regs 2003), (Religion and Belief Regs 2003) , (Racial and Religious Hatred Act 2005) Employment Equality (Age) Regulations 2006, Equal Pay Act 2006 and the Civil Partnership Act 2004

    Well, you did ask!


  2. Your a star!!

    Thank you so much for such an indepth reply….i really appreicate your time spent.

    Kindest Regards


  3. Legislation that has training implications

    Hi Ryan

    It sounds like a daft request.  The law does not specify training obligations, but it does designate accountabilities and responsibilities to employers, and to organisations.  Once the organisation sees that it must comply with a particular Act, then it must assign responsibilities to individual workers and from this may come training needs on a ‘from new’ basis or refresher basis.

    You may have a long search so I would speak to your resource department heads (HR, Finance, Facilities, IT, etc.), and to your legal department to get a list of legislation that your organisation must comply with. Then it will be easier to identify compliance issues for people.

  4. Wide ranging. . .

     As previous posters have mentioned, it could be almost anything, though standard Commercial, Tax, H&S, Employment and Equality legislation is a good starting point.

    Another that occurs to me is Performing Rights licenses, if you’re using music.  On a similar note, copyright is key!



  5. Law and Trainers

    Although Rus is correct about equality laws,the key thing is that those laws he quoted are now captured within the Equality Act 2010. And the previous laws have gone into new areas.I can send you a full briefing

    The up to date position is profiled briefly below. Don’t forget SECTION 63 of the Apprenticeship and Learning Act  whih from next year gives people in organisations the right to request "time to train." Although the Coalition Government are reveiwing this AND OTHER assorted pieces of employment law impacting on training and job search training. We have free briefings

    Welfare to Work proposals and the BIG SOCIETY,inter alia training and placement opportunities involving the voluntary sector will start seaping through in October this year when the public spending review proposals start to be implemented

    The up to date position on the Equality Laws mentioned by Rus is as follows:-

    The Equality Act replaces the Equal Pay Act 1970, the Sex Discrimination Act 1975, the Race Relations Act 1976, the Disability Discrimination Act 1995, much of the Equality Act 2006, the Employment Equality (Religion or Belief) Regulations 2003, the Employment Equality (Sexual Orientation) Regulations 2003, the Employment Equality (Age) Regulations 2006, and the Equality Act (Sexual Orientation) Regulations 2007 (where applicable, as subsequently amended), plus other ancillary pieces of legislation. 







    QED Training

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