I am looking for a test I can give to employees to help me identify learning problems they might have. We want to use this test to determine which employees we should spend money on special training to help them. Is there any place I can get such a test for free.
Thank You for any suggestions.
3 Responses
In Tray Exercises
Hi Joseph,
An interesting question! Unfortunately, my answer for you is only going to tick one of your two boxes…
We provide tests that do exactly what you are looking for. There are a choice of three different tests that candidates/employees sit under timed conditions. The test determines the candidates' strengths and weaknesses. Depending on the experience and seniority of your employees you could choose the most appropriate test for them.
However… it will require a small investment from you. Our in tray packages are available to download now and can be used multiple times by you. (Tried and tested by many of the world's top companies!)
Take a look at some of the free previews before you make any decisions.
I hope this helps.
Best of luck!
Not a test more a self assessment
Hi, there is a free product on Spectrain's shop that enables learners to identify learning methods that have been successful for them previously, and think about how they prefer to learn. Here's the link: http://www.spectrain.co.uk/product/learning-learn/
To calrify..
Hi Joseph, by learning problems are you talking about things like dyslexia, dyscalculia, dyspraxia etc? If so, I would suggest that you try to work with someone with some expertise on this as the issue will be interpreting the results of the assessment which requires some prior knowledge.
There may be some local charitable orgs that would help you with this or the Organisation, Acces to Work might be able to give you some advice or look at providing a grant to help with this.
Hope thsi helps.