I am responsible for developing a women peer mentoring scheme. The scheme is for mentors who are involved in Birmingham Council District Partnerships to develop and mentor women interested in participating in decision making, but lack the skills, confidence and understanding of the jargon.
I would be grateful for any hints or tips or models of good practise you may have come across.
Thank you.
Iram Khan
5 Responses
It may be worth your while talking to your local Prince’s Trust office – through your local Business Link. I am a volunteer business mentor for one of their young new ‘start ups’ and they offer training for mentors and help for mentees. They may be able to offer you the advice you seek.
All the best
Sally http://www.peopletreetraining.co.uk
peer mentoring for women
I would suggest that an important baseline is to have a clear framework of what it takes to be effective in decision-making
or whatever the specific things are, there in Birmingham Council District Partnerships.
When those are clear, then mentees can, with the mentor, work out a plan for developing those skills and reporting back to the mentor on how they are getting on.
I’m assuming that you have a plan for training or refreshing the mentors – if not, I can email you some ideas if it would be helpful.
Your local chamberlink probably already have one
Try your local chamberlink, I know that these schemes exist in the Bury, Rochdale area of Manchester
You could try contacting an organisation called Gwent Business Women’s Network, http://www.gbwn.org.uk email: info@gbwn.org.uk
A group of business women from South East Wales who meet on a regular basis and provide advice and support for women in business
An Arts-based learning approach
You might be interested in an ESF scheme for women that has been running in the SouthWest of England where we have developed women in the skills that you mention, and more, using an arts-based learning approach. In particular we developed problem solving models which include both ‘who you are’ (confidence building) as well as ‘how to do’ (skills building) . Women have loved this way of learning and the approach has proved to be highly successful. Women continue to apply to join the scheme through word-of-mouth. If you are interested to find out more about this scheme and the approach that we have developed, you can contact me on sue@do-be-do.biz