I am developing for publication in 2002 a practical guide to work life balance, from the dual perspective of employees and employers. An essential part of of the project will be case studies - mostly short - of how organisations and individuals have tackled these issues. Horror stories will also be useful, although the focus of the book will be good practice. If you would like to a) share your experience, b) provide information about a programme or approach by your company or c) reccommend another company with good practice please email me.
David Clutterbuck

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Work and Family
I run a wide range of equal opportunity training courses in the public and private sector.I draw on several case studies including… Work and Family issues are currently discussed in a publication costing I think £25 from the LOcal GOvernment Association in Smith Square.I believe the TUC have also produced a guide. Additionally the Equal Opportunities Commission for whom I used to work assist Tribunal cases(Marshall-Evans v DEvon County Council being a recent example)and have documented several cases and suggestions for good practice in employment advisory booklets.,