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Sponge Admin


Web Specialist

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What is Adapt?


Traditionally, delivering elearning on multiple devices has meant creating different versions for mobile, tablet and PC. But now, with the launch of the open-source Adapt framework, we can develop a single elearning course that adapts intelligently to each device.

The benefit of this is that it not only saves time in the development and delivery of courses, but also money as there’s no need to rework the content for different screen sizes and operating systems.

Additionally, because it’s open-source, the framework is free to download and is constantly being advanced and updated by a dedicated community of expert developers.

Responsive elearning built using the framework will:

·         Adapt to any screen so it is readable

·         Adapt the interactions to work on smaller devices

·         Adapt content to enable different layouts to be deployed to different devices

One of the things you’ll notice about elearning built in Adapt is the vertical scrolling structure. Don’t let this scare you! I know we have been told for ages to avoid the scroll bar at all costs but things have changed. If you think about it, your users are already used to scrolling through webpages and certainly anything they view on their mobile phone will require them to scroll downwards. Using this approach in an elearning course will not concern them.

This design structure also helps to ‘device-proof’ your elearning - all devices display slightly differently but the one constant you can guarantee is the fact that smaller screens will require vertical scrolling. By making the overall design follow this pattern you will keep a consistent feel from one device to another. And it reduces the need for clicks, which makes the navigation easier on a mobile or tablet and helps the learner flow through the course.

As with other tools, there are a variety of quizzes that can be incorporated, along with video and imagery and the overall design and layout is flexible so great for customising to your specific needs.

Along with Kineo and Learning Pool, Sponge UK were one of the founding members of the community and we have been working on development of the framework and now the authoring tool. For more information on Adapt, visit the community site or talk to us about a demo -

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Sponge Admin

Web Specialist

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