I am running an XP rollout for a UK based organisation. Part of the workforce is in Europe – specifically Germany, France and Holland and I need to find experienced IT Trainers for those countries.
They would need to be fluent in English plus Germanor French or Dutch and able to train WIndows XP and Office 2003.
Any ideas would be most gratefully received.
Gerry Steinhauer
I am running an XP rollout for a UK based organisation. Part of the workforce is in Europe - specifically Germany, France and Holland and I need to find experienced IT Trainers for those countries.
They would need to be fluent in English plus Germanor French or Dutch and able to train WIndows XP and Office 2003.
Any ideas would be most gratefully received.
Gerry Steinhauer
3 Responses
A recommendation
You could try Pentagon Training – they have a bank of associate trainers some of whom have language skills. Speak to Simon Openshaw on 01372 805817.
Melanie Will Know
Hi Gerry,
If you haven’t already heard from Melanie Hollinshead then get in touch with her via melanie@hollinsheadandco.com, she will know the best people for your need (as she knows most multi-lingual trainers across Europe).
Best regards,
desktop familiarisation
Hi Gerry
We have done similar projects but we supply it multi lingual on the desktop via our Desktop tools. So the user can reference or simulate what they need to know online or through the intranet. We specialise in what we call Desktop Refresh, and lots of experiance in rolling out multi-lingual XP and MS Office updates. Let me know if you want any info? mk@ilxgroup.com
kind regards