My name is Steve and I am looking for my next career move, you may be able to help or know of anyone looking for someone with my skills. I am an analytical, creative and imagnative trainer and HR consultant delivering solutions to business through influencing, negotiation and highly developed communication skills (I know that sounds a bit twee!). There is not enough space here to list everything I can do, but if you know of any positions in the Yorkshire/North East area I would be grateful. Thanks
Steve Keyes
Steve Keyes
2 Responses
I might be able to help
If you could be tempted to consider Merseyside, I might know of something. if this intrigues you, please ring me on 0151 236 9594 between 9 and 5.
we have an office in Sheffield
If you are still looking for work, please contact me. We have an office in Sheffield and a base in Manchester and HQ in London. Our clients are all over the world. My details:
Helen Keegan
10/11 The Stableyard
Broomgrove Road
London SW9 9TL
tel: 0207 274 8724
fax: 0207 733 3600