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What is the ICPD?


The Institute of Continuing Professional Development

Continuing Professional Development is the systematic maintenance and improvement of knowledge, skills and competence, and enhancement of learning, undertaken by a person throughout his or her working life

New patterns of work and learning are evolving across the world, and knowledge is now becoming the key to economic prosperity and personal well-being. It is vital for individuals and organisations to have speedy access to information and advice about professional and personal development to help them succeed in the global knowledge society.

The ICPD, as the foremost agent for change and promoter of best practice in CPD, is:

a facilitator...

...helping organisations and individuals to identify their CPD needs and how to meet them

Through its network of CPD providers the ICPD is able to offer advice and guidance, and point to the wide range of CPD opportunities on offer within professions worldwide. Through its Corporate Affiliate scheme it offers endorsement to providers of high-quality CPD and recognition of courses, programmes and other packages, whether formal or informal.

a centre of expertise...

...bringing together experts in CPD, lifelong learning, the knowledge economy and the future of work

The ICPD operates a network of specialist advisers - experts from across the professions ready to help organisations with their CPD policies and planning. The Institute is positioning itself as the first point of contact for those seeking information on the current theory and practice, and the future direction, of CPD.

a think-tank...

...distilling and presenting the views of leading thinkers and practitioners

The Institute is at the forefront of thinking on CPD. It works with other bodies researching into learning and development, and monitors and contributes to the ongoing dialogues and debates in these areas.

a partner...

...benefiting individuals and organisations by association


Fellowship of the Institute is an honour for which individuals may apply. It is granted to those who show firm commitment to their own CPD and that of others through, for example, being mentors or coaches. An application form, showing the current subscription rate, can be downloaded from this website. Fellows are entitled to display the designatory letters FICPD and can take advantage of a range of benefits including:

- peer recognition of professional status

- enhanced business opportunities

- local, national and international support structures for CPD

- international recognition of CPD standards

- a worldwide network of professional contacts

- access to vital technical information relevant to the growing knowledge economy

- a comprehensive website with a designated members’ section

- meetings and networking opportunities

- privileged access to the members’ section of the website of the Professional Associations Research Network (PARN)

- free subscriptions to two prestigious on-line journals: Continuing Professional Development and Virtual University Journal

- advice and guidance on CPD policy and practice

Corporate Affiliates

Organisations committed to CPD for their staff or members may be accepted as Corporate Affiliates of the Institute. Co-operation between the Institute and organisations on issues such as recognition, endorsement, CPD planning and implementation, coaching and mentoring is an important facet of the Corporate Affiliate relationship. Details of subscription rates are available on request.


Companies and other organisations can become Sponsors of the Institute. This normally requires the organisation to identify and finance a CPD project to be carried out by the Institute for the benefit of the organisation and relevant stakeholders.

Code of Conduct

Under the ICPD Code of Conduct all members of the Institute are required:

- to uphold, by their conduct and competence, the honour, dignity and reputation of their profession.

- to safeguard, as far as it is in their power to do so, the public interest in professional, social, environmental, health and safety matters.

- to commit themselves to their own continuing professional development.

- to encourage the continuing professional development of their associates and those whom they coach, mentor or counsel.

- to respect the confidentiality of their clients, employers and associates.

- to maintain the highest ethical standards in all their professional activities.


For more information, or to arrange a meeting to discuss how you or your organisation can benefit from membership of the Institute, please contact:

Helen Nother at the ICPD’s London office (


Graham Guest, the Institute’s Learning Consultant (

The ICPD is at the hub of a network of bodies - companies, academic establishments, professional associations, trade unions and employers’ organisations - committed to continuing professional development and lifelong learning

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