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Rus Slater

Coach and Courses


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what do you say……


6 Responses

  1. Sleep

    You posted that one EARLY lol – mine has got to be:-

    You don’t discriminate against those with Latient Atrophy Zymosis Yeast syndrome, do you?!"

    Nice One Rus -as ever!!!!

    QED Training

  2. Gas

     I usually say; ‘The gas, the gas, turn of the ga-‘ Then slump dramatically back over my desk. Works like a charm.

  3. Caught sleeping

    Looking at it from this angle, your e-mail proposal looks a much better proposition! Barry

  4. Quid pro quo

    Just trying to make up for the time work keeps me awake at night.

    Peter Mayes
    Founder of TrainerBase
    If here was once there, where is there now?

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Rus Slater


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