TrainingZone interviewed Charles Jennings at World of Learning about his keynote on learning governance.
Charles Jennings, former chief and learning officer at Reuters and present MD of Duntroon Associates, delivered a keynote address to World of learning entitled: Transforming L&D through effective leraning governance.
In his keynote, Jennings outlined his thinking on learning governance, why it is important for L&D teams and how it can be introduced into the organisation.
He told delegates that learning governance was about having the sytems and processes in place to allow L&D to make desisions, drive accountability and prioritise effort. To do this, L&D had to build learning governance boards to ensure stakeholders drive learning governance through the organisation.
Watch the TrainingZone interview with Charles Jennings.
See also the results from the delegate polling from Charles Jennings' keynote:
Question: Are your learning leaders involved in your organisations’ overall strategy development and reviews?
Question: Does your organisation have a written learning strategy?
Question: Are your stakeholders involved in prioritising where you put your L&D efforts and resources?
Question: Do you have a standardised engagement approach to agree outcomes from learning activities with stakeholders?
Question: Do your learning leaders have oversight of which learning or training suppliers your organisation uses?
Question: Does your organisation have a Learning Governance Board, Council or Body?
Question: If your organisation has a Learning Governance Body are the majority of members drawn from?
TrainingZone interviewed Charles Jennings at World of Learning about his keynote on learning governance.
Charles Jennings, former chief and learning officer at Reuters and present MD of Duntroon Associates, delivered a keynote address to World of learning entitled: Transforming L&D through effective leraning governance.
In his keynote, Jennings outlined his thinking on learning governance, why it is important for L&D teams and how it can be introduced into the organisation.
He told delegates that learning governance was about having the sytems and processes in place to allow L&D to make desisions, drive accountability and prioritise effort. To do this, L&D had to build learning governance boards to ensure stakeholders drive learning governance through the organisation.
Watch the TrainingZone interview with Charles Jennings.
See also the results from the delegate polling from Charles Jennings' keynote:
Question: Are your learning leaders involved in your organisations’ overall strategy development and reviews?
Question: Does your organisation have a written learning strategy?
Question: Are your stakeholders involved in prioritising where you put your L&D efforts and resources?
Question: Do you have a standardised engagement approach to agree outcomes from learning activities with stakeholders?
Question: Do your learning leaders have oversight of which learning or training suppliers your organisation uses?
Question: Does your organisation have a Learning Governance Board, Council or Body?
Question: If your organisation has a Learning Governance Body are the majority of members drawn from?