Last week we asked TrainingZONE members about their 'favourite' irritations to be consigned to oblivion in Room 101. You can read the complete list of suggestions from which we've selected a few common favourites:
- OHP and PowerPoint presentations – where presenters read out the list, 'slide on' each bullet point, or cover over the list with a sheet of paper.
- Managers who send staff on training and then ignore the learning or development when they return.
- Venues – loads of irritations about unhelpful venue arrangements!
- Yellow flip chart pens.
- The assumption that training = learning, and vice versa.
But do check out all the great suggestions here.
We also decided to contact a number of well known figures in the training and educational worlds to find out their list of pet-hates and thought our members might like to see the results:
Peter Honey:
Management and learning consultant, author and publisher of Peter Honey Publications
- Trainers who say 'We'll come to that later' and never do.
- Trainers who ask participants at the start of a course what they want to achieve and then ignore it.
- Trainers who automatically respond to contributions by saying 'Thank you for sharing that with us' in as insincere way as 'Have a nice day'
- The non-learner label/category the government uses in The Learning Age.
- Didactic sessions where people get talked 'at' - with no (or only cosmetic) opportunities for participation.
- People who use their learning style preference as an excuse not to change - 'I am an Activist so you can't expect me to handle the details'.
George Edwards
Development officer at the Institute for Supervision and Management
- Big, fat, NVQ portfolios that prove the candidate can "do nvq", but don't show anything else.
- "Guidance" notes that attempt to "clarify" previous "advice" on interpreting "criteria" which are in themselves subjective.
- Politicians who tell us that we are not "doing enough training" just because we are not producing the particular sort of statistics they like to see.
- Bright young things in "cazyewl" clothes at exhibitions who know diddly-squat about real training, trying to convince us that we actually need their latest IT toy.
- Conference catering.
Leslie Rae
Trainer, author and reviewer for several publications
Suggests some well-known saying to consign to Room 101:
- "Why do you keep calling them learners? They're trainees!"
- "Being honest, I'd like to say …."
- "Can I quote you on that?" (from a learner when you have just advised the group to ask their line manager)
- "Can you give me another ring about that later" (meaning don't bother)
- "The Internet is going to make all training courses obsolete".
Tom Boydell
Consultant and author, member of The Learning Company Project
- "If you can't measure it you can't manage it" - shows a complete lack of understanding of managing.
- Performance related pay - guaranteed to reduce productivity, quality and profitability; anyone who supports it shows a complete lack of understanding both of psychology and of the nature of variation in a process or system.
- Sayings along the lines "half our children do worse than average on some test or other" - shows a complete lack of understanding of statistics, since by definition half of the population will be below average.
- "A child not in lessons is a child not learning" - shows a complete lack of understanding of the nature of learning.
- Anyone who says "we are a learning organisation" - shows a complete lack of understanding of the nature of learning organisation.
- "We all know what we mean by...." - shows a complete lack of understanding of the way in which people make sense of the world.
- Anyone who says "shows a complete lack of understanding of..." - shows gross intolerance of difference and diversity.
Mike Kelleher
Organisational consultant and Chair of the European Consortium for the Learning Organisation
- People who use the words 'learning' and 'training' synonymously.
- People who define a learning organisation as one in which large amounts of teaching/training is being provided.
- Over-simplistic models or theories which give great relief to the faint-hearted but produce crude tools for understanding.
- Ice-breakers that have little or no relevance for the theme or subject to be covered. Equally ice-breakers, which confront participants with potentially embarrassing situations and scenarios.
- The frequent lack of explicit efforts to ensure learners engage in transferring their lessons learned from the classroom / workshop environment to the locations in which their learning is to be applied.
If this has sparked reminders of your work-related pet-hates and irritations which you'd like to dispose of, please feel free to add them – or comment on any of these suggestions – using the Comments feature below.