I am trying to find some ‘objective’, not to mention critical, assessments of IiP as a process and a scheme. Most of what one can find takes it as a given that IiP is ‘a good thing’ and focuses on how to get the best out of
it. Obviously the TEC/LEC literature is promoting it strongly. Where do I go to find the sort of balanced assessment which might help a sceptical but thoughtful person make a decision on its worth?
Matthew Haggis
it. Obviously the TEC/LEC literature is promoting it strongly. Where do I go to find the sort of balanced assessment which might help a sceptical but thoughtful person make a decision on its worth?
Matthew Haggis
7 Responses
Contact IPD for articles
When I needed similar information I contacted the IPD library. They provided me with a list of articles on IIP, some of which were critical. I am a member of IPD so this made it easier.
Results of FOCUS TEC IiP impact assessent due soon
FOCUS Central London will soon be producing the results of a research study into the impact of IiP. the study has tried to assess what difference the IiP process has made to organisations who gain IiP accreditation. You can contact the researcher direct on jude.belsham@focus-central-london.co.uk and ask to be put on the mailing list. The draft report indicated very positive benefits of the process.
and yes, I know we are a TEC and so are expected to be biased but the research is a serious attempt to objectively evaluate the programme!
Regards, Rob Grover, Funding Manager
Matthew, I sympathise. If you are interested, I did a review of IIP for the Namibian government prior to them developing their version, which may be piloted soon.
Not enough space here, but email me if you would like some comments. Unfortunately, there has been, so far as I am aware, no impact research, although lots of seeking of opinions (which is often confused with impact research). For example, the extent to which real additionality is generated is unclear.
As with any type of standard there are both strengths and weaknesses.
I’ve just written a dissertation on IiP
I’ve just written an MA dissertation which focussed on IiP and its ability as a model to encourage organisational learning. It was a real struggle to get to written material of any quality, but it is out there. The most useful, and sometimes critical, articles were as follows:
Alberga, T. et al. (1997) “An evaluation of the Investors in People Standard” Human Resources Management Journal
Alker, A (1999) Investors in People: The Experience of Members of the Employment Relationship” (So far unpublished as far as I am aware)
Bell, E (1999) “The Evolution of Image: Investors in People as a taxonomic device and a process of signification” (Again unfortunately unpublished as far as I am aware)
Critten, P (1993) “Investing in People: Towards Corporate Capability” Oxford, Butterworth-Heinemann. (Excellent and spot on at an early stage in IiP)
Down, S and Smith, D (1998) “It pays to be nice to people: Investors in People, the search for measurable benefits” Personnel Review 27 (2): 143-155
Rix, A et al (1994) “Investors in People: A Qualitative Study of Employers” Employment Department, Sheffield.
Kesby, D (1999) “Investors in People: Encouraging the Learning Organisation?” (Again sadly, unpublished!)
If you would like to know more about any of these, drop me a line.
Investors in People – review of etc
Apologies for delay in response to the request for a critical review of Investors in People. I have searched the DfEE Research Brief (http://www.dfee.gov.uk/research) with no success – since that’s my usual first port of call and I normally get something back I’ll try other more traditional routes for information and hope to come back to you shortly.
Hazel Edmunds
iip a critical summary
I would be very interesdted in any info which you obtained on the impact of IIP. Like you, I have seen a whole number of MA – PhD thesis around the topic, but nothing wich really screws down the real evaluation of the model.
Let me know what you have discovered.
iip a critical summary
I would be very interested in any info which you obtained on the impact of IIP. Like you, I have seen a whole number of MA – PhD thesis around the topic, but nothing wich really screws down the real evaluation of the model.
Let me know what you have discovered.