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What is ELWa ?


I have recently seen the following requirement in a job role: " Knowledge of ELWa and Awarding Body requirements"

Can anyone help to to cut through the jargon to find out what this means?

Any answers or clues would be greatly appreciated.


JJ Wallace
john wallace

One Response

  1. response to ELWa query
    ELWa = Education and Learning Wales
    Comprises of the new National Council for Education and Training in Wales (CETW) and the present Higher Education Funding Council for Wales.

    CETW is an Assembly Sponsored Public Body. There are 10 new members to this Council who took up their positions on 8th February (one of whom is a Director of Ufi). CETW’s aim is to deliver on the Assembly’s ambitions to turn Wales into a learning country which is of critical importance to the future of the Welsh economy.

    There are to be 4 regional committees for the CETW.

    Alongside CETW there will be CCETs (Community Consortium for Education and Training). These are voluntary partnerships formed primarily at local authority level across Wales. There are 4 CCETs in West Wales – Neath Port Talbot, Swansea, Carmarthenshire and Pembrokeshire. They set out proposals on how local education and training needs can best be met, and suggest arrangements for collaboration and co-operation between providers.

    The present West Wales TEC (Training and Enterprise Council) is supporting 3 of the 4 CCETs (in West Wales) which they get themselves set up. The 4 TECs in Wales will be no more once the new system is up and running which is due in April this year.

    There is a Partnership Incentive Fund (PIF) which is to help develop the CCETs – a projected £4.9m will be available for 2001-2.

    The objectives of the CCETs are quoted as follows:

    Delivery high quality provision;
    Promote new opportunities responsive to local need;
    Widen choice and levels of participation;
    Raise service standards;
    Achieve targets;
    Cut waste and duplication; and
    Remove nugatory competition.