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Web based orientation / induction


Reproduced with the enquirer’s permission from TRDEV-L, 23-24 March 2000

Date: Wed, 22 Mar 2000 21:52:08 -0800
From: Les McKeown
Subject: Web-based employee orientation - the Holy Grail...?

I'm putting the final touches to a new workbook "The Complete Guide to Orientation and Re-orientation". I'm disappointed in the information I have on real (that is
actual, existing, in-use) web-based employee orientation programs, and I'd like to ask your help on this.

The number of organizations that follow through from contemplating a web-based employee orientation program (practically everyone) to actually implementing and using
such a program is miniscule.

I'd like to know:

Why is web-based employee orientation more 'wished for' than used?

Have **you** successfully designed and implemented such a program?

If you started, but didn't finish such a project, was it because of:

Budgetary constraints?
Technical constraints?
Just too darn complicated?
Internal politics (hijacked by the IT department, or 'Corporate Affairs')
Bogged down in 'design hell'?
Disappointing results in moving from traditional format to web-based?
Couldn't settle on a specific platform?

Feel free to post your responses publicly or to me directly (I'll publish a summary to the TRDEV-L list, and anonymize your contribution if you so wish - I realize some of these
questions are sensitive).

I will of course publish acknowledgements in "The Complete Guide to Orientation and Re-Orientation" for anything I use, and provide a free review copy to everyone who takes the time to respond.

Please forgive any cross-posting you encounter in your web travels.


Les McKeown FCA, President & CEO

Yellowbrick - the employee orientation and retention
21 Marinero Circle, Suite 102 Tiburon CA 94920
P. 1 800 446 9706 F. 1 253 736 0328
(outside the US, +1 415 789 5014)

Cecilia Bingham