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Web Training


I have been asked to develop some training for our staff, to familiarise them with our new website.
I have been given two weeks to come up with a training solution that will cover two areas:- Full site familiarisation and general awareness.
We have 165 staff, approximately 100 based in our head office, and the remaining 65 at remote centres throughout the UK.
I am not going to consider delivering any training myself, however I will coordinate the process.

How can I best address this training need? Training pack, workshops, demonstrations.....please help?
I will also admit that I am a little technically challenged, so I am unfamiliar with the content myself.

Kind regards to all who help me......

Emily Saether

8 Responses

  1. Websites (Intranet)
    To be able to develop a training course or workshop or whatever, you will need to know the product inside out, back to front and what goes on behind it – so if you are technically challenged, explore the site, jot down goodies, jot down what interested you to look further, jot down boring pages, jot down what you think others will want to see – in other words EXPLORE!

    Workshops seem a good idea as you will really need to let others get handson rather than just talk through (yawn). Set up treasure hunts, give them tasks to complete, make sure that they go right to the bottom of any links – again EXLORE!

  2. Website training
    I agree with Lyn Wood on really getting to know the site well – it’s worth the time. Also think about things that are common to all websites i.e. underlined text takes you to another part of the site, or to an external site. Mousing over a logo or image will show if the cursor turns to a pointing finger, again showing this will lead somewhere else. Find out what the search engine on the site is like and if they have built in any help pages. Think about the time to do these demo’s, out Internet is always slower in the afternoon, schedule sessions for mornings?

  3. Knowing what the site is for
    You don’t say what the web site will be used for and its overall purpose? I think its critical to find this out and then to understand how it will work for the people that do use it. Will it involve a major change in the way people carry out tasks within their roles? Will it simply replicate what people do not on line at the moment. I am sure that if people understand the point of the web site and how it works, and the training is directed at this then it will be used appropriately. Obviously to know how to direct the training you will need as other contributors to get to know how it works also

  4. Training packs
    Hi Emily, would recommend the training pack approach where possible or something online. Something that is quite simple yet effective can be screen prints with descriptions on word document..Where possible I would recommend building lots of online help, hints and tips, etc. into the website itself.

  5. Training..really?
    Challenge yourself…how did you learn to use websites?
    Do you really need to do any formal training at all?
    So, what’s the minimum you need to get people to achieve your goal?

  6. First decide what and then how.
    Hi Emily,

    1. What is the business need?
    2. What is the training need?
    3. WIIFM for the user?

    This should inform your thinking in terms of the content you need to get across – is it about company information, business processes, product information etc.

    In terms of how you deliver, you say you are not too technically inclined, so you either jump in at the deep end and learn quickly, get somebody else to help you or deliver the materials the good old fashioned way.

    If its mostly straightforward information delivery, then text and graphics if you intend to deliver online and a simple powerpoint presentation using screengrabs if your going to deliver live should suffice. If its more to do with processes or skilling people up on how to use features of the site, then some form of simulation is more likely in order. If you’re up for a bit of an adventure there are easy to use simulation tools out there such as TurboDemo which would enable you to put together self-directed demos very quickly and easily.

    My personal inclination would be to run some very short and succinct workshops for those who can attend (or for whom the training is more critical) and support these with short notes and simulations as above. That way you can give people who attend your workshops something extra and still get to those who can’t attend because of location. You can also then tell everybody you’re using blended learning…

  7. I’d focus on the WIIFM approach…
    at least, as far as the learners are concerned. Will it be time-saving, paper-saving, knowledge-increasing etc etc.

    The other two points – business needs and training needs – must be built in to your demo (please make it hands on – I was trained how to use a financial online system by watching someone else on a big screen – boring- but I am an activist!) but may not need to be so overt.

    Make it fun…that way they won;t know they are being taught!

  8. Web Training
    I ahve always found it best when delivering web site training to make it as hands on as possible especially for the staff who need full site familiarisation – set some questions which they have to use the website to answer. For general awareness a demo should be enough.