With our ever-changing, information-now, must-have-tech society we are plagued with a vast array of apps for our phones, programs for our computers and “likes” to our social groups.
How are we, as a tech-savy society, to make the right decisions as to what information we post, applications to install and sites to trust? It all comes down to one acronym (or abbreviation): EULA (pronounced ‘you * la’).
You may have clicked to accept this before and never gave it a second thought. Three months later you wonder why you are missing money from your bank account and fourteen companies are legally taking it from you. In addition you are now receiving twenty to forty telemarketing phone calls a day on your cell phone. Would you like to know why? It is all because you NEVER read the EULA.
So what is the EULA? It stands for End User License Agreement. Inside of this long and legally stated document they could be telling you that you agree to have money taken from your account and that they in fact have every right to sell your cell phone number to all these telemarketing companies. Flat out they must tell you that they are selling your information, that you will be billed after a certain period, or worse: they are a bona-fide scam! Guess what? You cannot ask for your money back. Why? You were too busy to read the EULA to find out that by checking a box you agree to their terms and conditions.
So do you know why I keep asking questions throughout this blog? So you will take a moment and realize that the next time a EULA shows up for you to agree to, take a moment to read it or else you might face financial devastation (or for some of you…more financial devastation).
So what are you going to read the next time you install an application? The EULA.
With our ever-changing, information-now, must-have-tech society we are plagued with a vast array of apps for our phones, programs for our computers and “likes” to our social groups.
How are we, as a tech-savy society, to make the right decisions as to what information we post, applications to install and sites to trust? It all comes down to one acronym (or abbreviation): EULA (pronounced ‘you * la’).
You may have clicked to accept this before and never gave it a second thought. Three months later you wonder why you are missing money from your bank account and fourteen companies are legally taking it from you. In addition you are now receiving twenty to forty telemarketing phone calls a day on your cell phone. Would you like to know why? It is all because you NEVER read the EULA.
So what is the EULA? It stands for End User License Agreement. Inside of this long and legally stated document they could be telling you that you agree to have money taken from your account and that they in fact have every right to sell your cell phone number to all these telemarketing companies. Flat out they must tell you that they are selling your information, that you will be billed after a certain period, or worse: they are a bona-fide scam! Guess what? You cannot ask for your money back. Why? You were too busy to read the EULA to find out that by checking a box you agree to their terms and conditions.
So do you know why I keep asking questions throughout this blog? So you will take a moment and realize that the next time a EULA shows up for you to agree to, take a moment to read it or else you might face financial devastation (or for some of you…more financial devastation).
So what are you going to read the next time you install an application? The EULA.