I am re-writing our tired old staff handbook and am looking for ideas/examples/downloadable guides etc on the best way to go about it.
I have a vague recollection that Training Zone advertised something a few months ago but can’t now find anything on the web site.
Any help gratefully received.
Debbie Owczarek
I have a vague recollection that Training Zone advertised something a few months ago but can't now find anything on the web site.
Any help gratefully received.
Debbie Owczarek
5 Responses
How to create a Staff Handbook
The following link will take you to a list of services offered through our partner OneClickHR. Amongst them is a facility to Create a Staff Handbook. It is a fast service and cuts out a great deal of time ‘re-inventing the wheel’.
Best Wishes
Jon Seaton
Use Care in Drafting Employee Handbooks
Being an employment and labor law attorney, I have worked on drafting/revising language for employers concerning Employee Handbooks. Many of our clients have attempted to cut and paste language that they found on the Internet. This can prove to be a very expensive mistake. Each state (assuming you are in the USA) has its own laws and what may be permissible language in one state may very well be illegal in another state. You should be very careful in drafting the language for your employee handbook. If you do end up using language found on the internet, you would be wise to have a labor/employment attorney review it prior to using the language.
Dave Miklas, Florida
Employee handbook – still can’t find anything
Sorry I must either be a complete barbie or missing something fundamental. I still can’t find the resource that you refer to. The link to the specific page didn’t want to work for some reason and when I search in that area I’m drawing a blank.
Employee Handbook
David’s comment is a fair one. The handbook offered through our partner OneClickHR is directed toward a UK-centric membership. HR practitioners outside the UK should be aware that their own legislation may be different.
Debbie, Phone or e-mail me if you need more help.
Jon Seaton
Writing Handbooks
I specialise in writing handbooks for organisations of different shapes and sizes. If you still have the need, feel fre to give me a call on 01275 840116
Quentin Colborn