We are a franchisor who provides intensive Induction & ongoing supporting training for our franchisees on all aspects of their business. No NVQ’s on Customer Service, Digital Document Services etc., are customised enough for our needs. I’ve started investigations with C&G etc., but does anyone have any ideas on how our training can become accredited, so that all our delegates benefit from having a qualification rather than just a certificate of attendance?
Jennifer Bushell
Jennifer Bushell
6 Responses
NVQs and customisation
We read you comments with interest. The NVQ should always be customised as the areas of evidence are taken from real work scenerios.
If however you have jettisoned the NVQ route you could consider the ISM route for accreditation of your own training.
For more info please call on 0870 241 3998.
Becoming an accredited centre
You can become an accredited centre for £250 or so pounds through City and Guilds, if you are planning on runnning several courses it is worth the money.
Good Luck
Try the Open College Network
Have you tried the Open College Network? Yopu can get details from their website at
Their qualifications are not NVQ’s, but count towards them.
Getting your staff NVQ qualified
I would recommend Edexcel who can customise qualifications for specific needs, including NVQ units where necessary, under their BTEC Short Course Framework scheme. A good contact is Sue Richardson at Edexcel 01227 276039
nvq advice
Are these comments still accurate. We’re developing a customer service elearning course with an associated workbook and want to have it recognised as an nvq
Need to know steps to take to make this happen
Thank you
Did you find out the answer
Did you find out the answer to your question I know its a few years on now but I wondered if you had an update on how to go about this? thanks