I am reviewing our evaluation process. My manager wants a form to send out at the end of any learning and development whether its a course, seminar, webinar or conference etc.
My manager has suggested we use the term intervention which I'm not sure I like, but it does cover the different kinds of L&D.
I've been racking my brains for an alternative to intervention. Does anyone have any suggestions for wording thatt can be used?
Many thanks
3 Responses
Or you could leave a space on the form to be completed prior to sending out so you can input whatever is suitable
Hi Wendy
How about Event?
Hi Wendy
How about Event?
Thank you Sue and Jenny 🙂 it
Thank you Sue and Jenny 🙂 it seems obvious i've had a word on the tip of my mind for ages but haven't been able to grasp it!
Thanks Again