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What kind of boss are you?


As a manager it's easy to think that we don't have an effect on peoples lives. After all, we're just their manager right?

If that's true then lets play a little game. Just for a second remember the worst boss you've ever had. The very worst boss...what were they like? Why were they so bad? What effect did they have on you? And finally, how long ago was it? Over a year ago? Over 5 years? over 10 years? Can you still remember it and do you still feel the same as you did when it first happened?

Now lets do the same for our best boss. The one person who believed in you...who empowered you; trusted you; developed you; got you where you are today. What were they like? What were their characteristics? How long ago was it? What impact did they have on your life?

Still don't think you make a difference? What kind of boss do you want to be?

Barbara Nixon

Management development

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