I am employed by a public sector organisation with 546 staff spread across 9 sites. I have been tasked with implementing e-learning into the organisation which has a very traditional culture. Everything is ready but I would like some advice on the best method of launching to encourage staff to use the facilities.
Any suggestions would be appreciated.
Many thanks
Kelly Cox
kelly cox
Any suggestions would be appreciated.
Many thanks
Kelly Cox
kelly cox
5 Responses
E use
1. A strategy to stop nonsense emails clogging the system which is accessed by all users on day one!
2. Get a theme going by way of a message board with a semi work subject. Nothing too contraversial, just stuff that is of interest like staff training initiatives, staff notices and some helpful tips on routine tasks.
3. Consider time management or personal development learning areas first as people tend to be self intersted most, then you can use the traffic to train in other subject areas.
4. Allow a few months for people to ‘bed’ in with using the system in the meantime as a way of communicating and accessing their areas of interest.
5. Keep it light and quick until you have experience amongst your users. If you make the info serious to start you will put off your audience and it takes longer to collect them back.
6. Have some fun with it and keep records of the use daily and by which grades of staff to identify areas of non use so you cna investigate this and tackle it early on.
Best of luck!
Training By Design Global Ltd
0870 241 3998
Have you run a pilot yet, however small? In my experience, the best implementations have involved the learners from day one. Running a pilot will enable you to guage reactions and make adjustments if required, ahead of any major launch. You can look at how the pilot group adjusts to the cultural issues and work with them to refine your messages and deployment plans. I have often found that the launch campaign has been heavily influenced by the pilot group participants. After all, they will often know best when it comes to making this work and you can benefit a lot from having their buy-in at this early stage. During the pilot, I also look out for early success stories that can be included in the main launch. If you can show it’s working already, then the sceptics may have less to argue about later on! Above all, in your marketing messages you must answer the question – what’s in it for me? This may mean that you have to break your launch into smaller mini-launches, each focused on a different group of people (or site), with different messages depending on the group.
Learning Cockpits
The environment is crucial here – I know of some comanies, who have provided “cockpits” for people to go to so that they have the time, the equipment, resources and accessibility.
These can be set-up in coffee areas as well.
See what you think, if you would like to know more, send me an email.
Ask questions
I have always found the best place to start is questions:
Why do we want to use e learning?
– Our current delivery channels can’t cope
– To improve accessibility for learners
– Reduce delivery timescales
What do we want to achieve?
– Increase in learning delivery capability
– Reduction in lost opportunity cost
– Reduce time to competence
How can we link e learning to our business objectives?
– Upcoming business initiatives
– Improved top line performance
– Improved productivity/profitability
How do we communicate
– To all levels
– Briefings
– Change management events
– Champions
In summary don’t rush in without determining what you want to achieve
Launching e-Learning
Dear Kelly,
The key elements of an e-Learning launch strategy are set out in the Competency Frameworks for the Certified e-Learning Professional (CeLP) Training Programme.
For more information see: http://www.e-learningprofessional.com
In brief the key recommendations are:
-Encourage the participation of all stakeholders (managers, learning specialists, IT staff, end users, etc.) in planning the implementation of e-Learning.
-Ensure that each stakeholder stands to benefit in some way from the introduction of e-Learning.
-Conduct tests and pilots to refine the solution prior to launch.
-Market and promote e-Learning prior to and subsequent to launch.
I hope this helps.